's 2020 Horror Write-off:


Submitted by HareTrinity

You glance down at the time.

23:34? Probably time you went to bed.

You head up the stairs and, as you’re passing a doorway, you catch sight of the curtains at the end of the room.

There’s nothing especially unusual about the curtains, but they make you anxious. The windowsill is deep – not enough for an adult to hide, you tell yourself, yet the concern lingers.

You decide that, silly as it is, you'll take a quick look behind the curtains, just to put your mind at ease.

You cross the room

and look behind the curtains

and what is that on windowsill?
what isthathingwhatisisitdoinhocnn

You glance down at the time.

00:16? A new day already! Better get to bed.

You walk up the stairs and, as you're passing a doorway, you glance in and see the curtains at the end of the room.

You feel troubled by the curtains and, though you're sure it's nothing (just the curtain, just a shadow), you can't quiet your thoughts, and you know that you'll have an easier time getting to sleep if you rid your mind of worries.

You cross the room

and look behind the curtains

and what is that?
what is itwhyareitseyessov

You glance down at the time.

01:48? How did it get so late? You should be in bed.

You hurry up the stairs and, as you're passing a doorway, you stop and look back at the curtains at the end of the room.

Some part of you tells you that you should leave them be, that you'll be safe once you're under the covers, but you're not a child and you won't let irrational fears control you.

You cross the room

and look behind the curtains

and who is that?
what do theywantwhyisitlookintw

You glance down at the time.

03:11? That can't be right! You need to get to bed.

You stumble up the stairs and, as you're passing a doorway, you think of the curtains at the end of the room.

A dark aura of dread engulfs you

and you decide to head straight to bed.