's 2019 Horror Write-off:
The Thing from the Far Side of the Moon
Submitted by Matt theYipper Clark (email)
O joyous day, it has begun!
The earth divorces moon and sun.
Elder man and baby both
Celebrate our oldest troth!
Bring your stew and yarn and masks.
Today, we have no other tasks.
But to welcome, welcome here.
We bathe in broth, both thick and clear.
The fragile cloth of space doth slips
For today is no normal eclipse.
They call it Un Ekac Galoon,
It hides in darkness on the moon.
But when the eclipse starts to slide
And Earth and sun are sick inside,
Un Ekac Galoon’s loving arms
Black and jingling with lucky charms,
Reach and grope the planet’s face.
The clouds will scream as we embrace.
His claws rend stone and filth and flesh.
Skin like withered, scaly mesh.
An eye that peeps sits low in sky
With snaggle-toothed smile, grinning wide.
As the sky turns pink and green
His crippling fingers do careen
Downwards to the molten core
Feeding, chewing, licking, or,
Teething on the chewy center.
Un Ekac Galoon will be our mentor!
The crows will bark, the snakes will hop,
As trees sag to earth with a flop.
The oceans dance with grime and grunge,
As earth and rocks heave like a sponge.
The stars stay far, far away with fear
When he whispers secrets in our ear.
But when the sun grows well again
We all will weep, for we know then
His arms of mesh and love and crust
Will hug no more, so we must trust
That he’ll return on joyous day
When next the sun is to be slain.
Until the next dark, eclipsed moon,
For that brings Un Ekac Galoon.