>Talk to Willis

Willis, sweetie, can I ask where you're going?
Willis, sweetie, can I ask where you're going?

Taking care! You could get lost you know!
Taking care! You could get lost you know!

N-no, you need to take care of yourself, it's dangerous out there, there's-
N-no, you need to take care of yourself, it's dangerous out there, there's-

I'm fine, Fern! I'm by myself all over the Hospital! You're the one who didn't even see the Fezzlemek chewing your left sinebranch.
I'm fine, Fern! I'm by myself all over the Hospital! You're the one who didn't even see the Fezzlemek chewing your left sinebranch.

...The what now?
...The what now?

It's okay, I warpled it into semivapor. Now if you ever peel a shwomp, it shouldn't even sting!
It's okay, I warpled it into semivapor. Now if you ever peel a shwomp, it shouldn't even sting!

I have no idea what any of that is, but thank you, Willis.
I have no idea what any of that is, but thank you, Willis.

So it's okay if I come with you and I take care for you!?!?
So it's okay if I come with you and I take care for you!?!?

I appreciate it, Willis, but I've been okay on my own so far too, and it's still not appropriate for you to follow a stranger around without your mother knowing.
I appreciate it, Willis, but I've been okay on my own so far too, and it's still not appropriate for you to follow a stranger around without your mother knowing.

OH! Is that all?! Hold on a layer!
OH! Is that all?! Hold on a layer!

W-whoa, wait, I didn't mean-
W-whoa, wait, I didn't mean-

It's FIIIIINE, Fern! I won't tell her who! She...really, um... won't care.
...She hasn't for a lot of layers...
It's FIIIIINE, Fern! I won't tell her who! She...really, um... won't care.
...She hasn't for a lot of layers...


Just stay here, alright?! I'll be back in a flump!
Just stay here, alright?! I'll be back in a flump!
You know he's right, of course. Your instincts as a parent are protesting furiously, but this weird world is his environment, not yours, and he comprehends things on levels beyond your capacity. Maybe you just need to trust him.