We'll return shortly to the exploits of a dead man's moldy eye, but in the meantime, special thanks goes out to Kickstarter backers (many of them among you, the readers, by other names) Kalien, Zebranky, Darcie Nadel, Rachel Spokony, Alex W, Jason Schmitt, John Beattie, Emily Vanderwolf, Carter Everett, Thomas Turnasella, one Dromaeosaurid Theropod, Bralef, Scummification, Rose Anzelmo, Jacob Smith, Voidedprofessor, Seth Angelus, Evan Helenihi, April Shower, Trar, Absent, and one unknown anonymous entity.
Thanks to your support back in March 2018, we can debut Awful Hospital's brand new original Intro Theme by the amazingly multitalented Gooseworx. If you enjoy it (or because you are just a nice person) and you have a youtube account, don't forget to give her some nice likes, faves and subscriptions!
Thanks to your support back in March 2018, we can debut Awful Hospital's brand new original Intro Theme by the amazingly multitalented Gooseworx. If you enjoy it (or because you are just a nice person) and you have a youtube account, don't forget to give her some nice likes, faves and subscriptions!
You can also download a desktop version of the background here! You still haven't even met some of these creeps!
We're not done with music, either. Viscount Godfrey of Furlers has been producing tracks intermittently since at least 2017! You can check those as they come over on Soundcloud, but we're proud to host and showcase some right here!
We're not done with music, either. Viscount Godfrey of Furlers has been producing tracks intermittently since at least 2017! You can check those as they come over on Soundcloud, but we're proud to host and showcase some right here!

Finally, don't forget that we're only a few updates away from the 800th page fan-art gallery, and a month away from our four year anniversary. I can't believe how much you just seem to keep enjoying my single, long, continuous brain fart!