Two paths...neither's feeling worse than the other.
Two paths...neither's feeling worse than the other.

Hold yer horseflies, lemme buzz the place...
Hold yer horseflies, lemme buzz the place...

"Buzz" the place? We're not making and/or murdering someone again are we?
"Buzz" the place? We're not making and/or murdering someone again are we?

Naw, nothin' that fancy! The local dipterites'll just shoot me a rough approximitation o' the residency. Just a moment...
Naw, nothin' that fancy! The local dipterites'll just shoot me a rough approximitation o' the residency. Just a moment...
Maggie wolfs down a large butterscotch from her rations, and scribbles on the wrapper with some partially melted hunks of licorice.

We're this star, here. The swarm's got some strong feelin's round some parts, but yer sentiments may vary. Never any guessin' what'll grab their interest.
We're this star, here. The swarm's got some strong feelin's round some parts, but yer sentiments may vary. Never any guessin' what'll grab their interest.