Ultraman - Gudis
I've written before about the ultramonster Majaba and its significance to my childhood,
but there's another monster dear to me from Ultraman Great - GUDIS!
GUDIS was the very first monster appearing in the series, and easily pummeled by our
giant, silver superhero - or so it seemed. Before it could be killed, Gudis transformed
itself into a sentient virus, basically its true form, and spread throughout the planet Earth,
infecting random lifeforms and transforming them into the giant monsters Ultraman would
face for the entire first half of the series.
Gudis would eventually piece itself into a new monster form, equally bizarre in
appearance, and successfully absorb Ultraman into itself. The two proceeded to debate
about ethics and the environment before Ultraman exploded from the monster's body,
finally destroying it. Both forms have a lovably alien appearance, though I have to say I
prefer the exposed brain and bug-teeth of the first one.

My figure of Majaba came from the short run of "Ultraman Great" toys released in
America, which incorrectly described all the series monsters as Gudis creations. I now
know that Majaba and many of the others appeared after the defeat of Gudis, though
either way, why didn't he get a figure in the same line? If he had, I daresay I may have
chosen him first over the Majaba figure (it would have at least been a 50/50 toss-up), and
perhaps developed just as much attachment. Gudis is my gross little monster pal that
could have been...