Musya: a Classic Tale of Japanese Horror
In this action game, you play Imoto the pikeman battling demons in the abyss. The gameplay is
actually terrible, as are the sound effects, but the graphics and monsters are great, and well, this IS a
page of monster graphics...
Thanks goes out to Shane for the boss names!
Tanuki is the boss of the Dark Cave. It first appears in the guise of a beautiful woman, then reveals its
true form as a monstrously exaggerated raccoon-dog. It guzzles Saki before breathing fire.
Daruma is the boss of the Catacombs. Like the dolls of his namesake, he leaves behind copies of
himself as he bounces along.
Gobo guards "The Palace of Hate," a hideous mud beast assisted by very eerie, long-necked ghoul
heads. Before the fight, he taunts us with "Glurp Glurp! Imoto, come join me in the mud!".
Kappa is the boss of the Cave of Darkness, certainly not like any Kappa I've ever seen he emerges
from a pit of sand (or really dirty water) and strikes at you with his long, clawed arm.
In the Catacombs of Akuma, you face the Haniwa, a hovering statue that does positively nothing to
threaten you but takes vast amounts of damage to destroy, which only reveals its true form, the
Medamao, a gorgeous mass of organs in transparent goo that threatens to make you his slave!
Difficult to defeat, he creates hundreds of tiny little jelly-men. They're adorable!
Hannya is the boss of a very, very brief level (only a few seconds!) in which you face a few archers
and knights. He throws tiny pellets that circle around you and flings multiple shots at once with his
The final boss in the game is simply called "The Evil One." At this point, I had run out of lives, run low
on health, and had no back-up save states, so I wasn't able to defeat him.