>Talk to the Bartender

Howdy there, stranger! What'll it be?
Howdy there, stranger! What'll it be?

I...you know, I'm not sure I have an appetite. I guess I'm just looking for some information.
I...you know, I'm not sure I have an appetite. I guess I'm just looking for some information.

Well! I've heard it all, workin' this job, though the old cell-memory could use a fresh coat of polish, if you catch my drift...
Well! I've heard it all, workin' this job, though the old cell-memory could use a fresh coat of polish, if you catch my drift...

You slide a few of those weird hair coins across the bar (KP: 107)
...You heard anything about an "anomaly?"
You slide a few of those weird hair coins across the bar (KP: 107)
...You heard anything about an "anomaly?"

Huh! Can't say I have, though if something's weird, unnatural and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, your best bet is the old Myiasite out in the pus marsh. Always babblin' about the chosen this and the prophecied that. Real hackneyed adventure hooks, not my style, give me hard sci-fi any day!
Huh! Can't say I have, though if something's weird, unnatural and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, your best bet is the old Myiasite out in the pus marsh. Always babblin' about the chosen this and the prophecied that. Real hackneyed adventure hooks, not my style, give me hard sci-fi any day!

Uh, right...pus marsh?
Uh, right...pus marsh?

The doc would know the way, checks up on the old bag every so many spiralings. You look like you could use some patching up yourself, anyhow.
The doc would know the way, checks up on the old bag every so many spiralings. You look like you could use some patching up yourself, anyhow.

I...don't have a good track record with doctors, lately.
I...don't have a good track record with doctors, lately.

Oh, don't worry, this isn't some Hospital crackpot. We enjoy good old fashioned bile baths and phlegm transfusions!
Oh, don't worry, this isn't some Hospital crackpot. We enjoy good old fashioned bile baths and phlegm transfusions!

Yeahh...anything else I should know about this town?
Yeahh...anything else I should know about this town?

Well, there's the archives at Town Hall if you're looking for a history lesson, and the shop has all your questing basics. Seriously, though, you might want to get that tissue breach looked at before anybody around here starts getting ideas. You're starting to smell like prime real estate!
Well, there's the archives at Town Hall if you're looking for a history lesson, and the shop has all your questing basics. Seriously, though, you might want to get that tissue breach looked at before anybody around here starts getting ideas. You're starting to smell like prime real estate!


Anytime! Now, if you don't mind, I need to get back to work and stop paying any attention to what you're doing!
Anytime! Now, if you don't mind, I need to get back to work and stop paying any attention to what you're doing!
The bartender turns its...back?...and starts polishing the weird, fleshy tubes that appear to dispense "drinks."

Psssst.....hey! Over here!
Psssst.....hey! Over here!