>Conversation Mode

...I'm being digested, aren't I.
...I'm being digested, aren't I.

Dige-? Oh, you mean the souping, yeah. I can't wait. I can tell you're gonna be reeeal thick and creamy.
Dige-? Oh, you mean the souping, yeah. I can't wait. I can tell you're gonna be reeeal thick and creamy.

...Lovely. This is still part of the hospital, right?
...Lovely. This is still part of the hospital, right?

Oh, uh, sure! Pretty sure. I mean, I know a couple things have come around again for another souping or two. Good for the layers.
Oh, uh, sure! Pretty sure. I mean, I know a couple things have come around again for another souping or two. Good for the layers.

Uh huh....Lexis, what do you know about my son?
Uh huh....Lexis, what do you know about my son?

Aw, he's fine. I think. They got him hooked up to some weird stuff in pediatrics, where they keep all those other fat little soupwads they never share.
Aw, he's fine. I think. They got him hooked up to some weird stuff in pediatrics, where they keep all those other fat little soupwads they never share.
You shudder a bit at that last part...but your heart pounds at the prospect of some answers.

What else. Please.
What else. Please.

Heh, the little guy in the bow tie was pretty worked up about it. Shoulda seen the blockhead squawking, not that I get any of that techie talk. They even brought out the unexistalizer, in case things go south.
Heh, the little guy in the bow tie was pretty worked up about it. Shoulda seen the blockhead squawking, not that I get any of that techie talk. They even brought out the unexistalizer, in case things go south.

....is that....what it sounds like....
....is that....what it sounds like....

Search me. They never used it before. Phage fought tooth and nail over it.
Search me. They never used it before. Phage fought tooth and nail over it.
For a moment, you lose control. You have some colorful things to say about the small doctor, and probably throw a thing or two across the room, but you're not really paying attention to yourself. You just kind of let it out a while.
A long, awkward silence follows.
A long, awkward silence follows.

.......Haha, yeah! That guy's a MASSIVE tool, right?? Doubt he'd even soupify any good.
.......Haha, yeah! That guy's a MASSIVE tool, right?? Doubt he'd even soupify any good.

You said the key would help me. How?
You said the key would help me. How?

I don't know how, I just know it will. I told you, I just know stuff.
I don't know how, I just know it will. I told you, I just know stuff.

Do you know the combination to the maternity ward?
Do you know the combination to the maternity ward?

Have I seen it? Sure, lots of times. Do I know what any of those damn squiggles mean? No. They all look the same to me. I ain't even got eyes, lady!
Have I seen it? Sure, lots of times. Do I know what any of those damn squiggles mean? No. They all look the same to me. I ain't even got eyes, lady!

...You...you just said you saw it.
...You...you just said you saw it.

The OTHER kind of saw it.
The OTHER kind of saw it.

AUGH. Nobody here makes any SENSE.
AUGH. Nobody here makes any SENSE.

I can't imagine they would, to a greyzoner.
I can't imagine they would, to a greyzoner.

WHAT'S a greyzoner? What's a zone?!
WHAT'S a greyzoner? What's a zone?!

Oh, that's easy, just describe what an internet meme is to a shoebox full of moths that can only hear nouns and you'll probably come up with an analogy that's at least ironically wrong.
Oh, that's easy, just describe what an internet meme is to a shoebox full of moths that can only hear nouns and you'll probably come up with an analogy that's at least ironically wrong.

Fine, forget it. If I'm going to be here a while, can you tell me anything about Dr. Man? What's with him and phage?
Fine, forget it. If I'm going to be here a while, can you tell me anything about Dr. Man? What's with him and phage?

Ugh, never tasted the greaseball. You never know with those two, really. Phage barely cares enough to perceive the guy, usually. Of course, even Man was completely against the unexistalizer, said it was unethical, said it wouldn't work anyway...pretty sure he was trying to sabotage the thing not long before you last came to. By the way, nice job again.
Ugh, never tasted the greaseball. You never know with those two, really. Phage barely cares enough to perceive the guy, usually. Of course, even Man was completely against the unexistalizer, said it was unethical, said it wouldn't work anyway...pretty sure he was trying to sabotage the thing not long before you last came to. By the way, nice job again.

I don't even understand what happened back there...I remember....falling?
I don't even understand what happened back there...I remember....falling?

Headlong into a deep fryer. Smelled delicious.
Headlong into a deep fryer. Smelled delicious.

....How do I keep coming back? That doesn't sound like something you can fix with surgery.
....How do I keep coming back? That doesn't sound like something you can fix with surgery.

Oh, you'll see pretty soon.
Oh, you'll see pretty soon.

What was that thing in the cafeteria? I just remember it in pieces. The doors wouldn't let me leave, and then they...I don't know. I remember it like I clawed out of a nasty dream, and now the cafeteria's just gone.
What was that thing in the cafeteria? I just remember it in pieces. The doors wouldn't let me leave, and then they...I don't know. I remember it like I clawed out of a nasty dream, and now the cafeteria's just gone.

Sorry, that'd be another one for the moths.
Sorry, that'd be another one for the moths.
The air in here is getting increasingly heavy and humid, reeking of bile. It makes you itch all over, and stings your throat and lungs.
You know you might wake up again, but you're not particularly looking forward to "soupification."
You know you might wake up again, but you're not particularly looking forward to "soupification."