What!? Are you saying you made us?!


Ehh, well, we can't take all the credit. Let's put that one on hold a moment, though... I'm sure you have plenty of simpler, even more ignorant questions to amuse me with.


Who and what are you, really?


Technically speaking, I'm a small part of what's left of your earliest possible forebearer. Of course, technically speaking...so are you. So are all of us. We're not well. It's just that only some of us are smart enough to recognize it.


Is there any reason we should trust anything you have to say?


No, not really, but I'll tell you why I'm willing to engage you:

They've got me essentially watching the paint dry out here, and if they'd gone with my idea, this might not have all been such an excrutiating process in the first place. No, I'm not going to tell you what that is, and you couldn't possibly fit it down your delicate thought-holes anyway. Suffice to say, there's nothing you can do but irritate my associates enough that they'll concede I was right.


What are you willing to tell us about Fern and her son? What do you know?


You're wondering what made them special, are you? Nothing. We reached in to the grey and we pulled out a few rats, that's all. We never would have noticed one was fertilized at the time, or ever would have thought it mattered, until we were suddenly getting dual signals from the same subject.

As the parent's core split off into a corelet for the developing perceptoid, so did its implant.


What EXACTLY is this thing you did to them?


Amazing process, really. Fragments of the original, true core are tough to recover, but using our own as a loose model, we can reconstruct an embryonic pseudocore - nifty little red thing - that we can inject into an extant core as a new blueprint for its branchination!

Doesn't always work right. You've met more of our failures than you probably even know.


Why, though. What's the point of all this?


I know you've seen our literature...however insipid it must be to your limited perception spheres.

We simply want to fix what was broken. We are tired of this. Of broken things living a broken lie in a broken reality. Things will be better and easier when it's all back together again.


What about us, then. How do we fit in.


The allcore can't consolidate the range on its own. Cores are limited by conceptual barriers - by the parameters telling reality that this thing is a shoe and this thing is a herring and this thing is the sound of a raindrop.

Something has to break down those barriers. Something has to be the enzyme in this digestive process.

So, we took the most prolific, most overlooked little idiot reverberator, a lowly F-class sphere tunneler, and we gave it a little piece of ourselves.

Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking "no, that can't be, I'm just Rob from Los Angeles or Sklexxgetchf from the cube marsh," but if you hadn't had that special knack for such complete amalgamation with your host cores, you never would have caught our interest. You're everything you think you are, rest assured, but you're also the tunnelers nestled deep down inside, slowly deteriorating your conceptual boundaries for assimilation into the Great Thing of All Things.

...How's that? Enough exposition for you? Surely you've had more than enough of that by now.


...So......what are dolphins, anyway?







Um. Hang on...

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