Written by Jonathan Wojcik with the aid of With the Will, Digimon Wiki and Wikimon
A good potato.
...Except OH, WAIT, MY FREAKIN MISTAKE I GUESS, people have been calling this Digimon a potato for 20 years and even its main attack is called "Smash Potato" so I just never stopped to question it, but as first pointed out by someone who is also a superior artist, Jagamon was never a potato. Our entire lives have been a lie.
Jagamon is none other than Dioscorea elephantipes, sometimes known as the "elephant's foot plant." What the HELL, pal!? I say directly into a mirror, because for one, I practically built half my life around explaining the biology behind cartoon monsters, and for another, this was already a plant I nearly bought once and was always fascinated by. I even nearly designed a monster of my own around this plant, and now that I think about it, it wasn't even all that different from Jagamon.
I have no excuse, no possible reason to have not immediately put this together myself. I just kept hearing this described as a potato digimon and I kept thinking "ah, sure, that sounds right."
This changes EVERYTHING?! Suddenly this one-off digimon is one of the most ultra-specific, exotic biology references in the entire franchise?!
Elephantipes is tuberous, but not even in the same sub-clade as a potato. A potato is a eudicot and the elephant's foot plant is a monocot. Duh!!!! It's also actually a climbing vine, but it's still the cool scaly turtle-like stem it's more famous for, a stem that CAN be cooked up like a potato, but only if you cut off all the armor and also get the nasty toxins out of it.