
Special originals:
GHASTLY MACARONI - Birthplace of The Day of all the Blood, The Dead Skull and other infamously heart-stopping terror-tales. Don't read in the dark!!!
NAUSEA QUEST - A twine adventure starring the L.B.K.E.N.M..
DON'T GET SPOOKED - an illustrated comedy-horror text adventure with over 60 unique monster encounters! Walkthrough here.

Since 2012, Bogleech has hosted the Creepypasta Cook-Off, an annual horror writing jam running from November to January, extending Halloween through the cold, vacant winter months and thus far generating hundreds of original, often exquisitely disturbing stories from readers and writers just like you. Ranging from short, surreal nightmare logs to post-apocalyptic monster-slaying epics, there's something here for every creepy craving!
Please remember that all stories are the exclusive property of their respective creators and may not be distributed without attribution; include both the author's name (where applicable) and a link back to this page when reposting or otherwise sharing a work. Stories may absolutely not be published or sold without the express, direct consent of the original author. If the author is listed as anonymous and you wish to include their story in a publication, contact me and I'll get you in touch with them!
Browse 2012 Archive and Contest Winners
Browse 2013 Archive and Contest Winners
Browse 2014 Archive and Contest Winners
Browse 2015 Archive and Contest Winners
Browse 2016 Archive and Contest Winners
Browse 2017 Archive and Contest Winners
All user-submitted stories in approximate alphabetical order!

9:18 PM - By Dandelion Steph - "Nobody toasted fur collars."
%#$@$#% - By Jacobguy - "I'm trapped in a dark room. No doors, no windows or lights. All I can hear is the sobbing."
5 Stories - By Trash Face - "From the ceiling hung a shaggy fur of black moss or hair, curling slowly like the fingers on his hands, curling restlessly around the cigarette."
238 - By Acyde - "Patient 238 was extremely sympathetic and kind. It was impossible not to like them."
ABSTRACT - By Flee - "The things that we saw were near indescribable, forms unlike anything imaginable based on earth life."
A CHRISTMAS PERIL - By Vague1 - "Four figures, darkness and ice, veiled in fur."
A CONTEMPORARY FUNERAL - By Pyro Gibberish - "the closest thing to death hoists her onto its lumpy back."
THE ADVERSARY - By Vague1 - "Something pulsated and slithered its way out of his back, leaving a husk in its wake, rising from among the countless dead."
A FAMILIAR FACE - By Infernalthing - "I woke up in one of his guest rooms. My face was covered in bandages."
ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT - By Daniel Saults - (Downloadable game! Zip file!)
ALICE WENT TO SLEEP - By Raven - "Alice passed out drunk. And the gods answered."
AN EQUINE QUESTION - By J. Ford - "Decomposition is not an issue, since it is beyond death."
ANESTHESIA - By Slothkeeper - "... the eyes are the only things vaguely human about it."
A PATIENT SORT OF EVIL - By Anonymous - "Father Bowman sang holy fire into our ears and our hearts and the Falls screamed out their hate and death behind him..."
A PLASTIC NIGHTMARE - By Jerry Reynolds - "The Santa is now joined by a small snowman. I will have to confront Josef about this in the morning."
ALOE AND MANGO - By Dandelion Steph - "I wake up spluttering. There's something in my mouth, something pouring a cloying, viscous liquid."
A MOTHER'S LOVE - By Nicholas Bragg - "He felt something move along his leg, a sudden wet, warm feeling about it."
THE AMUNDSEN-SCOTT INCIDENT - By Irene Vallone - "The penguin got in again."
AND THAT'S HOW I GOT HERE - By Michael Behnke - "So then his floppy-ass head whispers in my ear “Yes, it is quite precious”. And then..."
ANTS - By William Robinson - "Under our watchful supervision, the hive grew and prospered in just a few short years."
ASPHYXIA - By Wyatt Hill - "All it takes is one little gasp and he’ll have found me."
A THOUSAND BODIES - By Adam Bellamy - "I can feel the scratching in my head again..."
AT THE BOUNDARIES, UNEXPECTEDLY - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "Cyan. Everything was cyan."
A WILL FOR THE BEACH - By Revereche - "It will say things. You may not understand all of it. You will understand the important parts. "
APT. 14 - By Orionide5 - "I think the apartment might have bugs."
A QUICK DEATH - By Miranda Johansson - "It is eerily silent on the day of my entombment."
A ROOM - By Reese Yeeter - "It fills with a red geleatin."
AS SEEN ON TV - By Cuttlefish King - "Can I interest you in some commercially grown annelids?"
ASYLUM - By Derekkato - "Was that croaking, growling noise human?"
Admirality - By The Album Atrium - "Are you familiar with the organ that pumpsh blood?"
A Hairy Hypothetical - By Jon Strong - (short)
The Akaname - By James B. Davis - "It was my first, and my last, trip in Japan."
Alarm - By DC - "17/09: Old bombing siren in London jams. Took 1 hour to turn it off."
A Life of Loss - By Eccentric Entomophile - (poem)
Alone - By Ryan Oleynik - "My life used to be so lonely, I felt like I had no one."
A Love Story - By Kite Line - "During these episodes I would open up my bedroom window, crawl outside, and walk into the forest."
A Meeting in the Fog - By Charred Newt - "Rotten? No, I wouldn’t say that."
Amos 5:11 - By Anonymous - "Some wealthy person is always building a new house"
Anodyne - By Vague1 - "We buried it on my tenth birthday, my father and I."
A Problem With Other Minds - By R. Breen - "Was there any way to be sure that they were real people?"
A Reflection on the Nature of Mirrors - By Max Peabody - "Continued analysis of our shared history only baffles my doppelganger and me even more."
Are You Sleeping - By Anonymous - "They looked somewhat like giant flies, I guess, only they didn’t have wings and they were covered in skin"
A Slight Misunderstanding - By Birilli - "it watched me from behind the white car"
Authentic - By Vague1 - "There was never a monster under my bed"
Aberrant Behaviour - By Hisham H. - "The following is an excerpt available free of charge from the Journal of Herpetology"
A Blurred Line - By Hisham H. - "Coroner says cause of death was primarily head injury, identified as steel bat"
A Light in my Eye - By Eccentric Entomophile - (Poem)
All the King's Horses - By Nelke - "I had filled the cranium with old newspapers, and given her a knit hat to make her appear whole."
A Minor Obsession - By Michael Myburgh - "It’s really nothing major, sometimes there’s just something you find repulsive, something that disgusts you, something that DRIVES You out of your Fucking MIND!"
Anatomy of Terror: Transcript for 05:14, 03/02/20__ - By Huw Saunders - "he jumps up, swinging around like he’s out of his cake, gets in my face. So I give him a push. Barely nothing, just a push, get him to get away from me."
Anatomy of Terror: Dr. L_’s first narrative - By Huw Saunders - "The flesh was so weak his head could have fallen off under its own weight."
Anatomy of Terror: Transcript for 01:22, 07/02/20__ - By Huw Saunders - "If there’s zombies, you really trust this government to deal with them?"
Anatomy of Terror: Dr. L_’s second narrative - By Huw Saunders - "Two people died for nothing. Two more are in prison, because of the zombie panic we set off"
Anatomy of Terror: Transcript for 14:46, 08/02/20__ - By Huw Saunders - "The panic’s the thing, people come to think ‘oh no, zombies’ and go crazy."
The Ancient Library - By B.G. Bosworth - "I let out a small cry of alarm at the sobbing humanlike figure crouching away from me."
An Elven History - By H. Whitehead - "It had taken Jake Carver twenty years to arrive at the conclusion that there was life elsewhere in the universe "
A Piece of My Mind - By Nausicaa Harris - "I remember there being a no-pets clause in the contract, but they keep bringing in more and more animals – actually, I don’t even know if I can call them animals anymore"
A Premature Burial - By Alex L - "Slowly, you extend your hand outward, hoping to feel around for a light, and to your surprise, you meet surprisingly soft resistance almost immediately."
A Price for Progress - By Fluffy the Doombringer - "08:00 Subject complains of minor irritation around injection site"
A Problem With Rats - By J.D. Stroud - "She ran and flung open the door to find him sobbing on the bed, holding his cheek where one of the little monsters had bitten him."
A Short Review of a Nice Restaurant - By Fluffy the Doombringer - "Texturewise, the closest thing i can compare it to is veal, I guess."
Architecture of Peril - By Irene Vallone - "I think this is something old. Older than Ghost Mother, or the River Man. Something so old we weren’t meant to know about it."
A Simple Life - By Anonymous - "You try to sleep, although the dog's barks keep waking you up. You don't have a dog, you didn't for a long time."
A Tiny Piano - By Keetah Spacecat - "I spent many hours as a small child, winding up the music box and pretending to play the piano on its tiny printed on keys."
A Visit From Old Shrivel Sack - By Patrick - (poem)
1 New Message - By Echo Lavender - " It started with the scratching, a few days ago. I had been working on an essay at the last minute (pulling an all-nighter) when I got hungry. "
A Boy Walked Home Alone at Night - By Anonymous - "He wants to start running, but then he sees a large shadow further down the road, heading his way."
The Adoption - By Joseph Romero - " WHERE IS CHILD? "
All of This is Happening Right Now I: Hand Museum - By Sarah Cleary - " See the hands of all your favorites "
All of This is Happening Right Now II: Performance - By Sarah Cleary - " It's been... a good twenty minutes now, I think the show is over. I don't think you guys need to clap anymore. I think we can go home. The shows over. "
All of this is Happening Right Now III: A Lovely Lion - By Sarah Cleary - " I want one where I'm in its mouth "
Amanita Aurum - By Thomas Wisdom - " There's a phenomenon affecting some species of mushroom. When the fungus's mycelium grows outward, it sprouts new fruiting bodies as the center dies. But this ring was growing inward. "
A Matter of Distance - By Lokal - " After countless years, the curiosity returned and we decided to try one more time. We built a rocket and selected three from us to man it. "
An Ad Found in the Back of an Unreadable Porn Magazine Stained With Blood - By Sygg - (explicit content: sexual themes, humorous) " Gagthrak and Smegadom, the underworld's premier sex operators are taking calls now! "
An Excerpt From a Conversation... - By Lokal - " About those whales. You keep hearing about them in the news, but most of them are called whales just for the lack of better term. "
Announcement - By Fluffy the Doombringer - (short!)
A Normal Day - By Anonymous - (short)
A Place in Heaven - By Nelke - " When she started visiting him in dreams, he ambled alone, and he talked a little bit about his platoon getting wiped out by the beings he called the Children. "
A Portrait in Flesh - By Kira M. - " Our Queen writhes in pleasure and as the bodies gather she starts screaming. "
Apotheosis - By Jared Ludy - " every year" mutters the man. "every year your immune system gets stronger and stronger and stronger. "
Assembly Line - By Nausicaa Harris - " An eye slips loose from its socket to float near my cranium. My mouth extends, trailing off into a spike of impossible distance "
Audience - By Ron MacGillivray - " We could hear the real audience! The one we were playing for all along! So we changed the show. Made it more...edgy, you know? "
Autoclave - By Streicher Hennessy - " I am a fully sapient mechanical aide for healthcare purposes. I know that I am round, and smooth like a half circle. I run on small treads and I have various cleaning and antibacterial aids for use in hygienic resurfacing and biological waste disposal. "
130130 - By Brian Shadensack - (Short!)
Age Doesn't Kill, Cars Do - By Brian Shadensack - "Listen all I want to do is have nightmares."
"And Then...!" - By Dandelion Steph - "Kelly awoke to an uncomfortable weight on her ribs."
...And now, the weather! - By Enderlord99 - "(Short form!)"
A Body Like Clay - By Regis Ethell - "A body like clay. Shapeless, malleable, a form that will warp itself to your whims."
A Children's Guide to Eldritch Horror - By Fluffy The Doombringer - "This funny fellow is Rythnagaon, the eternal pupa!"
A Creepypasta About Trying to Write a Creepypasta - By Gareth Barsby - "Fred stared at the computer screen, his eyes wide, sweat dripping down his skin."
A long, boring drive - By Shiisiln - "Last year, I was driving to my parents house for Thanksgiving..."
A Nature Lover's cabin - By Anonymous - "Interesting style, but...I'm not sure this is so much "nature lover" as it is, "obsessed hunter."
A NOTE ABOUT DOPPELGANGERS - By Infernalthing - "Alright, I write down this note so I would not forget."
A Pleasant Day in Todaysville. - By Aloin Dubois - (Dream Entry!)
A Poem of Warning - By Fluffy The Doombringer - "There's a creature in the woods/That feasts on vitrious jelly/He'll pluck out your eyes/And stuff them into his belly."
A Routine Procedure - By Hummingbird - "It was a routine procedure for an experienced OBGYN: a birth."
A Series of Calls to the USDA Office - By Keetah Spacecat - "I ordered some antibiotics yesterday for my dairy cows, and I think somethin' might be wrong with this here batch."
A Sore Throat, or The Unfortunate Circumstance of Reverberation in Desperation From a Cruel Summer - By Mars B. - "I was born screaming on the day the sun set the world on fire."
A Succession of Masks - By Huw Saunders - "The sky is the colour of a bruise."
Abused Child - By TheRedRage - "It begins the way it usually does."
Advance Warning - By Dave Lerner - "The dumb sap had just stood there, letting the shooter kill people at random. He'd lived only through sheer luck. Sheer undeserved luck."
Air - By Anonymous - "I took note of the two elongated appendages forming from the scabrous wounds encrusting certain parts of my body."
Algorithms - By Ellen Spacelizards - "WAKE UP."
Alien Radio (archived for human consumption) - By Anonymous Anomaly - "I'm Gangrene John--And I'm Lissy Corona--Welcoming you to your daily supplement of nutritious vocalized factoid information!"
All Souls - By Erika - "Another thing vaguely resembling an inconceivably huge plunger drifted serenely high above in the sky like a blimp, a mass of miles-long tendrils swaying hypnotically behind it."
An Apple A Day - By Kira M. - "Literally the only thing that we could do was to be suspicious of anyone buying a single apple."
An event from a town in New South Wales - By Millien - "I realised that it was organic and alive. Like a tree given the monstrous power of motion. The owner of this abode."
An Old Skinner - By Eldritchhat - "All my life I considered my skepticism the shining jewel of my existence."
Anatidaephobia - By creepy pasťák - "I suffer from anatidaephobia."
Anchorhands - By Miranda Johansson - "SEE ANCHORHANDS," the sign said. "GOD'S JOKE."
The Angel of Self-Loathing - By E. Lefebvre - "The angel first came to Calvin a few months after his great-uncle's funeral."
Angels - By nico - "By middle school, the novelty has worn off. Sasha sits alone in class, melding into the background hum of the angels he still sees."
Anthony Bourdain's Nightmare - By Kira M. - "I can't stop to think, I have to keep running from them."
Armoire De Tueur - By Anonymous - "As I sit, surrounded by my new "friends" for lack of a better term, I find myself reflecting on how bad things are for people with my kind of hobby."

BABY WEIGHT - By Sarah Benkin - "She won't eat the glass or the metal, or the little bits of tinfoil I cut up for her."
THE BALANCE OF CONTROL - By David Jansen - "Instead of cheese he took cucumber, no coffee only water, no news but exercises."
BACK TO SCHOOL - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "Today we will be learning about calcium."
THE BABY JAR - By Olita Clark - "...the latest and greatest way of expanding your family!"
BABY SLEIGH - By Anonymous - "a slick and oiled handlebar moustache, its tips groomed into impeccable curls"
BEHIND IT ALL - By Ryan Oleynik- "I can hear it out there, that heavy breathing. But the door is closed, it can’t get in."
BEWARE OF BIG HANDS - By Anonymous - "Everything is collapsible."
BFEUbrgubrubsbubfea journal - By Brian Shadensack - "Any "injury”" to the apartment is healed the next "day."
BLACK FRIDAY - By Olita Clark - "...the woman clung to the smooth face of glass and steel in the manner of a fly."
THE BOOK - By Anonymous - "They burrowed deep inside, making thousands of holes in his skin."
BEAUTIFUL HOUSE - By Gronkling - "I miss when I could remove my mind and become wrapped in metal tubes."
BIRD BRAINS - By Hybris - (14 Page Comic!)
BLACK HAIRS - By Anonymous - "A black hair on my towel. Black hairs on my comb. A black hair in the sink."
BLACK SHEETS - By Lasagnaface - "My grandfather saw me now, and began to panic, trying to hide the thing beside him from my view."
THE BLEED - By Scott Denk - "They drifted lazily in little clouds, with more slowly streaming out of various cracks in the ground to join their brethren in flight."
BLEACH - By Prophet Storm - "They are our only line of defense against something we can't see."
BLOCKAGE - By Miranda Johansson - "Your head throbbed, felt stuffy from the phlegm."
BLUE - By Cameron Macfarlane - "I found an egg today. Just lying on the ground, no nest, no mother in sight."
BONES OF GOD - By Irene Vallone - "A Play to be Performed Before an Audience of the Dead."
BOOGEYMAN - By Courtney Levy - "It can't help how it looks, I think, my numb and shaking hands moving to touch its cold, pale face."
BOOTUBE - By tbok1992 - "Greetings fraidies and mental-men!"
THE BOXES: ONLY EVER BUY THE TRUE SODAS - By Samuel Miller - "Today, I saw 2 gray-skinned, lumpy people. The first was a man, who had small eyes, and his arms were like short, lumpy flippers with fingers."
THE BOXES: SUPER HAPPY FUNLAND - By Samuel Miller - "I noticed he had an impossibly long smile, almost plastered on his pale, noseless face."
THE BOXES: THE ISLAND - By Samuel Miller - "They were a large whale-like slug, a small baby with gills that makes baying noises, and an egg."
The Boxes: Horse Hole - By Sam Miller - "It has a torso, but it is so far away from me so as to be nigh unnoticeable. Its head, if it even has one, is completely hidden in the reaches of the sky. It bellows."
The Boxes: Tooth Fairy - By Sam Miller - "The floor is a terrible tacky carpet. The ceiling is also a terrible tacky carpet. Similarly, the walls are terrible tacky carpet. All surfaces are covered with terrible tacky carpet."
BROOD - By Raven - "I checked the mirror. It was beginning."
BUG MOUNTAIN - By Ian Tews - "I heard that the bugs used to be human. They were people who got lichen disease so bad it metamorphosed them."
Babies Can Swim - By Anonymous - "it’s not fun to listen to thousands of people drowning in divine justice"
Bag Lady - By Brian Shadensack - "No one liked the bag lady"
Bag Man - By Huw Saunders - "Ah, jeez," says the man in the gas mask, as more people in identical gas masks appear around him. "Looks like a bad one."
Beelzebus - By Joseph Hartman - "Six passengers. And six stops. Each worse than the last. Each one intended for one of you…"
Better Safe Than Sorry - By Anonymous - "Consider this young couple. They are about to leave their flat, and one of them is joking about how paranoid the other is, having several locks on the door and closing every single one of them"
Bigger Fish - By Trar - "I know you're not the only one skeptical of me, but let's assume for a moment that those two cargo ships really were attacked by foreign submarines."
Birthchild - By Anonymous - "It's a clip of childbirth. But there is no sound or anything. The picture quality is pretty bad."
Black Flies - By Irene Vallone - "Always the black fly no matter where you go"
The Boxes: Somewhere Over the Rainbow - By Samuel Miller - "The rusty metal and rotten wood construct drones out a song in a faint and raspy voice"
Breath - By Nelke - "Some walls eat people."
The Bumps - By Evan MacNeil - "Moles. That's what people had."
The Baby Wars part 1 - By James B. Davis - "Thousands of Virgin Marys all across the country. Never touched, but blessed with children. Women from the ages of 13 to 100 were becoming pregnant. Each pregnancy only taking 3 months."
Bamboo - By Anonymous - "They reach higher than most trees, those great stalks. They glow with a sick green in this pink haze, the sight of them filling me with a nauseous feeling."
Big Betty - By Gareth Barsby - "They had teeth and I had teeth, but my teeth were used for digging into the ground. I wasn’t entirely like them."
Bovine - By R.B. Walsh - "I never saw any UFO, let alone any cows floating in the air, but I suppose in retrospect I could have been sleeping."
BURGRR YUM - By Hisham H. - "Item dispensed: Styrofoam clamshell that contains what appear to be pale worms writhing in a thick meat sauce with meatballs."
Butterball - By James B. Davis - "You've just bought a massive Butterball Turkey for the family to eat."
The Beast - By ProphetStorm - "The thing had chased him for years---an eternity, it seemed."
Beauty in the Eye - By DNotA - "The forms were very simple, and very uniform: A perfect circle with tapered ribbons trailing after it."
Before the Experiment - By Irene Vallone - "I remember the exact moment I came into existence, emerging into this sterile hulk I now inhabit, empty and confused"
Benthicket - By Verruciformis - "I think everyone can agree that spiders are fucking creepy, except, of course, for this godforsaken patch of the sticks."
Bloody - By Thomas Wisdom - "They can't enter a house without an invitation."
The Blue Room - By Monkeysky - "The blue room is in an unmarked house in one of the major cities of the Czech Republic, and that's as specific as I'm going to get, as far as location goes. It's one of the top tourist destinations in the world for people with a lot of money and degenerated emotions, and has been for about thirty years."
The Breakfast Horror - By Nausicaa Harris - "Any mold that could thrive on the biologically hostile surface of a toaster pastry would surely be a tenacious little creature; even the most cursory of studies might provide a clue as to the identity of the mold growing on the pastry."
Burstday - By Prophet Storm - "For hundreds of years, we've been cloning men and women alike, but anything with two x chromosomes is born dead."
The Basement - By Kobester T. Jester - (short)
The Beast in the Dome - By Joseph Bashaw - (poem)
Beautiful - By Albatoonoe - " A tall being with long, spindly arms reached out from the door way at the end. It groped around blindly before pulling itself forward. "
Born in Blood - By Jackson Hinkle - " I've always liked blood. "
The Behavior of Raccoons Will Change - By Anonymous - "The Japanese at least should have known better. They have TANUKI, for crying out loud. Different animal, same principle."
Bellflower's Song - By Sabedile - "Don't eat me", she told the wolf, "and I'll ring my bell for you". So the wolf did not eat her. "
Birthers - By Retro - "The lobbyists had gotten stronger in recent years, wanting to filter out anyone who didn't "belong" in their country. The Birther Movement, they called themselves. "
Blessed are Those With a Voice - By Erika Bachman - " What he assumed was the highest valued bill, didn't even have the face of a man. Something else. Beaked. Hard. Like a concrete bird "
Boogiemen - By O. Hybridity - " The Boogiemen used to be sick kids. They got sick and they stayed sick "
The Boxes: Bootleg - By Sam Miller - " Hey pal, friend, buddy, ally, acquaintance. Come down here, I gots loads of great great things for ya! Great products, delicious organisms, beautiful concepts here in these pockets! "
The Boxes: Cabinet - By Sam Miller - " It is dark. It is empty. I am alone. I am floating. My limbs trail below me. My eyes see nothing. "
Breadship - By TangleF23 - " From Mayaro-dalaktoryzia, the Middle Zhandr-Orion Arm's Galactic subset-subset-encyclopedia (presented in English) "
Breathe - By Acyde - " Each time I open my mouth, I feel like I'm gonna drown. "
Buddy's BBQ - By Fluffy the Doombringer - " The entire kitchen was crowded around Rebar. I couldn't see him, but the pained moans he was making told me something was wrong. "
Buzz - By Promestein - " She can't shake the feeling that the flies are watching her. "
Babysitter Bait - By Nick Noir - "They're total sweeties, this is gonna be a piece of cake."
Backroad - By Austin Brooks - "I struggled into the passenger seat of Ivy's car with enough leftover chicken to feed a small army."
The Bad Man - By Althaea Rose - "I am a very bad person." (EXTREME CONTENT WARNING: this is a horror story themed around child sexual abuse.)
Beasts of Chaos - By Joseph Hartman - "Fuvinh was a toad the size of a house, that devoured men and laid skeletal eggs. "
Beauty - By Regis Ethell - "(This is an epilogue to the story Music, Music.)"
Bein' The Big One - By Nikko - "so ya gotta lil brother huh hoo boy hoo boy"
Best Big Sister Ever - By Dandelion Steph - "Sick" was insufficient to describe what she felt, but the sensations did bring to mind an article she once read on a horrific tropical disease."
Bestiary of the Vestibular Wood - By Charlotte Moore - "I don't quite remember how I got roped into this delivery job, but as long as I move quickly, I can probably get to Gnestor and out of there before anyone notices I'm not delivering these."
Bibliophobia - By Streicher Hennessy - "You are waiting alone in the dentist office for your appointment and have been doing so a long time."
Black Mother - By Nausicaa Harris - "You live and you die by the whim of the street/You're young and you're helpless; you've nothing to eat"
Blink, Dammit! - By Tredlocity - "Blink."
Blue Bloods - By Jacob Roberts - "Every year more of us were lifted into the sky in their metal ships."
The Boxes: Checkmate - By Sam Miller - "I tap the shoulder of a figure standing next to me, but the shoulder feels strangely hard.."
The Boxes: Stomach Bug - By Sam Miller - "The voice comes from my belly, speaking in a thick New York accent. I feel many spindly things move about inside of me, legs pushing at my skin and making it bulge."
Brothers in Rust pt. 1 - By Kira M. - "It's said that he dragged one of the bizarre living metal trees back from the Dread Shores, with the tree struggling and fighting every inch of the way."
Brothers in Rust pt. 2 - By Kira M. - "The thorny black glove made a clank as it landed on the stones, followed by an 'ouch'."
Brothers in Rust pt. 3 - By Kira M. - "Nothing here fears humans. Humans fear everything here."
Brothers in Rust pt. 4 - By Kira M. - "The little metal worm nodded and enthusiastically whirled her drill."
Buddy System - By Austin Scheiner - LATE WINNER! You'll have to figure out yourself how the narrative of this executable file progresses; it's not too tricky!

CAMILLE - By Esther Roman - "The upside-down face
pressing against the glass at night. The twitching kid, the ragged figure."
CANDY HELL SONG - By Axle the Beast - (short)
CAPTAIN'S LOG - By Elliot Avery - "The men have all but abandoned the literary and electronic arts. Flesh is the medium of choice for their entertainment. Each other's and their own."
CARMINE AND WOLF - By Jack Allan - "Skeletons were stacked between a pair of large freezers, they had been stripped, but not clean."
CARRIER - By Tangle - (short)
THE CEREMONY - By Prophet Storm - (short)
CHARLIE - By Irene Vallone - "I have faint memories of a life before, with others of my kind, but my captivity is taking its toll on my mind."
CAT FLAP - By Jeff - "Don’t laugh. Cat flaps. Can’t stand them. And I love cats, you know, I just haven’t had one for years."
CATS AND DOGS - By Olita Clark - "Splat."
CHANNEL EIGHT - By Filthypeasant - "Out onto the stage pour three, identical, and astonishingly ugly 3-D models."
THE CHILDREN'S FIELD - By C. Lonnquist - "tiny teeth reflected the light; not sharp or feral, but cracked and broken and missing.."
THE CHOSEN ONE - By Irene Vallone - " "A giant fucking bright red second moon appears in the sky all of a sudden, and you aren't even bothered by this?."
CLARITY IN REVERIE - By David Balbata - "I saw it, I lived it and now I live to be with It."
COAT - By Maxx Mann - "The third model was by far the best, wearing a seamless leather jacket that looked like a cocoon or some kind of protective covering the model himself formed naturally."
COLD IN HERE - By John Petrie - "Every voice in the radiator sighed with me."
CHUNK ERROR - By Alexis Feynman - "A piece of the ocean was missing."
CITY FOLK - By Kiara Maher - "When they came back, they were different."
CLEANERS - By Irene Vallone - "Any cleaner who delivers to me the coordinates of a previously unknown vermin infestation will be rewarded."
CLEAN YOUR CLOSET - By Alexis Feynman - "Mama always told me to clean out my closet."
THE COLISEUM - By Prophet Storm - "The newly-made creature's skull is immense, and its eyes are hidden in deep, cavernous, tunnel-like sockets."
CORRUPTED - By Liam Frain - "I’ve been around for years, watching these humans come and go..."
COMMUTING - By C. Lonnquist - "The first one looked like a child when I saw it; naked and strangely yellow. Clammy, ochre skin."
COMPLAINT 212 - By Attila Korsós - (short)
CONFIGURATIONS - By Nick Noah - "There was one item in that basement that always seemed particularly ominous to me, my dad’s old coat."
CPR TRAINING - By C. Lonnquist - "The faces lay in front of us."
THE CUBE - By Frozen Killer - "I wake up. I’m in the same surroundings I have been in for the last 4 years of my life. I have no memory of anything except this room."
THE CUTE-IST - By Crimson Coconut - "The examination room had charts and models of organs we'd never heard of."
CURED - By Daniel Saults - "Again, the growth seemed to inch upward"
THE CREEP - By Anonymous - "I’m pretty sure they are the ones who did it, but what they did exactly, I can’t tell."
CROWS - By The Awesome Flee - "I’ve had a crow infestation for a while now."
Casefile: 2 Spooky - By Thomas F. Johnson - "shriek went the man dragging himself down the pier, screaming under the weight of the cartoon-witch-head-shaped tumor crushing his spine"
Case Report #106 - By Jacobguy - " None of the patient's pustules have ruptured since developing."
Cast Away - By Irene Vallone - "The glob moved through the air erratically, up and down and to the sides seemingly with no rhyme or reason, like ink in water."
The Cats Don't Care - By Anonymous - "Chorus: THE CATS DON’T CARE!"
Change - By Jacobguy - "we were promised change, little did we know what it really meant"
Clatter - By Jacobguy - "do you ever wonder what happens to your old teeth?"
Color - By Jacobguy - "the color, the color"
Companion - By Izzy Winchester - "Perhaps you have a cat."
Contagion - By Rahkshasarani - "Can someone really be so convincing, so charming, that they can spread malaise like a cold?"
Cornfields - By Sorbus - "When I look to my north, corn. When I look to my south, more corn. Maybe a dilapidated barn on occasion."
Crawling - By Ryan Oleynik - "The plaster arms were slowly dragging the legless torso across the floor."
Cannibal Canto - By Aoakesme - (short poem!)
Car Enthusiast - By Anonymous - "When I step on the gas, it soars. No "find the G-spot" or "let's talk about our feelings" bullshit. I like that."
The Carrier - By Rahkshasarani - "How could I have anything to do with how it started? Blame the fishermen. They're the ones who brought the fish in."
Carrots on the Brain - By Dandelion Steph - "A most unusual case, Mr. Casey." said the doctor. "Never before have I seen a carrot in the appendix."
Chang'e's Scream - By Jess Adams - "We have colonies on Mars, space stations in orbit, even rumors of something with Ceres, but Luna stares down at us, blank and devoid of life."
Comedian - By Nausicaa Harris - (short!)
Concrete - By Luke G. Jones - "I saw the building just off the road near some tollbooths at Creek Turnpike. I started to ask the toll collector if she could see it too, but my mouth was too dry to say anything."
Concrete Beach - By Joseph Hartman - (Short Poem)
(Concrete Beach II) The Silence of Concrete Beach - By Joseph Hartman - "Oh, island of stone, / you stand alone, / Atop a sleeping sea."
(Concrete Beach III) The Wall of Concrete Beach - By Joseph Hartman - "Across the street, a girl played with her friend. Her friend lacked bones, and flopped around like a ragdoll."
(Concrete Beach IV) The World of Concrete Beach - By Joseph Hartman - "Once upon a time, there was only one Cat, and one Man. Then, Man saw something that scared it. So it went crazy. It cut itself into pieces, and put each piece into a box, and buried each box behind a wall."
THE CONE - By HISHAM H. - "I can't see any floor or bottom. Maybe there isn't one. All I know that I am currently clinging to a cone of some sort."
Contentment - By John Bell - "It looked sort of like one of those transparent frogs, minus the legs. A clear set of intestines, lungs, and a heart."
Case File 0042 - By Prophet Storm - "Anyone who alters the Cube has one of two reactions."
The Creatures of the Woods - By Thomas F. Johnson - "The sessile "womb" created is something akin to a tunicate by the simplest possible standards."
Cue Card - By Streicher Hennessy - " What I first mistook to be a belt of squirming tendrils around the top of the thing started to resolve itself in the moonlight to be countless bodies and parts of bodies, all scrabbling among each other."
The Cemetery of Black Flies - By Kira M. - (explicit content: sexual themes, general) " The creatures didn't seem to even be aware of our presence, and continued their writhing mucus soaked orgy. "
The Children of Sol - By Jacobguy - " On a far off planet orbiting a yellow dwarf, not too unlike our own, the artifact was found "
The City of Light - By Daren H - (poem!)
The Collectiveness of Reality - By Anonymous - " Have you ever heard of the multiverse? "
The Corner Sitter - By Hisham H. - (image!)
The Cremator - By Fluffy the Doombringer - (short)
Chalken Fairies - By Cassie Heath - (explicit content: disturbing sexual horror)" Eager little voices saying /As the clifftop I'd pass by, /"Join with us and dance forever, /Step once to your left and fly! "
City Diaries: A Crowded Subway Car - By Luna Raydue - " It wasn't that it was the most crowded car I'd ever been on-- in fact, I was able to squeeze into a seat between two rather tall, thin passengers. The matter was that all the passengers were anything but human. When I say "tall and thin", I mean that they looked like living upside-down otamatones. "
City Diaries: I'm Not Sure That's What Drugs Do - By Luna Raydue - " His eyes were wide, but I could only see the whites, and his mouth was open wider than should be humanly possible without showing teeth. As he started moving forward again, a dark, chunky substance began pouring out of his mouth. "
City Diaries: Pigeon Hole - By Luna Raydue - " Pigeons are such a common part of everyday city life, they're often ignored, put to the back of the mind. No one looks twice at a couple of pigeons strutting down the sidewalk. "
City Diaries: The Shoebox Incident - By Luna Raydue - " This is, perhaps, the most mundane story of all I've told, and yet it sticks with me as one of the strangest. "
Clock Struck One - By Huw Saunders - (explicit content: reproductive body horror) " Its fuzz is a washed-out yellow that was maybe brown many moons ago. Painful red sores cover its distended cheeks, and its tail is little more than a charred-up stub that looks to have been broken badly in a dozen places. "
Clogged Toilet - By Mr Stickman - " I was awoken by the sound of my toilet flushing. "
Collect - By James B. Davis - " At the end of the hall, which split in two directions, was a backpack and belt with ropes hanging from it. On the backpack was a note that read "COLLECT". "
Containment - By Jacobguy - " These monsters I guess, though, no one could really say what they really were, just began showing up, wreaking havoc and so on. "
Counting Sheep - By Thomas Nelson Gunderloy - " Why is sleep so difficult? "
Cracksman's Last Mistake - By River Langham - " The wraith ran headlong through the fields up above Downvalley, slow as the moon. "
Creepy Pasta - By Sam Miller - " She barely notices it at first, then moves further into the kitchen and sees it. A plate of spaghetti. "
Crimescene (a beginning) - By Lady de Selby - " This is not a human murder. The victim in this case is the room itself. "
Changeling - By Felix Kalavera - "The eyes as black as night. A face as pale and beautiful as a waning moon."
Classroom and Abyss - By UnclePhobic - "The abyss appeared a week before the end of summer term."
Claws - By Cassie Carryd - "I step inside and lock the front door, and the second door behind it."
The Climb - By Sam Pinson - "Out in the middle of the field was someone in a dark blue robe, staring at the mountain next to his home."
clues - By Anonymous - "LOST Black & white mutt, Answers to the name of Hailey, If found, God help you."
Coffin Jockey - By Jac R. B. (Jacobguy) - "When you work at the city morgue, you tend to see some weird things."
The Cold - By C. Lonnquist - "The driver’s side window smashed inward, flicking glass at Sue. Bill yelled in surprised and reached up, grasping something around his neck."
The Conspiracy - By Justin Best - "It all started December 10 2028 with NASA started Hyperion the first manned mission to Mars."
Convergence - By Thomas Wisdom - "We thought it was snow at first."
Cooperation - By Jackson Gilbert - "He wore a mask- it looked like some kind of shiny rubber. The mask covered his face, and I could only see his eyes through it. They were big and wet, bright blue."
CPU - By E. Lefebvre - "Don was an engineering major. Don had ideas. Don started talking about the power of the human brain as a processor, which you knew was true. And Don, poor Don, only understood things in terms of parts fitting together.."
Curses B We - By Gareth Barsby - "'Hello, Curses B We, you won't find a worse curse."

DEATH OF A HIVE - By Mr. Weasel - "My hive of common Arizonan fire ants was an obsession that began in grade school."
DIFFERENT - By Emily Pirka B. - "I saw a flash of color. Something moving that was not your flesh."
THE DIVERS - By Wes Dennis - (mature content!) "It spread its tendrils, giving us a clear picture of the puckered undersides of the outstretched fingers and the wide membrane that joined them."
DIVER'S LOGS - By John Meszaros - "Deep, bioluminescent blue pits lined with coral and colonial angler-fish—that’s where the starfish breed."
DOCTOR, PATIENT - By Jay Reavis - "He refuses to allow us to even open the curtains during the daytime. "
DO I GET A THIRD CHANCE - By Dandelion Steph - (short)
DOOMSDAY'S SURGEON - By C. Lonnquist - "They would clutch at him with tentacle hands and demand a return to normalcy."
DOLLS OF BITS - By Jessie - "Small. Of Bone and hair."
THE DARK - By Jack Allan - "You can flee them for a time. Floodlights. Fires. Lamps. Flashbulbs. But they get in."
THE DAY I MET THE TIME TRAVELER - By Irene Vallone - "Watching his legs bend up and down. Like a giant bird's."
DEEP END - By Glumdrop - "I kept going down, into the blackness of the pool. There was the drain, shining like another moon at the bottom."
DEER HEAD - By Miranda Johansson - "It's not just that the cabin appeared out in the woods without any sort of reasonable explanation, either."
DELICACY - By William Walls - (short)
DENTIST'S BANE - By Hisham H. - "My teeth itch."
DER STARKEMANN - By Connor - "As I drove home, I saw the same hamburger chef on a poster that read "OPIENING BUSIDESS!""
THE DEVIL'S BACKLOG (outside link - tumblr blog!)
DICK JOURNAL - By Maxx Mann - "I can't lift it any more. I feel nauseous all the time."
DIGEST - By Joshua Murray - "The peeling is a terrible thing."
DISPOSABLE - By Tweinge - " A gaping hole opened where its mouth should have been, insects crawling out, and it uttered a hideous screech, pointing at me."
DISSECTION - By Linus Drumbler - "The phone itself, now fully exorcised, reboots all by itself."
DISTANCE YOURSELVES - By Kieran Haines - "I felt a lump. Not the harmless carcinogenic kind. It was that oh-so-publicised “talking lump.”
DISTORTIONS - By Gabriele Guandalini - " was like a shadow, its shape constantly changing with limbs that shifted between thick beastly claws and delicate insect legs."
DOCTOR DEMENTIST - By Bogleech - "At the center of it all was an enormous set of false teeth, suspended in a web of gleaming wires and rubber bands."
DR. PHAGE (short story) - By Bogleech - "I suppose you're wondering about my tie." It gestured to a hideously colored bow tie where it could have had something like a neck."
THE DOOR IN THE BASEMENT - By Partlysmith - "And then I saw something. It was little more than a silhouette emerging from the black depths of the hallway."
DOORS - By Jack Western - "I opened the blue door. Inside was a blue room filled with faceless bobbies."
DO YOU REMEMBER - By Dead Palette - (video entry)
DREAMING - By Buttt Buttt - " i cant blink. if i blink itll grin. if i try to roll over again, itll grin."
DROSSELMEYER - By Celia Night - (short)
DUAL FORCE - By Tweinge - "...they were holding hands, and their fingers were fused together in a web-shape."
DUNDEE CREEPER - By J. Ford - "Each little twig revealed themselves to be legs that “clickety-clacked” along the pavement."
Decoy - By Jacobguy - "did you know some animals make things to throw predators off?"
The Dead Floor - By Brian Parris - "The window across from his room was indeed open. And there was someone standing in it. "
The Demons - By James B. Davis - "The world wasn't always like this. We used to live on something called dirt"
Doubt Seems Violet - By Milos Blagojevic - (poem)
Dream - By Goat - "it had been a few months since he'd had any other dream."
Dry Socket - By Authr - "I’ve always picked at my teeth."
Deiceptor Transplantation and Artificial Deiceptor Implantation - By Monkeysky - "Adults should also have their celestial responsiveness checked with each visit to a physician or rabbi"
Desert Bones - By CoolDude225 - "what exactly is out here?"
Desert Nights - By Jacobguy - "It was a measly thing. An emaciated human like thing with the skull of a jackal."
DEVSUP_CONSOLE - By Prophet Storm - "Delete human one," I whispered, and was greeted by a scream that was nothing short of hellish as the thing in front of me literally dissolved."
DEVSUP_RESPAWN - By Prophet Storm - "I know I didn't get to the bit about the Konami Code last time. I promise I'll get to it this time."
DEVSUP_PROTO - By Prophet Storm - "Its arms were gangly, its claws long and razor-sharp, and its whole body was speckled here and there with goatlike eyes."
D.I.Y. - By The Album Atrium - "Every small victory over the stairs reminded him it was still his house, no matter what it looked like or how much it changed."
Daymarish - By The Album Atrium - "The medicine Neist prescribed seemed to be about as cheap as the clinic he worked at. It came in little white bottles with what looked like small purple butterflies stamped on them. They read “Konamaral: Guaranteed to keep that pesky moth away!”"
Dear Abley - By Stickydot - "The little girl who lives next door eats the dirt out of our potted plants, even when we bring them inside, she climbs through a window and just goes to town."
Doughboy - By Irene Vallone - "Up ahead, the door to Doughboy?s was opening. Somebody who looked, in the darkness and distance, like Mr. Mangioni, walked out."
Drainwords - By Rook Lankin - "we want words to appear so we reach down into the drain to fish for one"
Dreams of the Rotted Mind - By Neon Minerva - "Far away, in a desolate, horrid, rotten land where almost nobody lives anymore, there lies a small man, rotting on the ground, even his mind starting to rot. Don't you wonder what his dreams are like?"
The Daddy Face - By Rahkshasarani - " Mr. Reynolds was perfectly calm. He was smiling, like he thought it was funny. He repeated the question. "Do you want to be quiet or do you want me to show you the daddy face? "
The Dead Village - By Jenne Kaivo - " There is a dead village in rural Sweden, in the woods of Norrland, which lay unremembered for centuries "
Dear, Deer - By Toldentops - " Its is only a deer, but the way it stares at you is unsettling. "
The Dreamlands: Introduction - By TheRedRage - " There is a world inside the minds of men, a world where reality is an intruder and all dreams are true. "
The Dreamlands: Red - By TheRedRage - " As I came closer I realised that the creature was not standing atop the dune but floating a few centimetres above it. It was wearing a red robe with long sleeves and seemed utterly motionless "
The Driver - By James B. Davis - " The machine he drove was from a time long gone: a wheeled motormachine with worn paint and tires. "
Dead Mall - By Erin Drinnon - " I've always hated those things. Their legs are thick like frogs' legs, and when they die, they don't dry out like most bugs do; instead, they mold and rot like old fruit. "
Deceitfully Slight Proportion - By Huw Saunders - " It was when I was fourteen, and little more than a boy, that my parents related to me the events of my great-uncle's passing. "
Diary Found Beneath the Trap Door - By Daniel Hale - " Most absurd, however, are the thing's eyes, placed on the very top of its body and so close together they are very nearly touching. "
Did I Give You Permission to Run? - By Marcus Hardges - " The gorilla-beast from the kitchen returned, with its large beach ball sized eyes staring at a curled up Mike like an overwhelmingly outraged god. It's entire lower jaw now sported giant puffy spider chelicera with curved black fangs as long as upside-down elephant tusks. "
Disaster Park - By Hisham Hasan - " Cloning dinosaurs was a disaster. "
Due - By MeeptheCreep - " My ring finger was swollen to the size of a small lemon, pulsating and rippling with thousands of tiny bumps just like the first. As I watched in horror, more of the little bumps began to appear along my hand, consuming the other digits and beginning to sweep down my forearm. "
December 24th 2017 - By Sadler Prine - "A loud series crunching and a disgusting squelching came from my chimney, and following it was an indescribable sickly stink."
Deja Mort - By Cinis Kai - " The team did their best to remain objective, but it was difficult to shake the feeling that they were watching the lives of the deceased play out on each of the screens."
Deeper, Darker - By Wendy Wilds - "I always liked scuba diving."
Demiurge - By Zach Rebey - "Imagine God."
Don't Tread on Me - By Jacob Roberts - "I'm the kind of guy who takes the path of least resistance."
Don't you hate it when... - By Anonymous - "Don't you hate it when you walk into a room and then forget why you entered it in the first place?"
Down There in the Dark - By kat blue - "The Jacksons lost both their children in a terrible incident, but it's hard to explain."
Down Under - By Sam Miller - "A man dashes out in the outback, fence to his back."
The Dreamlands: The Cats of Mangor - By TheRedRage - "There is a world inside the minds of men, a world where reality is an intruder and all dreams are true."
The Dreamlands: The Labyrinth - By TheRedRage - "I shall tell the dreadful story of the labyrinth and the nightmarish thing that I found in there."
Drifter - By PedanticMeatsack - "*A-side of cassette recovered from a heat damaged Panasonic RQ2102, labled 'Drifter'*
Drowned in Darkness - By Luna Wolf - "My companions jumped every time sand slipped through cracks in the ceiling, thinking the structure was about to cave in on them."

EGGSHELLS - By Gronkling - (VIDEO)
ELECTION DAY - By Thom Wanton - "You know oppositional ideologies really depend upon dehumanizing their opponents..."
THE ELECTRO ELECT - By Valerie EPry - "For a moment, I glanced at his vast, empty eyes--the pale blue of a computer screen."
ENLIGHTENMENT - By Glumdrop - "He sees trees and rocks, landscapes flying by, a blue orb in the darkness. He flies past stars and planets. It's beautiful."
EVERYDAY ENCOUNTERS - By Nicolai - "It’s only going to get louder."
EVERYONE IS SERVED - By Revereche - "You may deduce that I am from many things a composite."
EXTRASOLAR - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "Above all else was a fiery comet orbiting a black space. An invisible planet, about the size of Earth."
EAGLE FORD SEWAGE POND INCIDENT - By Luke Jones - "Flocks of birds dying in midair over the water. Whole dogs, mummified, washing up on the shore. Things crawling out of peoples' ears at midnight."
ELEPHANTOCALYPSE - By Anonymous - "Elephants couldn’t climb stairs, now could they?"
ELEVEN AT DARYL'S - By Mr. Weasel - "It looks like someone was hunched over the man, body shuddering and the slurping gross noises coming from the shape."
ELISE - By Michael Balmer - "Today all your loved ones gathered at the cemetary to say goodbye."
THE ENDLESS NIGHT - By Alexis Feynman - "Click. Click. Click. Click. Click."
THE EYE ABOVE - By Partlysmith - "The Eye first appeared on February 22nd, last year. A massive, all too human blue eye, lids and all, floating above the city."
EXPANSION LOG - By Adam Bellamy - "The fleet has been prepared; they are sufficiently fuelled and now awaiting dispatch."
EYESORE - By Nick Noah - "I can’t tell exactly when I saw the flashing lights for the first time."
The Engineer - a Sumerian Tale - By Guilherme Beraldo - "The motions of the automaton, to him, they seem so flawed"
Eyes - By Nelke - "I found something in the backyard. I think it likes me."
The Eyes Have It - By Huw Saunders - "I feverishly open another beer, and look around the bodies."
Eggs - By Ethan Edelen - "I picked the egg up, and, upon discovering it had no peculiarities, I turned it over."
Ella - By Nelke - "How is your friend?" she asked. I did not know what she was talking about."
Emergency Response - By Thomas Wisdom - "Yeah, there's some kind of animal in my apartment? I don't know, some kind of monkey or something?"
Entanglement - By Ryusui - "The Department takes care of its own. The Department takes care of its own." I repeat the lie over and over in my head as I run amongst the mirrors."
Excerpt from the Journal of Bartholomew Scott - By Austin Brooks - (image)
The Edge of Time - By Anonymous - " When humanity discovered the power to travel back in time, it took every ounce of self control the researchers had to not to break the news the very instant they succeeded. It's a good thing they didn't, too. Going back in time isn't like they imagined it would be. "
The Evil Eye - By Jenne Kaivo - " The eye comes closer. I am fully in its sight now, and I don't think I could run even if I had the courage. It just gives me that fixed stare, dragging itself along on tendril lashes. "
Eavesdropper - By Anonymous - " Last night I saw a thing clinging to the complex across the street"
Education - By Hugo A Gomez - "3 months before she disappeared and 12 years before I discovered what happened to her, my mother told me about the ruins that were supposed to be her first place of work as a teacher."
Eight Steps to True Selflessness - By Starmaid_Storage - "1:When you reach the temple, you have not reached the temple."
Electronics Run - By Conner Burgess - "A group of 3 men made their way along the sidewalk, as the road was not passable due to remaining cars, nearly in pristine condition despite the time that had passed."
Endozoochory - By Hisham Hasan - "Tap-tap-tap "Yo! Hey, YO!"
Episode 29 - By Gozuforce - "Can you...Can you help me ... Kill him?"
Espiritu - By Rahkshasarani - "Travelers who passed through began calling it "the valley of ghouls" as the townsfolk sickened visibly."
Every Saturday - By Hisham Hasan - "I am Mournmoth, the Tearjerker! Sadness is what make humans weak! Grief is your undoing! My ability Dolores sows the seeds of grief in your weak hearts! Drown in your sorrows!"
Excerpts From A Book That Will Never Be Written 1 - By Sarah Cleary - "SECTION 26: CHAUNCEY TELLS FOSTER HIS RENDITION OF A WELL KNOWN FABLE"

FACES - By Sly Devil - "One that I really started to notice was the faces. You start to see faces everywhere."
THE FINAL STAGE - By Charred Newt - "She was at the window, as usual, sitting in her stuffed wheelchair. Her white, porcelain skin shimmered in the sunset's light."
FINDING YOU - By Anonymous - "Overall, the archives hold over 200 conversations between [REDACTED] and the anonymous caller."
FLASH - By J. Gluck - "She hasn't done much standing since the rot took her legs. Myself, I feel it in the tips of my fingers, some cold nights."
FLYBLOWN - By Lawrence Lewis - "When I was seven years old I got flyblown, that’s what my daddy called it. Have you ever heard such a vile word?"
THE FLY WHEEL - By Occultek - "The flywheel spun, silently, as it had for years."
FOOTPRINTS - By Infernalthing - "I saw black shoe footprints appear, one after the other at a slow pace."
FROSTED GLASS - By Gronkling - "...every day is Monday says the mouth in the well..."
FROSTY - By Ciara Boerner - "Coal black eyes glitter strangely at me from the shadows."
FUNNLAND FOREVERR - By Tbok1992 - "Lining the roads of the garish park, were human skeletons, slumped over in various states of disrepair."
THE FUTURE IS LITTERED WITH PRIZES - By Dandelion Steph - "Her precious bauble fell from her hands as she fought to free herself from the talons’ tenacious grip."
THE FIVE (short story) - By Bogleech - a short narrative by the last whole person on Earth.
FIVE SECONDS - By J. Ford - "Above the chimney I saw the antenna’s light, burning brighter than ever."
FUNGI - By Rahkshasarani - "The second rain, though, that was worse."
Falling Action - By Arale - "There is talk of a mysterious new organization taking the form of a school club."
Falling Apart - By Anne Do - "A cube of flesh pushed itself out of my shoulder and landed on my bed."
First Twelve Letters - By C. Lonnquist - "The second letter turned the reader’s skin to plastic, and when they found him sitting in his chair, it was starting to turn as well. "
Five Senses - By Rhys Yeatter - "DO YOU KNOW WHAT MACARONI FEELS LIKE?"
The Flesh Thing - By Melanie Lee - "Hanging like some pallid hell-bat was a mass of gangly bones and flesh"
Frigid Bobby - By Jacobguy - "everyone was freaking out, no-one knew why it was so cold, but I did."
From the Desert We Came - By DNotA - "Mother and I are like you, and not like you. Mother and I are like each other, and not like each other."
FEC Macabre - By Jon Strong - "Its another night working past closing at Bobcat Pizzeria, a local pizza arcade themed after a long defunct high school's mascot, Blackie"
Fire Ants - By Peter Marchetti - "An international group of entomologists began to study the ants, and was quickly replaced by a group of biochemists, and then physicists, as the sheer impossibility of the ants' anatomy became clear."
The Fish - By Roach - "I could tell my sister was there; I was looking right at her. But I couldn’t focus on her. Was she laughing?"
Footprints - By Phosphenes - "Soon I emerged onto a place where the child's steps were joined by those of a toddler, one who had passed through long before even the child."
Fridge Problems - By Charred Newt - "The fridge has been thumping for a handful of minutes now. The kitchen door does nothing to stop the noise."
Frog Caught in my Throat - By James B. Davis - "It was at that moment when my stomach started to swell, my mouth stretched outward, and the pores on my legs began to widen."
Fry Cook - By Thomas Wisdom - "So I'm at work, right, and this dude walks in- but something's just wrong, you know?"
The Felt Man - By Neon Minerva - (short!)
The Fox - By Thomas Gunderloy - (microstory)
The Frog - By Bloodworx - " Shhh... We found... A special frog. "
False Prophet - By James B. Davis - " A face... A face looms over the church's many followers in divine glory. It's holy grace protects and comforts the many sad praying survivors. Beneath the shouting priest on a pedestal, the many people shake as the looming sound comes ever closer. "
Fannie Huber's Angel Book - By J. D. Stroud - " The Third Angel is Homeb Woni Hotheb (I don't know if that is how you spell it properly). It is actually every moth. Moths are animals like other animals are but they are also all together Homeb Woni Hotheb. "
Father - By Gwendolynn Anathema Macglower - " Head, Hurt, / Head, Home, / Door, Door? "
Fence - By Thomas Nelson Gunderloy - " The worst part of it was that godawful picket fence. My lawn was already pretty lonely with nothing in it, but then it came with a putrid, pea-green picket fence around the whole thing. "
Feral Dogs - By Xionahri - " We're both just trying to do our job, are we? As I start to wonder if I'm going completely insane, the dog stands up. "
For Your Notes - By Carpcave - " One patient in 257 gave birth through his left ear. Was told that he does this regularly. When he's finished, put the thing in the medical waste bag, and bring it into the park. "
From the Stars - By Keetah Spacecat - " The first people in contact with the wreckage were the first to become sick. All the people who came to gawk at the site then went home to kiss their children, who then went on to share toys, who were picked up by teachers. The spread was brutally efficient. "
From Whence it Came - By robertdye - " The ocean was in a horrifying state as its roaring waves surrounded the vessel, the sailor's eyes locked to the box "
FATAL ERROR - By Sheperd - "What he saw horrified him. His walls had become a stark blank white."
FearCanal - By Sarah Cleary - "The recipients gathered as Nellis and her genderless one legged concubine set up the artificially organic table."
Fix the Sink - By WriterJosh - "Phil was not handy."
Float, or a Short Period Between Long Periods of Isolation - By Sarah Cleary - "You know, being alone on a flat, featureless plane isn't that bad. It's when I have company that it becomes unbearable."
Four Pink Fingers - By Dandelion Steph - "Boxed in within the darkness of its talons, the princess could see only a sliver of sky."
Fucking Traffic - By Jackson Gilbert - "Hey! Dipshit! You weren't supposed to go yet!"
Full Moon, or a Description of Fish I Have Seen - By Kite Line - "You still love fish, right? Thing is, with all of the big changes recently, I’ve been seeing some real interesting new fish show up that I’ve never seen before.."
The Fursuiter - By Reggie - "My flesh is crusted over with decaying foam and loose shreds of fur, my unblinking plastic eyes trace your every move, and trust me, you don't even want to know what's going on under my jeans."

GARDEN - By Luke Myrick- "For someone who loves plants, she hates the animals."
GETTING CLOSER - By Ryan Oleynik- "We await His arrival, as we have before. He will come and deliver to us His gifts. We wait for Him. We wait for God."
GREASEPAINT - By Gavin Pitts - "I wanted to be a tapeworm, but the Fat Lady said she already had four of them."
GRAVEYARD - By Anonymous - "Earlier that day he’d fed his little brothers the story about the ghouls, the dead that wake at midnight on the full moon..."
GRUBS - By Anonymous - "As we stood over his body, holding each other and crying, it began to move again."
GARDEN OF PINK - By Irene Vallone - "The flamingos stared down at him condescendingly, quietly mocking his efforts."
GHOST CALL - By Alexis Feynman - "I've been a customer with you for sixteen years, I always pay my bill on time, and I deserve better treatment than this."
GHOST ENCOUNTER - By Randi Nicole Carmicle - (said to be a true story!)
GHOST JAIL - By Connor Moore - "they put a spinning thing in the jail."
GIFTS - By Gage J. - (short)
THE GLASS DOOR - By Lasagnaface - "Her head stretched forward to an unpleasant degree, almost like that of a horse, and it was devoid of any skin, leaving only throbbing muscle."
THE GOOD DOCTOR - By Matthew Beyer - "He turned to face me with those dead glassy eyes and cocked his head to the side, as if he didn’t understand my question."
THE GODS ARE DISPLEASED - By Jazz Jackalope - (outside link - lyrics and accompanying music)
GOING GREEN - By Claude Turner - " I noticed that its face had no eyes, or mouth. As such, I do not know how it whispered my name as I passed."
GOLDEN TRIANGLE - By Brian Shadensack - "Did that bulge just move?"
GOURMET QUALITY - By Alexis Feynman - "While my dad was rapidly gaining weight, she seemed to be slowly losing it."
THE GPS VOICE - By Vortan - "Turn onto Mill park Drive, yuk yuk yuk!"
GREY AND SOFT - By Kiara Maher - (short)
gBÜn:30 - By Kiernan Lockhart - " Should his skin feel slimy? No, Frank thought. It should not."
Ghost Tide: Sleep - By Irene Vallone - "The other kind was the Wide O’Wakes. Nobody wanted to touch them."
Ghost Tide: Queen of Bones - By Irene Vallone - "Each reptilian eye socket was at least twenty feet wide, and each spike-like tooth was as long as Petra was tall."
Ghost Tide: Jonah - By Irene Vallone - "As I walked through the dark streets, their gelatinous bones glowed with a faint cream-colored light through their ethereal flesh."
Globster - By Hisham H. - "the entire creature was flabby and gelatinous looking"
Going Blue - By Claude Turner - "Yes! Absolutely! Human larva are adorable!"
Gone - By Alexis Feynman - "I combed through my memories more carefully this time, but I couldn't find him anywhere in them. It seemed like he was supposed to be someone I knew."
A Grave Reflection - By Evan MacNeil - "I went the full six feet. Nobody was finding this bastard."
Green Sea - By Athena - "When we got towards the last day of the cruise a huge, glowing green mass appeared in the distance."
Gut - By Jon Strong - "When I finally opened the deer up, it had next to no organs."
Gabriels - By Irene Vallone - "The first Gabriel will die after being hit by a truck."
The Game of Mush - By The Hungry Reader - "DO NOT consume non-players anywhere you may be observed by other non-players. (You may feel free to enjoy consumption in the company of other players. Sharing is caring!)"
GARBAGE GLUTTON - By Hisham H. - "It looked like the slime, thinned and branched out, had spread tiny threads throughout the rubbish and was now pulling it all together."
Gashes in My Mind - By Sandra Lockhart - "there he was, slapping nothing, with a big, black void where his other arm would be. And Mom had to be there too, right? She wouldn’t have missed that. But no, just black nothingness."
Gas Squad - By Huw Saunders - "Its skin is torn away in huge burst patches, and then they see the true nature of the thing. Plastic water bottles embedded in heaving grey viscera, rhythmically filling and emptying themselves of dark fluids. Shreds of paper and plastic falling from its wounds like dandruff. "
Gavage - By Hisham H. - "Every one of us is immobile. A fat bloated slug."
The Gelatin Courts - By Irene Vallone - '"Roll, scroll, prance a horse, we always dance in the gelatin courts!"'
Genesis - By Voodoo Vulture - "And the Lord said: Let there be light! And then the light was swallowed by the waters, leaving behind a great new darkness."
Glass and Velvet - By Everbound Venvel - "The door, however, was no longer birch. A single slab of rough bone bearing countless nodules and thorny protrusions had replaced the wood."
Globster - By Ron MacGillivray - "The thing was just sitting on the beach, resembling a pile of whale corpses grinded to a thick mush then left to bake in the sun for a few days."
God Thinks I'm Bad - By James B. Davis - "He told me so."
The Golden Ocean - By Nausicaa Harris - "It appeared to be a humanoid figure, standing a couple of yards away. It was vaguely feminine, about five and a half feet tall, and seemingly made of the same stuff as the corn. Its hair was the buttery near-white of corn silk, its limbs were thin and golden like dead corn stalks, and its garments seemed to be made of dried corn husks."
Goo Girl - By Huw Saunders - "Bioconstruct!" squeaks a loudspeaker. "Stay where you are!"
Green Mojave - By Irene Vallone - "I looked out the window and the biggest damn rattlesnake I’d ever seen was bumping its head on the door."
The Goat - By James B. Davis - " I live on a farm in Mexico. "
Ghost Protection - By Anonymous - " It resembled some pathetic, if gargantuan grub with spindly human arms and long, black hair around a face dominated by ridiculously large, sad eyes. "
Grandma Rags - By Nick Noir - " Grandma Rags we called her, because she was always wrapped in the exact same set of multi-layer clothing every day, no matter the weather. "
Grandmother's Doll - By James B. Davis - " Its skin was made of burlap, its hair covered only the right of its head and was made of orange yarn, its eyes were two black buttons "
Grasshopper Glacier - By Rahkshasarani - " Some of the last rocky mountain locusts are here," the man said without waiting for an answer, "frozen in the ice "
Greater Striped Tanzanite - By Hisham H. - "on a dilapidated hospital bed in the corner, rested an enormous grub. "
Greg's Diary - By James B. Davis - " I hate when things get into my joints. It feels terrible and it's just so uncomfortable. "
Growth - By Luna - " We found the Mars rover Curiosity. It died. Asphyxiation. It had grown lungs. "
Gurgle - By Paracosmos - " Tom loved the drawing for another reason. The drawing had actually scared him. Tom had seen scary things before, but Tom MADE this, he made something scary. "
Garnishes - By Peter Marchetti - "A pleasant collection of sounds, Sam thought: rain pattering softly against the roof, the low drone of the heat turning on, the crinkle of brown paper as he pulled his lunch from the bag."
Gathering of Dogs - By Conner Burgess - "Days pass, and more dogs begin to gather and drink from the fountain. They, too, turn from the basin and take up their posts among the previous waves."
The Ghostly Rose - By Gareth Barsby - "Everyone's heard the story before; there's a creepy abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods, surrounded by bare trees and complemented by a howling wind."
Ghoul-B-Gone - By Austin Brooks - "Wendy sighed into the steering wheel as she pulled into the hotel parking lot."
Ghouls - By James B. Davis - "I have been studying Ghouls for as long as I can remember."
Going Orange - By Claude Turner - "As I stepped out of the car and waited for my companions to exit, I could not help but consider that the large, stately building in front of me looked very unlike any restaurant I had ever seen." (Some adult content)
The Grove That Could Breathe - By Isabella W. - "Somewhere, up in Oregon, or perhaps New Jersey, lies a grove."
Guide to Getting All the Creepers! - By Hisham Hasan - " Go to one of the two manholes near the construction site, and a Seweroxoltl might pop up. Let it swallow you, and make your way through its digestive system. At the colon, before you leave, go explore the dead end and you'll find KISSYFLUKE."
Gut Alley - By Nelke - "You never wondered? I mean, someone dumps a load of guts down your street every week and you never wonder who the fuck is behind it?"
Gwen - By Starii - "The girl seemed nice and her named was Gwen, she said she was going to the same party as me and seemed happy when I said the same thing, but then..."

HAIR - By Ranger Kasdorf - "I knew precisely where this voice came from. It came from hair."
THE HALL OF DOORS - By Brian Shadensack - "Beware Mickey and Minnie in the hall of doors."
HARMBURGER By Bogleech - "Stamped everywhere was the same stupid looking company icon; a smiling, cartoon hamburger in a tiny little chef's hat."
HAUNTED GAMES - By Pyro Gibberish - "Seriously, what the hell kind of reality-devouring abomination haunts game cartridges?"
HAUNTED HOUSE - By General Nitpick - "All the appliances, cabinets, and pretty much everything in there, had googly eyes added to them."
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ONE? - By Cody Jacobs - "They just sit there, out of sight, patiently waiting, stalking, until it's time and they have their turn."
HEADED SOUTH - By Bogleech - longer, sillier sequel to "The Five."
HEROIC FANTASIES - By Pyro Gibberish - "What I hate most about these tunnels, of course, is the worm."
THE HOLE - By Sly Devil - "Checked the bathroom. Hole was even bigger. Almost a foot across now."
HOUSE FOR SALE: BASEMENT NEEDS CLEANING - By Pyro Gibberish - "The floor is entirely obscured by a thick carpet of dust that reaches my ankles."
HUMBUG - By Rahkshasaran - "Boy howdy did he have stuff in jars."
THE HOWL - By Tatzlwyrm - "We burned and screamed and spent our lives burning and screaming."
HAIRWORM - By Brooke Van Kampen - "I’ve been prepared for the zombie apocalypse for a long time! NO REGRETS."
HALLOWEEN DEMONS - By Aranel Diamond- "I began having thoughts in a voice unfamiliar to my own, hard to make out in some places and crystal clear in others."
HANDSOME - By Ted Miller - "Dressed in resplendent shimmering green am I."
HEAVEN SENT - By PartlySmith - " I noticed small bits of its flesh stuck to the ceiling. Or rather, they were part of ceiling, now."
HOUSE OF CHEESE - By David Haire - "One day he came to a queer little door, that led to a stairwell deep in the floor."
HIS MAJESTY - By Peter Allen - "My arrival at the palace is heralded by a procession of scuttling, hunched figures, robed in tattered finery."
THE HUNGERING ROOT - By Kevin Stanley - "It appeared without warning, spearing itself forth from a rise in the landscape."
THE HUNGERING ROOT II - By Kevin Stanley - "They say I’m like… a… 'root?' What's a root?"
THE HUNGRY RUG - By Ryan Oleynik- "They said it wasn’t real, Just my imagination. A simple child’s fear, A mere fabrication."
The Hallow Journals Part I - By Pumpkinheadeddoll - "The body of the creatures is not easily described, the fur on the body is thick and dark to the point of absorbing nearly all light"
Haunted House - By Kiernan Lockhart - "Yeahhh, no. It’s just an empty house. I should know."
Haze - By Joseph Hartman - "Give me a ride," He repeated in a flat, distorted voice. "Give me a ride. Give me a ride."
The Hillbilly Horror - By Sam Miller - "In their place stand two fat, scaly creatures"
Hollowhead - By Thomas F. Johnson - "I hack up something like phlegm into the sink. My chest feels hot and sticky. I look down."
Honey, This is it - By J I L - "Surprise!" The voices are scratchy, but musical. A light clicks on in the apartment and I see three people in costumes with their first pair of hands in the air."
House of Sleep - By Rahkshasarani - "The House of Sleep was an unusual business."
Humming Walls - By Athena - "I heard it first when I was 11; a dull humming, fingers gliding on walls."
Hunting Snipe - By Keetah Spacecat - "One Summer, everything went wrong."
Helo Nice Man - By Hannah Cobb - "Every month or so he’ll find the kitchen like this, presumably from a bizarre episode of sleepwalking."
Her - By Jacobguy - "Thorns began slowly cutting their way out of her skin."
Hot Coffee - By LMTYL - "Every scene that Detective Bristol and Dr. Allen were called to, every new victim found perfect yet dead in the undisturbed scenes, added to the deep empty feeling that had been growing in Bristol’s stomach."
The Hooligans: Grimm Katt - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "He looked like a tailless Micky mouse that had swapped heads with a cat that didn't have a nose or whiskers and a big old smile of straight teeth. Whatever I thought, it was cute and funny enough."
The hooligans: hooligan land - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "I woke up somewhere that was not earth. I think to call it a planet at all would be wrong."
The hooligans: hungry mike - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "The sky wasn't always dark. I remember when I was a little kid, the sun would shine in the sky like a burning hot penny."
The hooligans: Neighbor - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "My neighbor has been seemingly sick lately."
The hooligans: pipewinder - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - '"I JUST SWAM IN AND BOY IS MY FACE TIRED."'
The hooligans: snitcher - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "The window was open, and it sat there in the window seal. I could see its long thin arms keeping the window open as it crawled out, its black and white stripes and propeller illuminated by the moonlight."
The hooligans: Steve - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "Without exaggerating I could say he was the size of the hulk. His hands big enough to wrap all the way around a person, and then some. Other than some strange slot on his forehead, nothing else was remarkable about him."
The hooligans: wither mime - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "There was one mime who stood far off from everyone. It had its back to the crowd, so no one could see their face."
The Hooligans: A Taste of Medicine - By Jacobguy - " it was shaped like a man, a man made of that Jelly they put in petridishes and completely choked FULL of a rainbow of different germ colonies "
The Hooligans: Basilisk - By Jacobguy - " It sat stop a massive pile of charred bones, luckily none of them human as far as I can tell. "
The Hooligans: Bizarre Bazaar - By Jacobguy - " Their mouth opened oddly wide as they spoke, revealing many fleshy cords which ended in the bodies of rats and frogs that flicked like many snake tongues "
The Hooligans: Copycat - By Jacobguy - " Why is there a little Cat silhouette in the mirror. Why is its mouth full of nothing but incisors. "
The Hooligans: Forest - By Jacobguy - " I woke up and my home was filled with nothing but licorice. "
The Hooligans: Hurtz Doughnut - By Jacobguy - " There was a young man sitting on their porch in the late evening when he spotted something odd "
The Hooligans: Ogres - By Jacobguy - " at first it looks like a lump in the dark, but as it started to move it became much more distinct. "
The Hooligans: Some Dude - By Jacobguy - " I could only barely see what it was, but it seemed to be a guy in nothing but basketball shorts hunched over, as if squatting over something "
The Hooligans: Sour Stomach - By Jacobguy - " Each day has been an exponential growth in how bad the symptoms were. Almost every breath I take i can feel that HORRID flavor rise from my throat to the back of my tongue. "
The Hooligans: Symphony - By Jacobguy - " Claws plucked strings, tentacles banged drums, suction cups pressed keys, all to the tune directed by their especially inhuman conductor. "
The Hooligans: The Beginning - By Jacobguy - " Long ago, before anything, there was nothing but them. "
"The Hooligans: Putrid Painting" - By Jac R. B. (Jacobguy) - "I never liked going to my grandpa's Manor."
The Hooligans: Hairjam - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I'm running for my life as we speak."
The Hooligans: OVERLOAD - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "QUERY: DO YOU REMEMBER?"
The Hooligans: The Foul. - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "Augh!" I shout out in frustration, Lying on my bare mattress."
The Hooligans: Blurry Stan - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I never should've gone to that lake at night."
The Hooligans: Shopkeep - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I find myself walking along a gravel covered plain."
The Hooligans: Porous Sea - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I did not expect how this morning would turn out I must say."
The Hooligans: Mechanical Hands - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I often find myself worrying about running out of time."
The Hooligans: MOTHER - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I was only sitting in my living room when it happened."
The Hooligans: BROTHER - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "My concentration Is broken by the sudden, new voice."
The Hooligans: FATHER - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "I was Elated when I heard Seb and the gan make their way upstairs, but I felt so weak."
The Hooligans: The One - By Jac R. B. (JacobGuy) - "They are like an indistinct, globular and gray mix of a man and a dolphin. sitting, seemingly impatiently at a table, staring me down."
The Harrison Ape - By Hisham Hasan - " Unusually for a primate, it is highly aquatic. While in its enclosure, it was never observed to venture onto the land portion, preferring to remain mostly submerged, with only the head above water. "
The Haunted Videos - By Gareth Barsby - " Ten copies. Ten copies of Barney Goes to the Funfair, and all of them had what they were supposed to have. "
The Human Wolf - By Sabedile - " There was once a human wolf. Coarse was his fur, sharp were his claws, and there where he went all would yell, "wolf!", they yelled. "Wolf!" "
Halloween Special - By Miranda Johansson - " When I write things changing, they change. They don't ever change back. "
Happy Thanksgiving - By Tyler Spicknell - " There's a reason why it's sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas. Halloween is the first holiday of the Holiday Season, and so it's a great warm-up for what's to come. "
Hearth - By Sabedile - " She had found a solution for the cold, but not for hunger. "
Hidden Camera Show - By Anonymous - " I realize I'm being set up when the pretty girl tells me we're running late for the banquet and asks me if I'm okay with not labeling the shellfish. "
High Jack - By Charred Newt - " It's saying words but it's not a voice. It's a grinding of metal and concrete, a crackling of electricity straight through my brain; it's what nails would sound like if they decided to speak. "
Home Cooking - By R. Pickman - (short)
Homo Parkinsoni - By Rahkshasarani - " The following day his body had swollen to twice its normal size. Pembrose was incapable of speech, and could not open his eyes. "
Hooligan City - By Jacobguy - " The way it sloped inward suggests that this were some sort of island, suddenly uprooted from the earth, and massive lengths of impossible pipes jutted straight downward through the fog below. "
Hotter and Hotter - By Anonymous - " About a week ago the master had a horrifying nightmare. A monstrous insect attacked him in his bed, ripping open his belly and rummaging around in his innards as he could do nothing but look on, paralyzed by the agony. "
The Hagfish Song - By Bryan Urbanczyk - "Slithering from a rotting corpse/Sit back as nature takes its course"
The Haunted Library - By Gareth Barsby - "Enter the haunted library, Though you may find it a mess/ All the books sit on the floor, All of them possessed"
Hangovers are the Worst, Right? - By Brian Shadensack - "You wake up, head full of fuzz."
8 Helpful Sunflower Tips - By Brian Shadensack - "Sunflowers live up to their names, plant them in an area that gets plenty of sun and water them weekly."
He Shall Not Yet Know Osiris - By saint salt - "I walked out of the convenience store and into a warzone."
Hello, Alan. - By Sarah Cleary - "From the ceiling, where it seemed to have integrated itself into the wall, the machine lowered its clunky body to eye level to face Tim. Its stretching revealed the wires and electronics beneath it's red exterior. "Have you figured out how to leave this room, Alan?"
Hemocyanin - By Hisham Hasan - "I know what we did seems terrible, a crime against humanity."
High - By Jackson Gilbert - "Andy hated himself."
The Hoard - By Rahkshasarani - "Is there a way I can make you smell that smell, the stench that any relative of a hoarder knows by heart?"
Howloween Liquidators - By Thomas F. Johnson - " So, a Halloween Store opened near my house today. In the middle of January."
The Holder of the Pies - By Butts McGee - "The first thing you've got to do, you've got to find the shadiest chain pizza joint you can."
Hot Ice Cream for Cold Days - By Thomas Wisdom - "When Maria looked at the snow outside her window, she could swear it was summer."
Hunger: I - Apatizer - By Yellowmane - "I arrived at the crime scene at 9:48 PM, pulling up to the patter of the light rain hitting the windshield of my car."
Hunger : II - Second Course - By Yellowmane - "I arrived at the morgue at about 12:05."
Hunger : III - Main Course - By Yellowmane - "It was now 3:23 and I was too hungry to think straight without effort."
The Hunter and The Creature - By Justin Best - "I saw an elk that had been killed but the strangest thing was I didn't kill it."

I DON'T WANT TO GO - By Eventua - "The jungle lurks there, red and spiked and twisting, the trees made of glass."
IGNITE - By Tweinge - "It approached you from the darkness; The thing you knew was there"
I LOVE MY PET - By Cameron Macfarlane - (short)
IMAGINARY PET - By Hisham H - "That elderly, most likely blind tapir, left quite an impression on me."
IMBUNCHE - By Raven - "There never really is a feeling so good as attending the birth of a family member."
IMITATION - By Partlysmith - "I wish I had never found the body. Or rather, the part of it I found."
I MUST GO - By Prophet Storm - "The snail arrived. It was healthy. It was too healthy."
INCIDENT REPORT - By Jack Allan - (short)
INCONSEQUENTIA - By Alexis Feynman - "Have you ever seen one of those slideshows of mistakes in popular movies?"
INNOCENCE - By Brian Shadensack - "I look over to my friend, forgetting that it pulled my friends head off early this week, slowly."
IN PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS - By Lord of Rye - "After running his hand over it, he realized that the polished metal was nearly frictionless."
IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD - By Lord of Rye - "Surrounding the sea were banks of bone-white reeds. They had some kind of reddish leech issuing from the top, and drinking perpetually from the sea."
INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS - By Chaz Gelf - "That moment when you're riding in a car and your mind wanders off to places it really shouldn't."
ITEM 450 - By Patch Anderson - "A psychic should be in the room to negotiate with 450-B-5."
IT'S A HAT - By Prophet Storm - "All we know is that for the time being, it's a hat. It's a hat and that way it can't harm anyone."
IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS - By Daniel Cowart-Goldberg - "I think those are colors, but it's been so long."
IT'S CURIOUS - By Chase Goebel - "It's curious. That's the worst part. It's curious and it gets bored."
I LOVE YOU - By Oak - "The last words we'd ever have from us. The last kind sentiment before darkness fell."
I, MONOTREME - By Valerie Epry - "The mass was clawing its way out of me a millimeter at a time."
INFLATABLE - By C. Lonnquist - "The problem with the drive home is that Santa."
INFESTATION: VIPER - By Olita Clark - "And it's not just people that come back but animals too."
INFESTATION: 17 HERBS AND SPICES - By Olita Clark - "Their various parts would still keep crawling towards you, spitting spores."
INFESTATION: RITZ - By Olita Clark - "Not that they ever truly go into hibernation outside of proper Dry areas..."
INFESTATION: SPAM - By Olita Clark - "It's all canned crap, but it'll get you through the month."
I WIN - By Anonymous - "The device in my hands is made of flesh but its skin is hard, smooth, shell-like."
Icarus - By Evan MacNeil - "Space was nothing new to me."
Inconsiderate Spirit - By Mngamojemo - "At first, everything seemed great. There was no more noise late at night, no more passive-agressive arguments, and only one person's worth of dishes to worry about. "
Incubus - By Sorbus - "I would occasionally wake up with saliva - or at least something the same color and consistency of saliva - on my cheek."
International Klein Blue - By Cassie Heath - "You're looking at a blue rectangle mounted on a wall and you're thinking "My kid could do that"
Intern Report - By Hisham H. - "Eyes and associated musculature completely removed, together with a large portion of facial bone bilaterally removed as well"
Owen Scott Doctoral Thesis Abridged Interview Number 18 - By Brian Shadensack - "Well, it started off simple. Touch it, it rots."
Owen Scott Doctoral Thesis Abridged Interview Number 20 - By Brian Shadensack - "I’ve been unable to enter a house for about two years.."
Owen Scott Doctoral Thesis Abridged Interview Number 25 - By Brian Shadensack - "Are... are you bleeding whiskey..."
Owen Scott Doctoral Thesis Abridged Interview Number 37 - By Brian Shadensack - " Yea, sometimes my brain gets way too loud, you know?"
Owen Scott Doctoral Thesis Abridged Interview Number 42 - By Brian Shadensack - "An organ prints the flooding handicap after the copper."
Invisible Darkness - By Charles Williams - "There is something that surrounds us. Undetectable, lacking color, smell, or a defined idea of what it is. "
I Suck at Humans - By Charred Newt - "Give me a pencil and I’ll draw you almost everything else, I swear."
I Think My Watch is Broken - By Cassie Heath - "All the time/my/Excuse/my watch is/in my head/watch/wtchndIcntmkit stop."
I Dreamt of the Rain - By Prophet Storm - "The few people I found were hardly people. The rain had done its duty by them, and now they belonged to it."
Inner Plateau - By Nelke - "They came with the fog. Cecilia heard the sound of their steps every night, muffled as they came and went down the road."
Informal Report - By Aoakesme - "The beasts look like a jaw-less snake that happens to be preposterously wide, or most individuals happened to be."
In the Triceratops Car - By Thomas F. Johnson - "It was this state-fair lookin novelty thing, in the shape of a triceratops. It was green and faded by the sun, the fiberglass making up its bulk looking worn."
Internal - By Ron MacGillivray and Sadie Hunt - "it looked like the kid would find these dark hairs in his mouth every two minutes, and once spat out what resembled a small hairball"
The Inner Kicking - By Dandelion Steph - "He could feel the flatness of his own chest, the breeziness of his own hair, but the rest, too—his wife's bosoms, felt as if his own, his wife's hair, felt as if his own. The sensation paralyzed him, made him pause—then he felt...something else."
It's Me - By Jacobguy - "I thought you were supposed to be comfy when dead."
Incorruptible - By Elliot Avery - (explicit content: themes of physical and sexual domestic abuse, abusive religious indoctrination)" I don't remember much before he was in my life, the man who made it impossible to hide from the truth, the man who will always be a part of me. The man they called Joshua Smyrnan. "
Interview - By Jacobguy - " reflections of DR JONHSON appear on the surfaces of the craft, and speaks out in DR JONHSON'S voice, as though piecing together words from things JONHSON has said "
Iowa - By Zombard - " Something weird moves in the grass at one farm, like a cow's ass, if it were horizontal a few feet off the ground, instead of ass-level. "
I saw it, I heard it - By Chamjari - " When I was nine, I visited my friend's house. "
It's All Red - By Sigil - " Now at this point I'd never really payed much mind to what these corpse things had to say. When my parents spoke it was nothing but inane gibberish. "
It Took - By Paracosmos - " The green man moved to him like a mannequin on a treadmill. No movement from this man, none at all. And when it got to Derek, face touching his, Derek dropped. "
I AM AWAKE - By Kira M. - "The Plague Doctor tensed up immediately, and his hands trembled. The mere mention of this "Evaluation" terrified it."
Ice Cream Flavor Idea - By Brian Shadensack - "Cookie Dough Ice cream with cookie dough chunks and a cookie dough swirl and a cookie dough container."
I Did This All For You - By Angie Villanueva - "George had been up for hours sewing the fabric together."
I Ruined Everything With the Push of a Button - By Samsinater - "It wasn't like being a ghost, where I could tap her on the shoulder, and she'd jump, then look wildly around, bewildered and confused. It was more like she was a clay puppet, or a simple robot just following a script."
I'd rather be - By Byona - "I dreamt of a world of darkness, where I could thrive unseen, out of anyone's sight. In the cold, impenetrable -to any human being!- embrace of the abyss, deeper than anyone, deeper than anything. In complete and utter peace."
I.T. Dept. Water Cooler Welcome Thread - By W - "MTurmynn: Greetings, everybody! I hope everyone had a great summer, and I hope you're all fired up for the coming fall ramp-up!"
ICaughtKatherine - By Hannah - "Hey guys, it's me. I know it's unusual for me to post this late, but I think someone's outside my window right now."
Icipher - By Luna Wolf - "It was about three weeks into the new school year when she joined our class."
Imposter Syndrome - By Nora Shank - "It had been two hours since Sean Winters' heart had stopped beating, and he was starting to panic."
In the Fading Light of Waking - By E. Lefebvre - "Lisa crouched tightly in the corner of her room and hugged her stuffed bear tightly."
Incoming Transmission - By Mika Orange - ">Welcome to SimpleChat!>You have 1 new message(s) from [UNKNOWN]."
It drips. - By Sinneli - "It drips."
It has many arms - By Gozuforce - "I can't remember that at all, but I think I had already met the Branched One years ago."
It lives in the Freezer - By Glitter - "In a Restaurant, There's Usually a Freezer."
It's Dark - By Ozaenin - "I can't even see my fingers in front of my face. It is as though somehow I've managed to relocate to the bottom of a long abandoned mine in terms of sheer lack of light."
Its Not A Zoo - By Jac R. B. (Jacobguy) - "In the dead of night in a sleepy town a black pyramid hovers, waiting."

JOURNAL - By Mysterious Maverick - "there's no way in hell that was a dog."
JORMUNGANDR - By Glumdrop - "Another spill, was the official story. Everyone was so used to them by now. Soon pictures leaked out of the rig drenched in red."
Jailer - By Hisham H. - "The librarian referred to it affectionately as "Old Bogey".
Just a Collection - By Brian Shadensack - "I hit my arm the other day and there was a rattle. Like when a screw goes loose in a machine."
Just my Job - By Jacobguy - "I'm what they call a technomancer. Basically a mage of technology."
Jailbreak - By Jacobguy - " I don't recall the law that says you get arrested for your first speeding ticket, I mean, I've always been a little scrappy in my youth but I never assaulted anyone. Granted, I don't recall the officers in Jail looking like smoothed over weeble-wobbles with British Police uniforms and batons, or the other inmates being various monsters either, but I digress. "
Jamie - By Jared Ludy - " A note in red pen was taped to a container of traditional baby food. "DON'T TRUST BLUE " it read. "
Julie's Turkey - By Florence Whateley - " She was only five when she made it. We still remember that day we sat her down in the dining room, took our hands, and told her we were going to make turkeys with them. "
Just an Office - By Jacobguy - " As my "Boss" walks away, I look down to find myself in a suit. "
The Jackal - By Jackson Gilbert - "Its face was unmistakably human, even though it was stretched along the skull of a monster."
JERU - By C. M. Kosemen - "The vexing fact was that the three people seemingly had never known each other - let alone met for any sort of suicide pact - before that night."
Job's Tale - By Voliol - "Job yawned."
Just Imagine - By MisterJulius - (Short)

KITTY - By Smilecat98 - "The meows get desperate and more in pain."
THE KLISK - By Jared Shingleton - "The klisk was born when a splicing of animal and plant genes had gone wrong."
K2 - By Rahkshasarani - "The other two climbers, clearly seeing the blizzard continue unabated, attempted to catch Mendez, who was stripping off his clothes and exclaiming how good the sun felt on his skin."
Keep Off the Lawn - By Irene Vallone - "The thing opened a single bulging eye with an audible wet noise. "Keep off the lawn," it said, with some invisible mouth."
The Kinderflasche - By Aoakesme - "The people's village, on the surface, is not necessarily the prettiest place in the world: They live in dry lands, with limestone omnipresent in their landscape. They all seek metal, their one purpose ordered by the ancient machine they follow. Their metal is who they are, the Metallschmied."
KREBS: A Comprehensive Guide - By Rachel - "So. You have discovered a KREB. KREBS are a natural part of life and should not be feared. Do not shout at KREB. Do not be loud. If KREB is there he has come for a reason."
Kidnappers - By Paracosmos - " James followed the hulking beast across the grassy plain. It was humanoid, black. Standing twelve feet tall, fifteen if it weren't hunched. "
Knotted Sticks - By Axe Burner - " They look like old women, but too old, too skinny and wrinkled, their limbs and fingers and everything else thin and drawn out like sticks. "
Krokodil - By Jenne Kaivo - " My astral body was as twisted and squamous as my real one was becoming. The black tips of my decaying fingers made me feel safe, protected, and I found some grim enjoyment in the nightmarish visions that I saw. "
Kimber's Kandles - By The Bee Keeper - "I wanted a summer job, but not one that would suck the life out of me with terrible hours, horrible customers, or back breaking tasks."

LAUGHING - By (Unknown) - "It was waiting for a pattern."
THE LAST HOROSCOPE - By Thomas F. Johnson - "In a lonely alley, written on human flesh, inked in inhuman blood by an unknown author..."
LET'S THE ALPHABET! - By Thomas F. Johnson - "Countless Crawling Crabs Cover a Colossal Corroding Cadaver that Creeps, Catches, Crunches by the Coast."
LILIN - By Stuart - "Now her fingers push through skin, and she peels it away from the musculature beneath."
LOHJM - By Pookey - (microstory)
THE LONG TRAIN RIDE - By John Pesando - "As the months had gone by, I learned that the train followed certain patterns, and seemed to reward consistent behavior."
LANGLEY EXPEDITION - By Rahkshasaran - "Other cylinders were found and put to the test, producing what Mehmed heard only as incomprehensible noise."
LAST NIGHT THE AFGHAN HOUND CAME BACK - By Luke Cy - "He pretended not to see the eye poking out the back of her neck, so I played along."
LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF MR. DARIUS BELWETHER - By Immutatus - "The body that is found that resembles me will not be dead either. You may, however, go ahead and bury it. It won't matter. Not for a very long time."
LEARN A LANGUAGE OF: AND ABOUT BODY - By Gronkling - (images)
LEECH - By Cameron Macfarlane - "It's on me, in an instant, squirming."
LONG LIVE THE KING - By Glumdrop - "Time to meet the eyeball king, Greatest of the eyeball things!"
The Laundry Room - By Alexis Feynman - "It's just some flickering lights. They do that all the time, and that never stops anybody!"
The Leng Embrace - By Nelke - " the plot was minimal, a mere scaffolding for the illustrations, and the dialogues nonsensical"
Like Clockwork - By DNotA - "She was tall. Really tall. Ridiculously tall."
Little Brother - By Rhakshasarani - "Kevin's little brother looked...odd. More like a little old man than a baby. And he could already walk."
Lunatic - By Nelke - "It's funny how the folk tales of my childhood come back to me"
The Land of Doors - By James B. Davis - "He awoke on the white carpet floor in a pool of blood. Whether it was his blood, or the blood of the Mask Man, he was unsure. "
The Last Leviathan - By Irene Vallone - " A mountainous shape slogs upward and forward, like a giant striding up the continental shelf. The oil washes off its pallid-grey pockmarked surface, streaming through the holes in the flesh and the gaps between the bones, cascading down in black waterfalls as the thing rises into the air."
Letters Outside the City - By Sarah Cleary - "I found out. I know what I am, what TOP GADGET is and yet I am left with even more questions. I now understand why you did not tell; yet, I now hate you even more."
Lick Granuloma - By J. Towne - "I came to dread the licking. I could never predict when it would start"
Life Cycle: Juvenile Stage - By Prophet Storm - "The driver was tired. So tired. But he couldn't get back in the car and rest his feet. His feet were stuck to the ground."
Life Cycle: Adult Stage - By Prophet Storm - "I noticed that her hand had a veritable death grip on the pump--but it didn't seem to be pumping gas."
Life Cycke: Infant Stage - By Prophet Storm - "The tire lay by the side of the road."
Little Snot - By Austin Brooks - "His face was pale and his eyes were puffy, but he looked as remarkably pleased with himself as a diseased little imp could."
Love for a Son - By Irene Vallone - "It felt like he was stroking the undersides of my eyeballs. The rest of his fingers were clamped onto my face, gripping my cheeks, their soft nail-less tips pressing into my cheekbones."
Lure of Thunder - By Author Ultima - "Backing away slowly, they turned around without hesitation and started to run, but the wurm was quickly gaining on them."
The Last Collection - By J. D. Stroud - "The dress itself had changed too. It seemed to cleave to her, to accentuate her form-no longer that of an old woman, but rather of some underworld nymph-and compliment her newfound princeliness. Its fractal weave was impossible to look at for long without succumbing to a sort of narcotic hypnosis."
Landscaping - By Jacob Roberts - (Images!)
The Last Light - By Nelke - " The future came and left. It took with it the space cities, the endless extensions of solar panels on the Moon, the dreams of conquering the Solar system. "
Late Night at the Coffee Shop - By Emergence - " Whatever the hell walked into the shop wasn't human. "
Legs - By HareTrinity - (a short poem)
Let Cake Eat Them - By Jenne Kaivo - " The sticky mouths / Eagerly sucked off the meat from her bones / As easy as frosting from fingers "
Loo Louis - By Tyler Spicknell - " I've been in CSI for 15 years now, and I've seen some pretty messed up shit. "
Louisa Francesca - By J.D. Stroud - " The writing was like nothing I'd ever seen before, as unlike the casual loop-de-loops on the first page as humanly possible. It was, once again, still recognizably english, but it was different from any cursive I could imagine a small town girl learning in her one-room schoolhouse. "
The Little Old Man From Number 22 - By Cassie Heath - " I've just got back from meeting the new neighbours, dear. They've just moved in at number twenty-four, where Marjorie lived before they put her in the home. You wouldn't like them. You really wouldn't like them. "
The Live Wire - By Xionahri - " A new post caught my eye, fresh from today. Someone mentioned he'll try to cut into one of the spikes with metal saws. "
Letters from the Last American Farmer - By cran - "Transcribed and submitted without comment, a series of poetic excerpts from the recovered belongings of an unidentified American civilian found dead and petrified in an abandoned trapping camp in rural West Virginia. "
The Library Sitters: Some Just So Stories - By Cameron Thompson - "Clammin These Hams till All the Time Everytime Yay! "
Lobisomem - By Drakka - "I am a monster, a horrible beast."
Long Live the King - By Bryan Urbanczyk - "The legends you have heard, the demon king who has wrought destruction rather than salvation of his people, and has gestated the lies of evil and dampened the spark of hope, eliminating all chance of a rebellion."
Look what I can do! - By Anonymous - "I was the first to see it, but Isabel was the first to touch it."
Losing Time - By Samsinater - "She asked me teasingly when I got home, "Had to work late tonight, huh?" And I could only tell her the truth: No, I left work at the same time I always do."
luger.gif - By Nausicaä Harris - "So there's this GIF that's been going around of a man holding a shaking gun that always seems to follow you around the room."

THE MANY CANS - By Dandelion Steph - "There was another can of cat food."
MARK - By Sly Devil - "...the creature left prints of what appeared to be humanoid hands in the snow."
MARKET DAY - By Keith Johnstone - "Gourds are essential. Tubers are optional, but required. Go."
MATTHEW IS SUFFERING - By Peppermint Monster - "Matthew is suffering, the website said. Do you want to help him?"
THE MAZE - By Connor - "In this maze I've always lived in, there lies an expansive, dimly lit room with a bell on the ceiling."
MEAT - By Charming Devil - "...a drooping, fatty, pale face, on the end of an impossibly long neck..."
THE MERMAID - By Rhakshasarani - "Jemmy Smith may not have had enough brains to fry an egg, but he knew a mermaid when he saw one."
MESSAGE FROM YOUR MACHINE - By [your computer] - (ODT file)
MIND THE FUTURE - By Infernalthing - "Technology evolves fast."
MIRROR MIRROR - By Cameron Macfarlane - "My shadow hasn't moved an inch."
MOBIUS FILMS - By Alex Bradley - "Have you ever noticed how you can see in the dark much better than a camera?"
THE MODERN AGE - By Esther Roman - "The old man sat at the restaurant, and nobody looked at him twice."
MORAG'S QUEST - By Nathan Xenolyi - (External google drive link - html based platform game!)
MOTHER - By Sunjinjo - "There are more like me, small, pink, with nubby snouts and long tails."
MOTHER VINE - By Prophet Storm - "...they were covered in these obscene little red flowers--flowers that looked like...they looked like eyes."
MOTHER VINE II - By Prophet Storm - "I watched his eys fall out, suspended by the optic nerve, as flowers burst out of the sockets."
MOTHER VINE III - By Prophet Storm - "We are told there weren't always Mandrakes and Daughtersoil. Once it was just a single Mothervine, in a faraway land..."
MOTHER'S MUSINGS - By Prophet Storm - "We were content. We had no reason to kill. But then came the meat."
THE MOUNTAIN SONG - By Lasagnaface - "From all directions, even up in the tree tops, hordes of disfigured, speaker-mouthed men and women approached me."
MOVIES - By William Oaks - "And that was the main problem with the technology. Holograms were, by default, lethally dangerous."
MR. MAGIC'S SPECTACULAR HOME RE-ANIMATION KIT - By Prophet Storm - "Protruding from the wounds were active, seething machines, gears and pumps working feverishly."
MR. ROBOT - By Joseph Hartman - "You're talking to a robot! Give him a warm greeting!"
MY MEAT - By Justin David - "Another day of making my meat tremble and ache and scream. But I cannot stop now, not when I am so close."
MY NEW HOME - By Sophie Lydia Shepherd - "I learned pretty quickly, though, that most of my house is built on rotten supports."
MY PROBLEM - By Miranda Johansson - "He looks a lot like me, except kind of shrivelled, as if he were hollow and collapsing in on himself."
THE MARROW STORM - By Alun Clewe - (offsite comic link!)
MANHATTEN - By Witness the Absurd - " hell did this thing ever come from Manhattan, it looked like scrap."
MATERIALIZATION - By Dandelion Steph - "These “Chip-People” seemed like chatbots, with one difference: they were much more intelligent and humanlike."
MAY CONTAIN - By Kiara Maher - "It's always at the bottom of the box, or the carton, or the goddamned tupperware container that I find them."
MEMENTO MINFELD - By Shouty - "In the murky waters of an unknown ocean lie a species of drifters."
MILK RUN - By Glumdrop - "Then there was a noise in the dark that a dog couldn't make."
THE MIRROR ON THE DOOR - By Infernalthing - "When I looked at my reflection I felt like someone's watching me. Even when I was alone I had the same feeling."
MORS VOLUNTARIA - By Spitblaze - "Maybe we should’ve gone on to human trials with the medicine."
MR. SMOTHER - By Wyatt Hill - "No, Mr. Smother! What are you doing?"
MUSINGS FROM THE BUNKER - By Ben Jeffrey - "The exact date is not known when the Ice cream men started to wear the hoods."
MY FAULT - By Nick Noah - "The victims were all found fully clothed, but their bodies covered with perfectly spherical, tennis-ball-sized burn marks."
MY HAPPY PLACE - By Wyatt Hill - "The round thing lives in a tall house on a cliff. It is upside down, but then again, so is he."
MY TEETH - By ChiknHart - "I keep digging them out with the pliers. Ripping them out one by one."
Macrophagia - By Jacobguy - "At first it looked like a low cloud, but it wasn't a cloud, it was a huge collection of dandelion seeds."
Magic Number - By Hisham H. - "What he found surprised him. Strange, bizarre deaths going back two centuries. "
Malocclusion - By Izzy Winchester - "Went to get the block fitted, but the doc says it’s not my jaw. Says my incisors need more space."
Masks - By Keefer Lowe - "I saw the first one on my way to work one cool November morning."
Messorem - By Millien - "You are in a plain room; there is a pile of rags in the corner, and a table with a sheet of paper and a knife on it."
Misbegotten - By Daniel Saults - (PDF download) a complete, playable body horror RPG!
Morning Person - By Charred Newt - "The skin around the freshly-made hole crumbles, curls up like burnt paper."
Mother of Them All - By TimtheFireLord - "the dream became lucid as soon as I saw the frog being jump out of behind the pillar"
The Moth of Ice - By Nicolai Ostergaard - "One summer noon, something caught my eye. Like a crystalline leaf this tiny creature floated on the air."
Mr. Stitch - By Thomas Turnasella - "There was one person though, that was a bit more than “curious”, a bit more than “strange,” and everyone in town knew him only as Mr. Stitch."
My Aunt's New House - By Stickydot - "The skin had been mostly removed, but I could still see the ears attached, and it wasn't a rabbit."
My Toilet Bit Me - By Samuel Miller - "It asks for meatier and meatier foods each time."
The Man in My Eye - By Dustin & Adam Koski - "I’d gone two months of what had been the left side of my vision just not being there and was getting used to it. But slowly I became aware there was a small, faint white patch in otherwise pure blackness."
The Mansion - By mememaedas - "I can't say that my experience was spooky or terrifying, it was gross and confusing really."
Maternity Ward - By Jacobguy - "Frozen in shock, the giant yellow, maggot-like creature in my arms simply swayed from side to size before settling down"
Merge - By H. Wormwood and T. Brewster - "You know how in primary school there's always those two girls who are completely joined-at-the-hip inseparable?"
Mesa Blanco - By Rahkshasarani - "Visitors to the park that contains Mesa Blanco often stumble upon kachina dolls by the dozen, often embedded in clay deposits or seemingly growing out of the stone."
Mimesis - By Thomas F. Johnson - "At first I'm all, big deal, I see, lots o plastic bags in this part o' town. Then it starts following me."
MONSTERBATER - By Ben Aron - (NSFW) "I am Necrofucker," said the creature. "I will be your guide to the best porn in up to 46 different dimensions!"
Morbid Curiosity - By Neon Minerva - "He nearly slipped on an eyeball, squishing it with his bare foot."
Mr. Strole and his unbelievably shocking encounter with the being that will be known in this story as the Clung - By Sarah Cleary - "As he plodded down the faded crosswalk, he tried to remember if the divorce led to the clung or if the clung led to the div-"
Mr. Click - By Naps - "he turned into three centipedes and scuttled away"
The Mirror in the Forest - By Daren H - " Katarina liked wandering in the woods, away from her stodgy home. Being only nine years old, her parents forbade her from straying out, but she felt compelled to. "
Mad Machine - By Eliot Lefebvre - " For the first month, everything was just fine. We all worked together without a problem, human and AI alike. "
Maiden - By ZippyWharrgarbl - " My word!" the prince cried. "Such vulgarity for a robin to partake in! "
Meat Gods - By Tristan Tanner - (PDF Download - a playable D&D adventure!)
Mikey - By Anonymous - " Real quick: what's Michelangelo's catchphrase? What's that thing he shouts from his skateboard that almost immediately entered the vocabulary of every child from the late 80's to the late 90's? "
Monsters of New York: Megan - By Brian Shadensack - " Megan. Age 26. Lycanthrope. "
Mouth - By Daniel Hale - " He's the silliest thing you ever did see, he told the children. He has a long, narrow head, shaped like a canoe. He has big wide eyes, wider than an owl's by far! And he has this great big mouth, opened all the way to shout, with all his might: welcome to Whatchma World! "
Moving On - By Anonymous - (short!)
Mr. Sewers - By Paracosmos - " The thing was once human, possibly. Its head was like a deformed egg, one with boils and scars. "
Making True Love - By Land of Obscure Potatoes - (COMIC!)
The Mandela Effect is Real - By WriterJosh - "You've heard of the Mandela Effect, right? That's a term for when a large number of people remember something that didn't happen."
Marrow Lake - By Gluttonous Bodak - "With a name like "Marrow Lake" as its official geographic label, you'd think the place would be a ghost-town (and quite unwelcome to life) even before the Abomination arrived."
Mining Assumptions - By bc - "This is the story of why I threw away my favorite Disney movie and forbid it in my house even after my daughter was born."
The Mirror is a Liar - By Dandelion Steph - "What is that? Alex thought."
Music, Music - By Regis Ethell - "‘It's so peaceful this time of day, isn't it?' The yellowed, flickering lights loomed overhead, the bright, bright night sky glaring down at us."
My Parents Didn't Let Me Talk To Great Uncle Ed No More - By Connor W. Drescher - "They lived behind tall fences, behind which were more fences, in mud huts. They went too and fro, tilling their fields with thin arms. Mostly, they ate fish, I think -raw, like the Japanese. But the fish weren't like any I'd seen."

NAKED - By Alexis Feynman - "I've never been comfortable seeing other people naked."
NECROMANCER - By Sly Devil - "I don't know what it was that made me able to see behind the masks. Just everything bega peeling."
NEOLITHIC PALACE - By Richard Fisher - (PDF article)
NEPENTHES INSANIA - By Hisham H. - "Some of the later pots were ridiculous in size; that last one I saw him carry in was practically the size of a trash can."
NEW NEIGHBORS - By Sly Devil - "It froze when it...well, I can't really say that it 'saw' me."
THE NEW SANTA - By Immutatus - "Santa was ugly and disgusting, but at least he looked human. The elves didn't."
THE NINTH SEQUENCE - By Joseph Hartman - "A man on a horse rode triumphantly into the sunset. Appeased, the sunset digested him and vanished."
NOSEBLEED - By Irene Vallone - "A dark red circle appeared on the page of the book John was reading."
THE NOTHING PERSON: DAY 567 - By Frozen Killer - "Its face, if you can really call it that, looked like a skull with skin overlapping it."
NOT REAL - By David Haire - "I awoke one morning to the sound of hysterical crying emanating from downstairs. Or laughter."
NOT MY CHILDREN - By Nick Mandrak - "They have these dark spots that are just so cute, but they are not eyes."
NOW IN THEATERS NEAREST YOU - By Glumdrop - "The creature takes the mustard and writes "BRANCH MANGLER" down its slimy body."
NAUSEA MAZE - By Infernalthing - "When he got up he saw the thing that made him trip. It was a human spine that had a pair of legs on each vertebra."
NANA - By PartlySmith - "Nana’s hard, wooden fingers wrap around me as she lifts me up."
NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT - By Anonymous - "You know it is there, but it can never, never ever know that you know."
NOTHING - By Erickson C.M. Sturdy - (microstory)
THE NOTHING PERSON - By Brian J. - "Gruesome, terrible, blades grew from the limb, and started scraping the wall trying to find me."
NOT YOURS - By (unknown) - "And you scooped the ideas out with a pencil , and put them on paper."
Natozine - By Jared Ludy - "Apparently, it’s supposed to freak out your senses and give you some sort of "unforgettable" high"
Needles - By Max Peabody - "A team of naturalists and botanists is sent to the Amazon rainforest with the goal of determining how far the change has spread."
Nepenthes Monstrosa - By Hisham H. - "I shook my head. There was no animal, no phenomenom I could think of that can skeletonize a cow in one night."
New Tongue - By Sorbus - " At first, when I went to the dentist, she didn't see it."
Night Terror - By Pumpkinheadeddoll - "I still remember some of the dreams from when I was little, all slightly different but they always have a single connecting point; they all end with me being choked."
Not a Turkey - By Hisham H. - "Dammit Emmett, calm down and tell me in proper English!"
New Jamestown - By Joseph Hartman - "Turns out the afterlife isn't much different from life. It got to the point where I assumed that I had survived my brush with death, and had just been kidnapped and carted off to this psuedo-utopia."
Nightcrawler - By Nick Noah - "It was a little closer now, but still I could make out no more details than before. The person still held their arms in the air in that weird manner, swaying gently."
The Night of Core - By LAT - "After going through the regular 26.66 percent pitch and tempo increase, I felt that the track just wasn't unique enough for today's world. I repeated the process, increasing the pitch and tempo once again. Double nightcore has been done before, I say to myself. I repeat. Still not enough."
Night Sky - By Michael Behnke - "Alan liked looking at the stars. It always helped him feel less alone."
Noteworthy Nestor - By Hisham H. - "A plaintive, desperate shriek. A woman in pain, possibly with an injured jaw; it sounded like she had trouble saying the words."
Not So Handy - By Sam Swigart - "The doctors told me to write a detailed account of what happened before the...incident."
The Night Light - By Jenne Kaivo - " One time when I was little I saw a book on the sea. There were lots of pictures of different parts of the sea and I saw pictures of the really dark parts and the different fishs that live there and they were scary. "
Nepenthes Chimaera - By Hisham H. - " It was an enormous rabbit, white with black blotches. It's eyes were bloodshot, it heaved and shuddered, and wheezed like its lungs were diseased. It struggled to its feet. "
Night Terrors - By Anonymous - " I'm not one to usually think too hard about my dreams. "
Nocebo - By Huw Saunders - " Infrasound explodes from the speakers, dancing on the edge of human hearing. The Prophet holds desperately on his sliders, feeling as if they might try and shut themselves down without his intervention. "
No Moon At All - By Luke Jones - "It's just you, the fan, the radio, and the distant roar of engines drowned by a million bugs, Ricky. You look off down the dark road, and the way the swamp swallows it up, you get the sense that anything is possible - you get this dread, you know? "
Not a Bot - By Kirbymongerr - " Hey man check this out its a chatbot pretending to be some girl that wants to date you. You can watch it learn from you in real time lmao "
Narrative of a young woman as dictated by a melting candle - By Del Scott - "My art is not my creation."
Nepenthes polypsyche - By Hisham Hasan - "My name is Raymond, and I have a story to tell."
Nighttime Visitor - By Boneless Skeleton - "I still hear it."
No Longer Alone - By Nick - "I found myself in an area I haven't visited before in my life, and in the back of my mind, I know I don't belong here."
No More Stalking for Me - By James B. Davis - "I'm what you could a stalker, I guess."
Nocturnal - By Anonymous - "There are pros and cons for living in this particular part of the country."
Nodens Management Systems Contractor Review Form - By Nausicaa Harris - "10/10/17 dave somehow replaces the air conditioning unit with a malevolent ai. she isnt good at trying to destroy humanity"
North House - By Duncan Skjaret - "The bulk of this chair seemed to be formed of an enormous burled spruce stump which fanned out around the sitter, parts of it carved into a sort of abstract, flowing design."
Not Your Time - By Anonymous - "I never really liked my cousin Nel."

OLD - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "Regina slowly made her way over to the bag of cat food."
ONE UGLY CHAIR - By Nick Noah - "So a few months ago my friend picked up this really ugly office chair..."
OBSESSED WITH MONSTERS - By Reese Yeeter - "I love monsters. Nightmares. Fates worse than death."
ODDITIES COLLECTION - By Scarvexx - "Dermites” he read on the placard. “Does he mean termites?"
OFF MY CHEST - By Dandelion Steph - "I got leeches on my chest, I dont know why or how."
OH BROTHER - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "One bony arm was uncovered and hooked up to an IV. Martin screamed."
OMEHTRLENV - By Prophet Storm - "I'm not sure if they know I'm here. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I'm here."
ON REFLECTION - By William Walls - "My jawline looked a little further to the left. Mirror didn't seem wonky."
ON THE LAKE - By Kiara Maher - "the cormorants are different this year."
ORGANE - By Tweinge - "The vat was full of something vile."
THE OWL MAN - By Irene Vallone - "I remember with perfect clarity the first time I ever heard about the Owl Man."
Odontophobia - By Keetah Spacecat - "On Monday morning, my tooth started itching." (several short stories!)
Old Pot - By Zoe Keidong - "You have received an old pot in on form or another."
Out of Memory - By Sorbus - "On April 3rd, we started to receive reports of what at first we could only describe as local time anomalies."
Over Sharing - By Ben Jeffrey - "My neighbour was sleeping in a tent out the back of his house last night"
Observations on a Foggy Night - By Nausicaa Harris - (images!)
One of Those Screamer Videos - By Sue Donym - "I always thought that was the funny part. They don’t work on me anyway; I’ve seen dozens and they’ve become totally predictable."
On Purpose - By Joseph Hartman - "I am crafting my masterpiece."
Otherkin: Acceptance - By Prophet Storm - "Us regular, plain, red-blooded Americans are becoming the minority"
Otherkin: Induction - By Prophet Storm - "Subject 12 is of an apparently humanoid race. It is apparently male, possessed of bright red skin, black, curled horns, colorless eyes, and a long, primate-like tail."
Otherkin: Alternative Lifestyle - By Prophet Storm - "I straighten the charm paper on my neck. It's just a little Japanese charm to anyone else, but to the Oni, it's an important part of the courtship process."
The Ostrich God - By Jenne Kaivo - " The Ostrich God has no water and only drinks blood. "
Old Me - By Jacob Roberts - " My science teacher once said that all of the cells in our bodies have been replaced at least once in our lives. Even though parts of us die, the incredible thing about humans is that we always grow back. "
One Thousand and one Frights - By Doctor Wither - " Don't let the name fool you: You're a good kid, Malik, I can tell. No reason to fear a bogey if you've never disobeyed your parents, eh? "
One-Upping Jeremy - By Alcy W. - " The Vampire was for real and for true a monster, though perhaps not the blood-drinking kind. "
Onto My Chest - By Dandelion Steph - (content warning) " Soon the peachy things went back to rolling near the door, occasionally bumping into each other. "
Open Letter To All Staff - By Sarah Cleary - " Just a friendly reminder that bring your daughter to work day will be occurring tomorrow. As always, if you have a daughter, age 8 to 18, please do not bring her. We do not want your actual children to be confused with (and replaced by) the shadow daughters. "
Other Side - By Thomas Gunderloy - (short!)
Oldhill Lake - By Hisham Hasan - "And this pondweed didn't just lay there, inert and floating. He could see that it indeed moved, seethed and writhed like a mass of worms."
On a Pale Horse - By Millien - "He swept through our villages, cutting us down as easy as a reaper cuts his harvest."
One-Wing the Last - By O. - " I twisted a little more, and I saw why the clunking thing had stopped. It was stooped over, beholding a shiny thing in its grasp."
OPINION - By Anonymous - "There are opinions crawling in my head."
Oral Hygeine Is Critical - By Kiovenn - "I woke up one morning with an unusually ravenous feeling of hunger."
The Orb - By Anonymous - "I was sitting on a recliner pulled over to one side of the room, bolt upright, my heart pounding and every muscle in my body tensed from anxiety."

THE PAPERCRAFT DRAGON - By VeePickle - "This new head shape was so far removed from the others..."
PIANO - By Dreadnawt - "As crazy as it might seem, I often felt that I was disappointing a piano most of all by playing it so poorly."
PINK - By Dandelion Steph - "Jennifer Mordley loved pink."
PORCELAIN GOD - By Olita Clark - "You are here because of the thing in your gut."
PREDATORS - By Lee - "Behind him, a pair of large pale eyes are staring in from the window."
PANDORA - By Prophet Storm - "Creatures are quadrupeds, their hind legs longer than their forelegs, implying a former bipedal nature."
THE PARTY PLANNER - By Immutaus - "Don't you worry about that. We'll make sure all your guests show up. Whether they want to or not."
THE PEN - By Sharadin Richter - "You have one week to snap the pen in half."
PERSISTENCE OF VISION - By TheGunHeart and Ryusui- "God help me, I love crappy cartoons."
PERSONAL - By Dead Palette - (video)
PLAGUE DOCTOR - By Etan Nichols - "We try to kill them with medicine, but when we can't, we have to resort to other means."
THE PLANTATION - By Irene Vallone - "Run all you like!" screeched the horrible grinding voice. "Run all you like! You will return! One day you will return!"
PLUCK - By Kiara Maher - "One by one she pulls them out, using a motion she has practiced, and practiced, and practiced."
PLUMBING - By Kevin Stanley - "A few nights ago, my toilet started making an odd noise."
POISON BREATHER - By Axle the Beast - "After a short while I can feel it boiling inside me, the pain I crave, the agony that makes me feel whole."
PREDATORY FACE - By Anonymous - "You know these awkward moments when you just look at a scene and your brain suddenly starts conjuring the most hair-raising thing that could happen next?"
PRETTY SKIES - By Chris Cox - "The stars blinked."
PROBLEM CHILD - By Izzy Winchester - "The Problems Man has always been nice to me. Even before the Best Thing."
Passive Ability - By Anonymous- "Now the opposing team has only one monster left. This is the final round, folks."
Past Tense - By Rhakshasarani - "I used to have a stalker."
Peanut Gallery - By Stickydot - "WORLD'S LARGEST PEANUT 2 MILES AHEAD!"
Pet Tumor - By Jon Strong - "There’s something in my house. It talks to me."
Photobomber - By Elliot Avery - "In each and every photo, there was a man I didn't recognize."
Planter Park - By Rhakshasarani - "Who builds an amusement park on a swamp?"
Poems to Vocalize Through Your Orifices - By Nick Norden - "Hither, yon, yon, hither, yon, hither."
Porcelain - By Samuel Miller - " I just now notice how strange it is that there are bite marks on plates and silverware."
Pressed - By Peppermint Monster - "If you are still alive after ninety days, I will let you go home."
Public - By Austin Brooks - "A sound like someone had dropped a bowling ball on a piggy bank, followed by water surging from shattered pipes. "
Put the Thing in the Thing - By Olita Clark - "The metallic voice drags you back into consciousness with sharp pitched claws"
Paula - By Emma G. - "Subject’s state of undeath does not seem to cause her any mental distress or anxiety, though she claims to possess no knowledge of how or why she exists"
Pale Blue - By Athena - "I saw it first in my window. I know it must've had a shape, but to my eyes it was indescribable;"
Pediophobia - By J.D. Stroud - "It started wrapping its raggedy, filthy ears around my legs"
The Person, The Thing, and The Flat Place - By Sarah Cleary - "A person is in a flat place. They are holding the thing that is not a place. They are standing outside of the house place, looking at the sky place."
Pets - By Tan Yi Tong - "I couldn't find Mama Bird today, but I heard her hooves clopping around in her silver kettle. I don't know where the rest of her is."
Picasso - By Sam Miller - "They said it was some newly found painting by Picasso. That thing on it. Knobbly. So brightly neon-hued that it stabs the eyes just to look at it."
Pipe Scum - By Jon Strong - "She said there was a gelatinous mass in some u-pipe or whatever, bright red. She said I shouldn't eat jello in the shower"
Plagiarism - By Sue Donym - "let’s say, theoretically, there is a supercomputer with a human genome-generating algorithm hidden deep within the Earth’s crust"
Power - By C. Lonnquist - '"You saw them, didn't you? Up there when Cassie died? They were watching, you know."'
Pressure - By Ryan Oleynik - "There is something rebellious about a campfire in the backwoods darkness."
The Prison Game - By Joseph Hartman - " You sometimes wonder if the person who keeps giving you this money wanted you to visit these places. Perhaps, in their mind, treading the ragged edges of this world was the greatest luxury. "
The Problem With the Cat - By Devon Palmer - " The problem with the cat isn't that it has no eyes. We had them taken out. "
Pareidolia - By Ariel Jay - " Humans are built to recognize faces. It's one of our most basic instincts. It's why merely a colon and a parenthesis can communicate joy or sadness online. "
Pastermole - By Jacob Roberts - " Pastermole never said what the original, real world was like, or how many levels of simulation down we were. Some people speculated that we were near the very bottom, and insisted that we should act like it, too. "
Peeling Paint - By Retro - " The signal blares, everyone groans. Ugh. Another one, really? "
Photosynthesizing For Two - By Anonymous - " Web M.D. says that it's impossible for a human being to grow a plant in their body by ingesting a seed. The notion gives you comfort, but not for long. Where did this so-called "Dr. Web" get his degree anyway? "
Pianist Hands - By Dandelion Steph - " Thick. Coarse. Bulbous knuckles with edges so hard, it was as if they were chiseled from stone. And by the day, the dark, thick hairs grew, overtaking his skin like weedy kudzu along a road. "
Plastic - By Austin Brooks - (explicit content: humorous sexual horror) " Her skin wasn't just perfectly smooth and hairless, it was slick and shiny. Like beige latex rubber. Her platform pumps were fused seamlessly to her feet. Her "fingernails" were just pink dots painted on her fingertips. "
Polly - By Anonymous - " As the story goes, she was a really curious lass. Ended up killing her own father when he couldn't answer her questions correctly anymore. "
Pompernickel, noooooo! - By Anonymous - " Some parts of the world have a proud tradition of producing high quality cartoons. Others do not. "
Purple Haze - By James B. Davis - " Outside my window was my neighborhood... completely swallowed by the purple fog... "
Pyramid Lake - By Kira M. - " It was some type of robot, completely round and probably a little larger than a basketball, it stood on four spindly legs and began crawling towards me. "
Partial List - By Hisham Hasan - "This is by no means a complete list."
The Pills - By Michael Fallon Alberson - "Hi, just wanted to tell you I'm back in the hospital."
Pittsburgh - By Butts McGee - "Detective Laura Christine Merriweather slid a miniature bottle of store brand sports drink to the college kid across the table with one hand and set down a small digital voice recorder with the other."
The Plastic Roses - By Airborne Terror - "Imagine, if you will, that you wake up from a vaguely dreadful dream, while waiting in the living room of a house."
Please stop opining on mainstream media - By Anonymous - (Very short...but the twists and turns of this gripping narrative are not to be missed!)
Prelude to a Journey - By Emergence - "Strand felt his flesh spasm and squirm. He looked down at his arm, and screamed as it began to erupt with wriggling tendrils."
Private Myths - By Dave Lerner - "Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths."
Process - By Hugo A Gomez - "How to make someone disappear in 6 simple steps"
Proof - By Dave Lerner - "It says something about my circumstance that when I felt down I could afford to spend the entire day sitting at a cafe downtown, moodily drinking coffee."
Punchline - By Yellowmane - "Waiter! Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!"
The Puppetman - By Michael Fallon Alberson - "I'm afraid of the Puppetman."

Qallupilluit - By Nicholas Dennison - "Like all the other children in our camp by the sea, my brother and I had grown up on stories of the Qallupilluit."
QUANTUM REALITY - By Infernalthing - "You know what quantum reality is?"

RADULA - By S. Palevsky - (to the tune of Dragula)
RED - By Nicky Norden - "Oh how I loathed the Pinks."
RED HEAD HANDY MAN - By Irene Vallone - "You begin to realize that the air is not hot enough for heat distortion to happen."
REMEMBER - By Hare Trinity - "I was just thinking... Do you remember a show on TV, when we were little?"
RICE - By Miranda Johansson - "The task of cleaning out my brother's apartment falls on me."
RINSE - By Zoe Kiedong - "You can see it, right? The lump of slick, tumorous bad thought, darkened?"
THE ROOF - By C. Lonnquist - "There is more above us."
ROOM - By Stephen Keane - "You awoke to find that your bedroom door was gone."
THE ROOT HEADED ONE - By Hisham H. - "All that remains from his assailant is a needle with a loose, glassy, empty capsule."
RUMORS ON A CITY STREET CORNER - By Tbok - "Hey didja hear? Ya know the free clinics they have around here? Yeah, the ones with that funky bird for a logo."
RUSTY - By Dead Palette - (video)
THE ROOM - By Stuart - "There was one room we were especially fond of hiding in, my sister and I."
Reunion - By Baxter Barclay - "How are you doing buddy?" croaks the figure before me that is supposedly Barry."
Red Gold - By The Cuttlefishking - (poem)
Red World - By Ciara Borner - (poem)
Revealer - By Everbound Venvel - "A Revealer looks something like a fleshy gray-brown coconut with a thing like a skinny little deep-sea fish fry tail for a body."
The Ride Never Ends - By Thomas F. Johnson - "Her bike was made of flat, monocolored polygons put together, like one of those really old 3d-games."
Rings - By Tom Serveaux - "Did squirrels have limbs that long and gangly, or ears that pointy?"
Rise, Peter - By Izzy Winchester - "I didn't have to ask anyone about the pillar, or tell. It had already cycled through so many others, like a dance"
All Roads Lead to Rome - By Thomas F. Johnson - "Probably has something to do with those sacks they're carryin', wriggling around."
Rules and Instruction - By Hisham H. - "Make sure that at least two people take Maurice the manatee out of his pool each night and take him to the storage area."
Run - By Jacob Boles - (short)
Red is my Color - By Peter Allan - (comic!)
Repulsion - By Violet K. - "The levitation was, at least, fun for a little bit."
Resource Guarding - By Jon Strong - "This is not a confession. Only people who did something wrong or bad confess."
THE RE-SPOOPENNING - By AlabastarLucario_Son_Of_CTHULHU_GlobalWarmingIsALie - (The contents of this story are too horrifying to replicate here. You have been warned.)
Return to Pandora - By ProphetStorm - '"Didn't you pay attention to the briefing, Charlie? These little green men are former US Astronauts, and they were equipped just like we are."'
ROAD KILL - By SJ Nurse - "As we drove, more and more roadkill started to appear, first individually, then in groups, then in huge steaming swaths that filled the ditches and spilled onto the asphalt."
Roommate - By Willow Carberry - "I could hear him moving around at night, banging around and clinking plates and glasses while I was trying to sleep."
The Roommate - By Rahkshasarani - "Look, I'll just come right out and say it: none of us are really in the right. I mean, there were six of us in the same apartment. Most of us weren't even on the lease."
The Rose Eater - By Tom - (poem!)
Rusty Rooms and Clown Suits - By James B. Davis - " A bright and colorful clown suit hung on the wall."
The Rain - By Mr. Stickman - (microstory)
The Rat Dog - By Emma G. - " The owners of the rat dog seem like nice enough people. I don't speak to them much. Both of them work. No kids. They love their ugly little dog. "
The Rock - By Brittanny Handiboe - (comic!)
Radioyed - By Lokal - " One night it just appeared on the tower "
Rat King - By Eli - " God, I can't believe you! That one was just a baby. There's no reason to hurt them like that! "
Real Light - By Kirbymongerr - " It had been quite a shock to humanity, when it was discovered that what was thought of as the 'known universe' was inside some sort of immense shell. "
Rental House - By Erin Drinnon - " Our house had an extra door. It was locked, and we didn't have a key for it. "
Revised Zombie Guide - By Brian Shadensack - " Accessing Red Level information. Unauthorized access will be grounds for existential termination. "
Rose Hollow - By Jacob Roberts - " The vines appeared to be covered in a fine fur, but upon closer inspection Mark saw that the fur was actually thousands of tiny, sharp thorns. "
Ruby - By Gwendolynn Anathema Macglower - " Okay, so I'm trying to sell this dog, but I'll be honest with you, she's a handful. More on that later. "
The Re-Imagining - By Hisham Hasan - "Now, normally I don't share my dreams, due to their highly mundane/nonsensical nature, and just being plain boring, but one of my dreams was so bizarre, that I felt I simply had to share it."
Reasons I Hate My Roommate - By Ellen Spacelizards - "I found this list in an alleyway? In a tiny notebook."
The Red Marble - By Omny - "The craft had appeared one midsummer morning, hovering quietly over the ocean."
Revealation Day - By Thomas Steven Slater - "I am now now of Argicola's humans."
The Rhyme of Old Mister Reek - By Johnny Carcosa - " Beware, beware, ye good little children."
The roses of life and the forest of song - By DiplodocusDinosaur - "The woman with no name scrambled through the thick mass of hissing vines and brambles, coated in sharp thorns."
Roswell, New Mexico, 1947 - By Dallas and Erin Drinnon - "As a kid, I was fascinated with anything to do with space."

SCENT OF THE NIGHT - By Shard - (short)
THE SEQUENCE - By Witness the Absurd - "The Beast is pulled from the Dead Sea. It's body is a salted wreck."
SHRIKE - By Stuart - "...a fat little bird hops between branches, chirping. In moments it is joined by another, and another."
SKILEVAKS - By Nathan Ilar Xenolyi - (PDF DOWNLOAD) - a novel-length entry starring one of's sort-of-home-brewed freaks!
SNAILS - By Anonymous - "No person in this world has ever despised them as much as I do."
THE SNAIL'S SHELL - By Joseph JG - "As I gazed into that miniature abyss, something slowly began to come into view."
SNOW - By Anonymous - "Nothing but a pile of snow, except for two black disks representing eyes."
SANGUINE - By Jack Allan - "A young woman, head freshly shaved, awake in the dead of the night."
SANTA - By Alexis Feynman - "Make sure that you're in bed when Santa comes, or you won't get any presents."
SCAR STORIES - By Prophet Storm - "Between serrated teeth, its mouthed tongue shot out..."
SCHOOL YEARS - By Charred Newt - "Everybody lined up on the walls, as the Sevenths slowly advanced under the younger students’ nervous stare."
SCRAP OF PAPER EXUDING SURPRISING AMOUNTS OF NEGATIVE ENERGY - By Ben Jeffrey - "Gaudy plastic flowers, tied to a lamp post."
SHADOW TAG - By Jacob Boles - "I was playing my new pokemon game on the bus, when I found a wobbuffet in a cave."
SHELLEY AND ME - By J. Jae "JJ" Jay - " It contorted its body, trying to get at the gristle that still clung to its fur, even biting into its own flesh."
SHINING EYES - By Lord of Rye - "The dying sky is the wrong color - it is too shallow, too vaporous."
SIGNAL RECEIVE - By Irene Vallone - "At first, no one could believe it. We thought that it was a joke, somehow, or a mistake. How could we be the most advanced beings out there?"
SILENT SCREAMS - By Jesse - "Whispers turn to talking, talking turns to yelling, yelling turns to screaming."
THE SILENT BARD - By Pyro Gibberish - "The Silent Bard rode into town atop a dying steed."
THE SIX DAY CATERPILLAR - By Rhakshasarani - "Participants are encouraged to drink the entire beverage first, then roll the larvae up in the lichen and swallow the whole parcel without chewing."
SLIDING - By cz37ltn+hi0rs4 - "How long has it been? I've already lost all sense of time."
SLUG ON A CHEESE GRATER - By Lynn Graznak, Surreal Macabre Art - (PDF file, text and sculpture work!)
THE SMOKER - By Miranda Johansson - "I first became aware that something was wrong when my husband's plants began to wilt."
SOCK STEALER - By Infernalthing - "he had a smiling pumpkin head with big round eyes. The eyes and mouth were pitch black."
SOMETHING BOLTED THIS WAY COMES - By Andrew Howard - "The buildings were held together with bolts, rivets, welds, clamps, and... Duct tape? No, really. Duct tape."
SOUNDS OF NATURE - By Dandelion Steph - (wav file)
STEPHEN - By Rhakshasarani - "Stephen was an artist… at least that was what it said on his business cards."
STONE AND BONE - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "The head isn't what any of us expected."
STORM OF '98 - By Tatzlwyrm - "I looked up and saw seagulls wheeling overhead, chattering to one another and calling dibs on the pieces of trash floating by."
STRINGS - By Mandatory Upgrades - "I swear, this wasn't wind or anything, they just shot around his arms and legs and neck like whips and held him there."
SUPERPREDATOR - By Irene Vallone - "One theory is that Neanderthals were just outcompeted by Homo sapiens..."
Scalphas - By TheGunheart - "Two years. Two years since that damn wyrm froze the Earth's heart."
Section 4: The Events - By HareTrinity - "The events take place in this child's bedroom."
Selfie.jpg - By Emma G. - "Another online friend told me someone had put my picture up somewhere else, got it from her facebook."
Sentinels - By Ryan Oleynik - "Entire books and movies were used to answer the question: What would happen when we meet aliens?"
Silence - By Jacobguy - "I dread silent nights. Ever since I was 11 years old I've hated the nights that are devoid of sound."
Sleep Study - By L.A. Johannsen - "The feeling of being watched lingered like an ache."
Sleeping Bag - By C. Lonnquist - "Once, when I was six, there were five of them, and I could see them through the mesh window on my tent."
Some Kind of Video Game - By Dandelion Steph - "There's a man standing by a streetlight. Another player, an NPC, I don't care."
Soul Cramp - By Jon Strong - "Ever since she was a child, she always had stomach cramps."
Specimen Journal - By Hisham H. - "Today I collected something quite strange; a caterpillar that I can't identify in any of the books."
Speed - By Jacobguy - "You really need to go fast."
THE SPOOPIEST NIGHTMARE - By ChaosLucarioMasterofDragonDolphins - ???!
Squirm Face - By James B. Davis - "My eyesight throbbed and blinked in red and yellow."
Squirming Underground - By James B. Davis - "The cave reeked of bile, gore, and the vinegar scented syrup on the floor.
Sun God - By Irene Vallone - "My attendants flock around me, whispering in tongues - strange tongues, or perhaps familiar."
A Synopsis of David Cronenberg's Neuromancer - By Erika Bachman - "David Cronenberg’s Neuromancer has always been a fascinating cinematic anomaly, although most students will remember it only for the infamous lawsuit that Cronenberg became embroiled in and eventually devastated by."
Sacrifice - By anonymous - "-„She’s GONE, isn’t she?! ALL gone, and she left the door open! Ooooh, she left the door open, what a lucky day!"
Safety Railing - By Maxwell j - "I diverged from the path of my bubble by about six inches in June of last year."
Sal - By Jared Ludy - "There’s something very strange about my neighbor, Sal."
Salt - By Eve Q - "The crew all said it was just seasickness. Told you to quit worrying over a little nausea, you’ll get used to it soon enough. You didn’t."
Same As It Ever Was - By Stickydot - "My wife is five-foot-three, with black hair in a bob cut, and beautiful green eyes. What is sitting at the other side of the table, is a mop."
San Lorenzo - By Rahkshasarani - "Adult and child alike would ingest hallucinogenic compounds on assigned nights. Sometimes residents would go missing and have to be rescued from death by dehydration in the desert."
Selected Pages From the Rich and Human - By Zoe Keidong - "He screams at the mirror sometimes when I walk past his room, almost like how he screams at me. He apologizes right after to it, like he’s scared of what he did. Is that what narcissism is?"
Set - By Jac R.B. (JacobGuy) - "The creature placed its slimy, webbed hands on the boy's arm, which he now noticed was visibly broken."
Shadow Play - By Robbie Lyons - "Some smiled crazily, laughing without laughter. Others crouched and shook in the corners, huddled by the nightlights. The ones in front of the beer signs seemed to sway drunkenly and occasionally kicked at the skittering, quadrupedal shadows that swarmed over every inch of dirty beige carpet."
Silent Hollow - By ProphetStorm - "The greengrocer is forgettable, and his way of joking slightly as he hands you your groceries fails to be eerie."
Silhouettes of Monsters and Men - By anonymous - "I used to love the future. I still do, at least parts of it."
Sinkhole - By Athena - "As long as I can remember there's been a sinkhole outside my house. It's gradually grown throughout the years, slowly taking over our entire yard."
Sky Gardens - By Izzy Winchester - '"Gimme a quarter for the secret, and you'll get the balloon free. How's that sound?"'
sleepless night - By gobtraz - "It was nothing newsworthy that those damn things would be violent, and it was nothing newsworthy that they would be put down like the dogs they were."
Sleep Tight - By Sue Donym - "I hate to tell you this, but the breathing is real, it is not coming from you or your spouse or any other familiar housemate, and it is not coming from outside."
Snowman - By ProphetStorm - "It was upward of ninety degrees out, and the snow was ankle-deep."
The Snow Never Melts - By Austin Brooks - "The oldest tell legends of a far off world were the snow ebbs and flows and even vanishes altogether for a time, were light and dark shift in even cadence."
Soft Reset - By Ozeanin - "I've been up all night trying to get this stupid Shiny."
Something in my throat - By carpcave - "Is this something a human should cough up?"
Soul - By AJTheMighty - "A slow grumbling sound filled the room, and in came an.....abomination."
sp00py stories - By Caleb Nusbaum - (large image file!)
Splatter Freak - By Gwendolynn Anathema MacGlower - 'The footsteps had stopped outside his door. The door creaked open when his father pushed it. "Get up, Cam," he said, "We're going for a walk."'
The Staring Man - By Ron MacGillivray - "Eventually, an inkling of curiosity made her peek back through the window at the man. He was now leaning against a lamppost, a twisted smile on his face that didn't match his cold, unblinking eyes."
Story of a Lifetime - By Aoakesme - "They told me I had to write the story of a life time, the story of centuries or of aeons. I tried my absolute best to find the story, I thought it had to be something real!"
The Surgeon - By Infernalthing - "There are rumors of a mysterious entity known only as the Surgeon. Nobody was able to fully describe his appearance, but it's only known that he is tall and wears heavy coating. His face is never seen, most certainly being covered in wraps or something, and the eyes are maybe hidden under round goggles."
Sweet, Sweet Discount Candy - By Stickydot - "I picked up a bag of what was supposed to be gummy bats, when I saw the bag start to quiver, almost as if it was cold, too. I held it close to my face to make sure nothing was wrong, only to make eye contact with a large, bright green rat."
The Seven Mothers - By Nausicaa Harris - " The next day, a third mother arrived at the door of the cottage. She was made all of iron wire, shaped like a woman, with a crude smiling face. "
The Silk Noose - By Benjamin Lupine - " I just woke up one morning and there it was. It wasn't attached to my ceiling so much as... dangling through it. Like it or the cheap plaster wasn't real. "
The Silk Sheets - By Ben L Wolf - " Her eyes were very large, brown, and kind, staring down into his face with concern and perched just above them on her forehead was a pair of little sunglasses that almost seemed forgotten in their perch secured by her shiny white hair. Why did she have sunglasses inside? "
The Smell of Rain - By Luna - " Cheal stretched out her tongue down to her knees. Marcella had no idea how to react. "
The Smeyull - By Anonymous - NO!
The Splatterpunk Gospel - By Daniel Hale - " The vein is the beginning. The vein is the end. The vein is all. This is our world. "
The Steel Witch - By Anonymous - " As far as I could tell, there were no bodies. Not a single splash of blood. Which was odd, especially since there were plenty of traces suggesting that people had been dragged all over the ground and thrown against the walls. "
Still Beating - By Ron Macgillivray - " He stares down at the chunk of meat in his hand. Its still moving, jittering and twitching, coating his hand in blood. It shouldn't still be moving. "
The Surgeon - By Garetch Barsby - " One evening, I walked into a hospital. A hospital where my apartment should have been. "
Senses of Evil - By Joe Cool - " That night I decided to perform the ritual. It was a ritual that got me going "are you serious!?" It was just so damn STUPID "
Shadow on the Wall - By Joseph Hartman - " The shadows were recognizably human silhouettes, but the same sort that you see on street signs. No real identifying features. "
Six Easy Steps - By Miranda Johansson - " It hung in the middle of his living room, all bony angles, starving-thin. Its head was huge and bulbous, and half gone - where its face should have been was just a jagged-edged cavity. "
Sixteen Tons - By Izzy Winchester - " They call it Fordite. "
Snoitcelfer - By Dave Lerner - " He enters the bathroom wearing nothing but pajama pants while she's taking a shower. He's in a bit of a hurry. He sees that the bathroom mirror is completely covered with a towel. He's annoyed, but not surprised. "
Squelch - By Carson Albrecht - " That's what he said, bristly claws. Kind of like a giant crab's claw covered in straw. "
Stairs - By C. Lonnquist - " I'm not a superstitious man, so I kept using the stairs, breathing normally with eyes open as I passed Twenty-Three and One-Half. Maybe that was a dumb idea. "
Stop - By Gray - " I've been walking for awhile and I can see the stop sign up ahead/ Finally! the end of the street. / Maybe I can reach it this time. "
Strange Inquiries - By Anonymous - " What do you mean, 'murder is outlawed'? Since when? "
Suidae - By Keetah Spacecat - " If you want to make someone disappear, you throw them in the pig pen. "
Sam Sandwitch Lost Episode - By Justin Best - "So you ever hear of this show called Sam Sandwich"
Sand - By Sang - "I kept scraping sand off my hand for over an hour. No blood, no skin, no less hand."
Sewer Cows - By Reggie - "The cows came from Tillamook."
Shepherd - By Miranda - " I spend most of the year staying out of trouble, avoiding connections with those who would notice something amiss, and once every six months, I feed the wolf."
Shadow Dancing - By Dustin H - "I returned to my cabin, after a long unfortunately fruitless hunt."
She Died, But the Television Didn't. - By Sarah Cleary - "Her corpse, or what you could call the scraps of her that remained by the end, would become 27's most consistent viewer."
She Never Got Addicted - By Miranda Johansson - "She wonders what he would do with the money, if she gave it to him. Buy food or coffee? Put it in a savings account? Get high? She doesn't care. It doesn't matter."
She-Stood-To-Greet-The-Dead-And-Thank-Them - By Nausicaa Harris - "This is one of the more recent additions to the lyric tradition of the !onek culture, dating back to the early 2200's (Gregorian)"
Shopping Around - By Hisham Hasan - "Beautiful, isn't it? A very docile pet."
Showdown at Sweetheart Ridge - By Miranda Johansson - "She had a sudden feeling there was someone at the fire with her, but when she looked up from her dissembled gun she was alone, but for the horse watching her with its mournful eyes."
The Smiling Thing - By Saga - "This happened a while ago."
The snail's leaf - By Gozuforce - "A long black snail crawled to me solemnly, bearing on its back the rolled leaf that contained the words I was most affraid to read."
Sky Snow Sky - By Δ - "The date is November 5th, 2015, and I feel alone."
Snuff - By The Bee Keeper - "She looked at me again with that puzzled expression. Rabbit? What's a rabbit? Did you get an exotic pet, without my permission. I'm having no more scaly things in this house, Nate!"
The Space Between - By saint salt - "You don't need to dream to get to where you're going, but most travelers do."
Splitting The Body - By Nick - "My friend has really been freaking me out lately."
Square Pizza - By Austin Brooks - "Kevin was in trouble."
Still - By Dustin Koski & Adam Koski - "I went for a walk on a familiar route for no better reason than I liked the modest scenery."
Strange Autumn Town - By Conner Burgess - "Did it just get warmer all've the sudden?" The other, a few meters ahead, stopped for a moment."
The strange case of Hamrey - By Daniel Wixom - "Hamrey was a small town, known only for it's clamming businesses until commercial operations buried it in their race of "progress"."
Sweethearts - By Rahkshasarani - "The female Sweetheart had a notably potent aroma, one that was said to far outstrip even the other exotic flowers available at the time."

THE TAXIDERMIST - By David Haire - (poem)
TEA WITH A STRANGER - By Flee - "I was never much for conversations, especially with skinny bird mole flesh trees."
TEN MINUTES LATE FOR CLASS - By Fernando - "A man started giggling. It was a nervous, high pitched giggle."
TERRAZZO - By Immutatus - "I don't remember when I first noticed the changes."
THAT'S THE DEAL - By Golem Gears - "The door to my bedroom opened, revealing a man in a buisiness suit and with a briefcase."
THINGS - By David Haire - (short poem!)
TODAY WILL BE A FUN DAY - By Kieran Haines - "No, these instances of faeces were spewed."
THE TORCHWOOD TEXT - By Prophet Storm - "The blasphemous vapor hung above the bookshelves impudently."
THEY - By Beatric Urvogel - "One morning every car in town was missing. Or rather, they were all taken apart..."
THEY CALLED HER THE WILD ONE - By Qubeley - "On the final night, I killed a goat, and laid it out for her, like an offering for a goddess."
THINJAMAN - By Connor - "I like my Fatoman and because how he am blue."
TO HAVE OR TO KEEP - By Evan Macneil - "He tried to put bees out of his mind, at all times. All around their home, in the trees on the boulevard, were dozens of huge hives."
TONIGHT'S ARCH - By Joseph hartman - (poem)
TWO ON A THRONE - By Vortan - "Two demons sat upon separate, yet connected glass thrones."
TUI FUI EGO ERIS - By Kieran Haines - "It stayed still for a moment, it was sniffing for me, hunting me. I think it heard me as the ghostly silhouette slunk across the floor towards me."
TEDDY - By Stuart - "I have no hands. I have no feet. My mouth is nothing more than a line of flaxen thread."
THEY GO DEEP - By Izzy Winchester - " Sonar showed forests of them thronging the earth, sliding through bedrock, source unseen."
THE THING AT THE WINDOW - By C. Lonnquist - "A sound like muttering; like old, stern German hymns thrummed through the glass my forehead rested upon."
THIS IS YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENT - By Glargondangit56 - (offsite DA link. It's a holidays poem!!)
TOMMY - By Ray - "One day Daddy and Uncle John started telling me and Tommy about something called a ‘snipe’..."
TRANSCRIPT FOR INTERVIEW NUMBER 25 - By Brian Shadensack - "I’ve been unable to enter a house for about two years..."
THING - By Lee - (short)
TODAY - By Dandelion Steph - "Today my toe fell off. That was fine. It was a malformed toe anyway."
TOMB OF THE ANCIENTS - By Xavier Patterson - "I awoke in a dizzy haze."
TOOL SEEKERS - By Vox Humana - "One time, I popped one and it made a bad mess."
TOOTHACHE - By Erickson Warne-Coles - "Something shot of his gut, eliciting a sharp shriek of pain, followed by several more."
They Return - By Jacobguy - "It was no deer, it took a step closer and I saw it was like the head of a deer on the body of a corpse."
The Thing on Owl Creek Ridge - By Nick McLean - "Mr. Hannah was a cultivated man. He read religiously every day."
Three's Company - By Brian Shadensack - "Satan is at least a little musical."
Tomato Soup - By James B. Davis - "It seemed like a nice little diner."
The Traffic Stop - By Elliot Avery - "The cop's expression didn't change at all when Darryl yelled at him"
Tic-toc - By Nick Noah - "How would I ever be able to sleep with that noise?"
Twenty First Birthday - By Dandelion Steph - "The next door was her ninth birthday party."
Take a Handful - By Robbie Lyons - "A vampire wants to drink your blood, a werewolf wants to eat you. He wasnt yet old enough to be truly afraid of these things. The Candle you, just like that. He was just young enough to understand that perfectly."
Teleporter in a Penguin - By James B. Davis - "I still can’t believe we did what we did, it was terrible. Just seeing that poor creature go through what it did."
That's All She Wrote - By Kay - "I saw a hole in the crowd. It moved with the rest of the students but no one filled it."
They Watch Us - By Sam Miller - "A gaunt shape. A big head. It clings to the walls above my bed, staring down at me with holes that go straight through its head, letting the meager light shine on through."
This why we Fart - By anonymous - "So for a long time, I assumed that everyone could see it. From my perspective, the only reason we never talked about it was that there was some sort of unspoken rule."
Those Words Like Wind - By Connor Drescher - "My name is Asana, once Katahina, Death-Priest of the Order of Sha’Kriss Ala"
Tick Tock - By Zach Metz - "That sound is the most maddening in the world, I think."
Tonight I Am Going to Look - By River Langham - "It is slithering up my door now, wrapping itself around my doorknob. My eyes have stopped spasming, and I will be able to open them in a moment."
Transformations of a Curve - By Nausicaa Harris - "Math is fun during the day."
Tupperware - By Zach Metz - "Out of the container had crawled a tiny thing formed, it seemed, out of raw rot, predominantly flesh but also vegetable matter, that was oozing its way to the edge of the counter."
Tropicalories - By Hisham H. - "I could see that the wings were strangely, almost haphazardly jointed, asymmetrical even. It kept poking around in the thatch head down, like a mosquito seeking a vessel."
Trucker Diaries: An Illness - By Miranda Johansson - "Chop your arm off, the guy said, and it'll grow back all lumpy and wrong."
Trucker Diaries: Dollar Menu - By Miranda Johansson - "when you've got a deadline coming up and you're on the highway, it's in the middle of the night, you're starving - obviously you're gonna grab a burger."
Trucker Diaries: Factory Town - By Miranda Johansson - "closer to the factory, there was this... thrumming. It wasn't even a noise, really."
Trucker Diaries: Good Samaritan - By Miranda Johansson - "I'm out there, lighting a cigarette, when I hear these weird sounds. These weird moans, and a clicking noise, sounds kinda like someone dropping pebbles on the ground."
Trucker Diaries: Holy - By Miranda Johansson - "I used to be a Christian, I guess. Presbyterian. I'm not, anymore."
Trucker Diaries: Sewer Obamas - By Miranda Johansson - "It's why I'd much rather cross the street than have to walk right past a manhole."
True Image - By Lokal - "He started cutting thin strips of flesh and dropping them in sink."
The Thing That Hides Under My Skin - By Jenne Kaivo - " ...has made clear its presence again. "
The TNT Area - By Erin Drinnon - " They made a bet that summer: whichever one of them could shoot the Mothman and bring back its carcass got to ask Patty Douglas, a girl they both had something of a crush on, out on a date. "
Teenagers - By Keebored - " First, they'll start whining about feeling awkward and uncomfortable, losing their heads over the littlest things. "
Thalarion - By Joseph Bashaw - (short poem)
That Cat Game - By Retro - " Finally downloaded that app everyone was talking about! "
That Night in May - By Luna - " We stood in a circle. The two bound and gagged tried to wriggle away, so I shot them first. "
They Don't Have Tentacles - By Sarah Cleary - " 'He used our image as a vessel for his backwards, misinformed beliefs. We gave him just a small glimpse of our power, let him know who we are what we were capable of, and he twisted it to conform to his sheltered world view.' "
They Failed - By Enderlord99 - " Light did not work; Truth was not there. "
Time-blighted - By Enderlord99 - " Crikey! There's a paradox wraith now! Oh, she's a beaut; I don't think she's spotted m- ARGH! "
Together Forever - By Daren H - " Aaron...I just found out that I love you. I can't bring myself to reveal who I am because I'm so scared you'd push me away. But I love you. I just want you to know that. "
To Raise A Family - By Nausicaa Harris - " I'd thought I'd seen somethin' go by - kinda like a baby, definitely not a people baby but the same kinda critter what people are, if yanno what I mean, forget the word - but when I turned to look - kablammo. Nothin'. "
Trespasser - By Nelke - " There was a good reason why the dead never replied to our Ouija board sessions, or letters on graves, or phone calls into the ether: they did not want to. "
Taking Credit - By Sarah Cleary - "Are we almost there?" Christopher asked, it was getting dark."
Tales from the Old Country: Faeries - By Keetah Spacecat - "There were the usual legends of course. The wendigos. Ghouls. Some of the more ethnic German folks whispered about the Krampus coming to steal the naughty children away. They were wrong of course, what lurked out there was older than stories itself."
Tales from the Old Country: Father Frost - By Keetah Spacecat - "Out in the country, there is a cycle of respect and caution that must be observed in order to stay safe."
Tales from the Old Country: Fever Dream - By Keetah Spacecat - "Being sick in the country is scary."
Tales from the Old Country: Hogwash - By Keetah Spacecat - "This tale was told to me by my father so I could learn a lesson."
Tales from the Old Country: The White Stag - By Keetah Spacecat - "The Old Country may be wild and vast, but there's a set of rules upon it that governs all that live and depend on it for survival."
Tech Support - By Yellowmane - "Thank you for calling Eld Rich Computer Support! This is Kenneth speaking! How can I help you today?Ok, one moment ."
Tenderfoot - By CinnamonRoach - "I sluggishly open my eyes, head pounding."
This Ciconiiformes-related article is a stub - By Hisham Hasan - "Magnumbeak Adutant (Pseudoleptoptilos parasiticus), also known as Gloom Stork, Robber Stork, and Ceiling Stalker, is a large bird of the stork family Ciconiidae."
This is a Happy Ending Story - By Canute Goodman - "It feels weirdly negatory to start off with a whole bunch of disclaimers, but I do want to state up front that I'm perfectly fine and I don't think any part of this was a very big deal."
This Is My Dog - By Anonymous - "Suppose you are all alone on your bed in the middle of the night, in the dark, wide awake, and suddenly, something in your room starts moving."
The Time Traveler's Wife - By Nymm Kirimoto - "I had her take the other route this time- reconfigured the GPS to go the scenic way and everything, so that we'd go by the coast instead of through downtown."
Too Many Queens - By Beecreeper - "All of a sudden, Alice was falling. But it didn't feel like regular falling; it felt like she was falling upwards and downwards and backwards and sideways all at once."
The Town - By doomydoomydoom - "And the astronaut at the kitchen table sobbed uncontrollably into his hands."
The Traveler - By Fluffy The Doombringer - "The traveler jerked back to his own body and opened his eyes. His implant had automatically translated their language, but the effort required had made the device uncomfortably hot."
The Trees - By Regis Ethell - (Short)
The Trick or Treaters - By Mr_Stickman - "They always come on October 31st."
Tunes - By The Bee Keeper - "The end was an old cassette in an old player, in a rusty junk heap of a old bus."
Two-String Tom and Two-Arm Tim - By Conner Burgess - "Two-String Tom and Two-Arm Tim were brothers, in this town/ They'd play their songs, outside the inn, For everyone around."

UNDERNEATH - By Infernalthing - (short)
UNCONVINCING - By Doc Docson - "That it’s so well-understood to us in just two weeks unsettles me deeply.."
Unscheduled Sick Leave - By Trar - "Sitting in the corner between that door and me was another morbid black and green eye-stalk plant."
Upon the Mountain - By Ryan Oleynik - "If you are reading this letter, then I must admit that I am glad that the Lord saw it fit to find its way to you."
Upside Down Fairy - By Anonymous - "I felt the mortal's presence long before she actually arrived at my hatching site."
Under the Covers - By Rugnor - "I tried to return under the bed but then it was already late, it was staring at me with those weird, damp eyes they have, I was so scared I couldn't move."
Unwanted Guests - By Violet - "He's always wanted to see what's inside but being just a kid, only in fifth grade, he's too scared."
Uncle Frank - By Jared Ludy - " Frank's lawn was no lawn. It was a patch of dirt littered with bones smashed into pebble-sized pieces and splintered shards. "
Undermoss - By Miranda Johansson - " The Revenge-Taker burns them up, but there's no malice to this. Revenge is not taken upon them, the unfortunate vessels. "
Unwanted Signs - By Sarah Cleary - " The signs began appearing days before they were noticed. At first, we paid them no mind, we were an opinionated town, and it was election season. "
Ultra Ruin - By Wombat - (Pokemon Micropasta)
Uneasy - By crossmirage - "I run right to the bathroom after breakfast. My stomach churns, loud and painful."
Uprooting - By Fluffydeathbringer - "The scheme was simplicity itself, really."

VACKY VACUUM - By Anonymous - "The show was named after a living, sentient vaccum cleaner..."
VIDEO LOG - By Jack Allan - "A massive eyeless head lolls idly, more than half of it taken up by a great lipless mouth."
THE VLEEN - By Jared Shingleton - (short)
THE VISITOR - By J. Ford - "The torso narrowed at the center and bulged at the top with what appeared a row of rib bones jutting from his back. A distended goiter served as the unsuitable placeholder for a head."
VOXCAN, VOXCAN'T - By Shouty - "Through the damp dusk of the night-drenched bog moved a ponderous figure. Heaving jingles chime from it as it burdens a large pack."
Valor - By Hisham H. - "I've sworn to keep this secret, but I feel there should be some record, some legacy, as to what really happened."
Vampire Myths: Fact and Fiction - By Monkeysky - "If you are reading this, it is likely that you are a human who has discovered that someone close to you is a Vampire, and you'd like to learn more."
Very Good Servants - By Ed and Julie Bartlett - "The one who is to embrace the creature has paralyzed it with one’s venom, and now makes an incision in its pink skin."
Video Games - By Qubeley - "I turn on the game apprehensively, and there’s no egg in my party."
The Vendomat - By Friendlytroll - " (Short video!!) "
Vermin - By Jackson Gilbert - "Johnny and the City Slickers were on the prowl."
Visiting Anders - By Miranda Johansson - "He gets his nutrients in other ways now. The roots go deep, past the undercarriage and the asphalt."
The Watchers - By Mr_Stickman - "It's almost neary impossible to remember life without the watchers."

WANNA SEE WHAT I CAN DO? - By Kiara Maher - "Another tooth, identical to the first, begins to emerge, connected to the same strand."
WATCHING - By Keith Johnstone - "2 is the only even prime number"
THE WISHBRINGER - By Powder - "I shake the plant over Brandon’s face and a black, glossy, oval like shape peeks out from his mouth."
WALL THUMPER - By Slothkeeper - "There it was again. That tick-tacking."
WATCH FOR WANDERING TOWERS - By tbok1992 - "They're coming for us, the towers."
WENDIGO TALE - By Masami - "The name of this beast has even been used to associate a type of mental disorder, wendigo psychosis, which makes the sufferer crave human flesh."
WHAT I SAW - By Mr. Tiktalik - (short)
WHEN THE WORLD DROWNS - By Pyro Gibberish - "Food has been scarce lately; dead animals have almost entirely ceased to float to the window, and I fear the mushrooms are beginning to make me ill."
WHY ANNIE DRINKS APPLE JUICE - By Dandelion Steph - (short)
WIRED - By Vague1 - "They are always parked with their dishes towards you, and you never see them move."
WOODS - By Zombard Zombramble - "I can see it, dressed in flowers, a partially decomposed body."
WORK - By Olita Clark - "Joey’s shift began by checking the doors."
WORRIED - By Anonymous - "Sometimes, you can see what other people are seeing, and you're worried:."
Wandering Sun - By Joseph Hartman - "I suppose you want to know about the man who outran the night?"
Welcome Home - By Wednesday - "You are a man. You are wearing a suit so you must be important."
A Welcome Intrusion - By Cuttlefishking - "You are in the legends"
Wendigo Weather - By Rahkshasarani - "Sometimes hunters would get stranded in the snow, had to take up in a cave."
Wet Bread - By Crow N. - "When you prop your arm on the table in front of you, there is a soft squishing sound."
Wet Dog Smell - By Jon Strong - "I just want to see the faucet doggie again"
What Goes Around - By Keetah Spacecat - "Matthew was awaken by an obnoxiously loud dripping sound"
Wooden Masks - By Nick Noah - "I'm sorry, but I won't be coming to your Halloween party this year either. It has nothing to do with your parties, it's just... costume parties in general."
World's Best Coffee - By Sorbus - "Alexis never had coffee this good in his life."
We Are Armstrong - By Prophet Storm - "We are Armstrong! Armstrong is invincible!"
The Weird Hair - By Austin B. - "I used to have something of a picking problem."
What Are You Eating - By Anonymous - "I could swear I just heard you swallow something. Nevermind. Let's keep going."
What's Her Face - By Duncan Skjaret - "The customer jerked the doll away from her, muttering in undisguised disgust."
What the Forest Offered - By Rook Lankin - "It is now fifteen years since our children went away."
Where's Old Jack - By Irene Vallone - "Old Jack was the old hunter’s only friend, and he was happy that way."
Who They Are And Why We Ignore Them - By Sarah Cleary - "Soon, the fact that a giant eldritch alien died in the shape of a symbol for love seemed to become more important than the fact that a giant eldritch alien had crash-landed and died."
Wild Card - By TheGunheart and Ryusui - "Of course a human had to have built this thing. No one else could have such an unironically awful sense of humor."
Writ to be Read - By Nick Norden - "I galumphed down to the library a ways off from my home/and once there I scoured shelves for dusty sailor's tomes."
The Well - By Luis - " Next to the well, a hooded figure was standing. A woman perhaps? A woman holding something in her arms. "
The Whispering Oaks - By Nuclearxpotato - " As I got back on the trail, I pulled out the map so I'd have something to look at. Though, the actual map inside didn't resemble the trail or even any part of the park. "
The Worms Inside - By SIGIL - " I mean c'mon how dangerous can something that grew on a lifeless rock be. "
Wait-for-it title I - By HareTrinity - " For now I've far too many / On both the bottom and the top! "
Wait-for-it title II - By HareTrinity - " 'Maybe it's because the collar wasn't her normal one... Maybe it needs more updates now...' "
Wanna Play - By The Six Verses - " Yes, I downloaded it. Stupid me. "
Watching; Or Nervous Paranoia - By Millien - " Don't look away. Don't you dare look away. "
We Make You Sick - By Anonymous - " You are being pursued by what can roughly be described as man-sized, hovering eggplants with tusks. They are subtly wobbling in excitement, making a terrible, if barely audible hobbhobbhobb sound. "
what dwells in the sea - By creepy pasťák - " instead,only little came from her throat and she felt something soft and came out.when she opened her eyes,she was staring in the tub in disbelief.there were five purple,slightly transparent balls.they looked like amphibian eggs. "
What Happened at Tallywackers - By Dandelion Steph - " Scantily-clad waiters carried food to a table across the room. Hannah breathed out, sigh-like-not of desire, but of pain. Her stomachache was getting worse. "
What Remains of Concrete Beach - By Joseph Hartman - " The town didn't exist, wiped off the map. All I could find was a few sparsely populated forums full of people who still remembered Concrete Beach. All of whom used to live there. "
What the Sea Leaves - By rahkshasarani - " The fish were getting weird. The black-purple specimen in front of me had no visible eyes, but was studded in big, gelatinous pustules that I could almost see through. I poked it with my foot and the blobs retreated into its body. I laughed. "
Wheel-of-Five-Spokes - By Miranda Johansson - " The face of her savior - but she didn't want to describe it to her father. When she thought about it, here in her old familiar bed, she felt a pang of loss. Her father wouldn't understand. None of the other villagers would, either. They all thought of the sea-maids as bloodthirsty monsters. "
Where Babies Come From - By Devon Palmer - " Y'see, it's a miracle of engineering. Back in the day they relied on storks to put 'em together, but those birds weren't really all that smart. High infant mortality rate, back then. Now we've got machines. "
Where's The Bathroom - By Austin Brooks - " I don't have some sort of bathroom-phobia, okay? It has nothing to do with that. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. I have a perfectly logical reason for doing what I do. "
Where Trod the Black Camel - By Joseph Bashaw - " No matter what you hear however, no matter what you are told / Never ride into the black desert, not even if you feel so bold "
War Across Time - By EbrithilBowser - "Yeah, at first it seemed like a good idea. Travel back in time to the Cretaceous, build colonies, seeing plants and animals again."
Water Cooler Talk - By Dustin H - "I had just finished telling an anecdote to the guys at the water cooler."
The Weirdest Infomercial I've Ever Seen - By Thomas F. Johnson - "IIIIIIIII'M FLATTENED, AND YOU CAN TOO!"
We're Getting a Humidifier - By Del Scott - "My sister and I have been living together for six-odd years, and the last house we rented was a fascinating nest of renovation nightmares."
What I asked - By Anonymous - "My tongue is so dry that my lips bleed when I lick them."
What we fear. - By Tyron Stewart - "My eyes, my very two own eyes were forced to gaze upon its vast emptiness that sat before me."
Where I'm Gonna Go - By Miranda - "If the sight of the thing from space, like the sticker in a book I had as a kid, doesn't give me any sense that the months in my garage strapping all those rockets onto my 2004 Volvo were worth it, then nothing's gonna."
Where The Sidewalk Stops - By Shiisiln - "Ok, so there's this one sidewalk that I see every time I walk to school."
Who Built the House? - By Sarah Cleary - "So that was God?" The woman who hadn't given her name asked."
Why They Came Up From The Sea - By Jenne Kaivo - "I don't live by swimming water."
Witness Extinction - By Luna Wolf - "Time travel was dangerous."
The Wolf - By saint salt - "If it exists, I can create it, and if it doesn't, I probably can too."
The Wrong Bathroom - By Jacob Roberts - "It's a mistake everyone has made at least once in their life."

XAVIER - By Thegunheart - "At least, I'm pretty sure “Men's Fascist Delight” and “Summer Warehouse” aren't actual kinds of cheese."
Xeno - By Evan MacNeil - "Darkness. Just darkness. That's all I can see. Pitch black."
YOU ONLY THINK THEY HAVE ONE HEAD - By Eventua - "When I was a child, we were only ever told stories about giants."
Your Body is Changing - By Dandelion Steph - "Morgan cleared her eyes of slime and headed to the mirror."
Yama - By Joseph Bashaw - " What dream is greater / Than the dream that never ends / Except the dream that never even began? "
You're It - By Kirby Mongerr - " It started off well, running and laughing and all that. Then someone touched me and said "You're it!" and then everyone ran from me. "
Your Story - By Hannah - " This is about you. "
The Yara-ma-yha-who - By ZippyWharrgarbl - "When I was a kid, my family's house backed onto bush that was wild and tan, baked by the sun most months of the year to leech the wetness that came with the infrequent rains right out."
You Got the Jitters - By The Bee Keeper - "Iiiiiiii."
Young Willy Dun - By Ian Thompson - "The city squatted in a languid haze, under a sullen sky."
Your New Best Friend - By The Keetah Spacecat - (Image entry!)
Yule! A Festive Tale of Bloodcurdling Christmas Terror - By Tim Albaugh - "NEIN, NEIN, NEIN! DU BIST UNGEZOGEN!" the creature chortled, tossing the shotgun aside. It began wrapping its long tongue around Vidar's head as he gasped and struggled in its grasp".

ZOOPHOBIA - By Jazz Jackalope - "All I recall is a giant, long, black shape undulating through the murky, teal water."
Zombie Guide - By Brian Shadensack - "Some information is scrambled for people or entities accessing this guide with Green Level or below clearance."
Zzz Zzz Zzz - By James B. Davis - (microstory)
ZaP - By Tyler Spicknell - " He never played console games because he said getting infinite tries just took away from the challenge. "
Zero - By Kira M. - " Whenever he did speak, it was only with yes or no answers: 1 being yes, 0 being No. "
Zero Percent Rain - By Anonymous - " He was wearing a chef's hat and an apron, and walked with his head stooped over so neither of us could clearly see his face. I assumed he was one of the employees. But what was he doing if this place was closed? "
18MM - By Ted Miller - "It was fogy, very thing smelt bad. I could feel the moist gross heat all around me."