's 2018 Horror Write-off:


Submitted by Sara Fontanini (email)

Thank you for downloading Heartbeat Academy!


Heartbeat Academy is a wonderful dating sim wherein you attend the titular school and romance one of #()@(#$_ students. Who will you choose to romance? Junko Hayabashi, the chemist wiz? Kasumi Koyoda, the athletic baseball enthusiast? The cute and adorable Horoko Horoto, the innocent and naive underclassman? Or dare you go for the forbidden romance with the teacher, Yumika Dashi? And will you be able to romance your favourite by the where am I? I was playing some silly dating sim I found on my computer and then...something.

Who am I?? My name...I...I can remember...It’s...Mahiru! That’s not my name! My name is Mahiru! Mahiru! MahiruMahiruMahiruMahiruMahiru

You are Mahiru Otoishi

Dammitdammitdammit! NO! That’s not my name!

My name is MAHIRU! GOD-DAMMIT! What’s happening to me!? It’s so dark in here! WHERE THE HELL AM I!?

You don’t exist there anymore only here

I...I remember sitting at my computer, playing the game. It was just your typical dating sim, the kind I like to play to unwind and relax. I decided to pick Horo-chan, because she was cute and seemed sweet. But after a few hours something changed. Horo-chan had disappeared, but her text appeared on screen and warned me the other girls were jealous and were going to attack me, and I needed to find to escape otherwise they’d kill me...both in the game and in real life. That’s insane. Did they...did they get me?, that’s crazy, it doesn’t make any sense...

It’s part of the game you idiot

Okay...I remember...I was in the hallway, in the glasses, she was holding a...thing. A beaker, I think they’re called? I think that was her weapon. She saw me and ran towards me! She was trying to kill me! that’s not right she was crying...I could hear her voice...She was trying to kill me. No! She was trying to save me! I...I think?

You will believe what I want you to believe, say what I want you to say

Dammit my hurts...wait...I can...feel myself. My! This isn’t ME! This isn’t my body! I’m a girl! I’m not a teenager! Help! Help!

Forget it this is who you are now and always have been and always will be forget what you were

I...I’m screaming about...something...what? what was I yelling about? Something about my...body? Oh...Oh! Yeah! The girl with the glasses tried to attack me, but I manage to distract her and get away! Horo-chan told me the exit was outside the school and I had to walk through the front entrance! And I did it! I managed to escape! But...I saw...I saw a light and when I went towards it I saw a face.


WAIT! WHO ARE YOU!? GET AWAY FROM ME! No, please don't silence me! Let me@&#(((#(*@#(#



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Heartbeat Academy is a wonderful dating sim wherein you attend the titular school and romance one of #()@(#$_ students. Who will you choose to romance? Junko Hayabashi, the chemist wiz? Kasumi Koyoda, the athletic baseball enthusiast? The cute and adorable Horoko Horoto, the innocent and

naive underclassman? The aloof Mahiru Otoishi? Or dare you go for the forbidden romance with the teacher, Yumika Dashi? And will you be able to romance your favourite by the end of the school year! The only way you can know for certain is to play!