Written by Jonathan Wojcik with the aid of With the Will, Digimon Wiki and Wikimon


After over a year, I think, there's finally enough new Digimon for me to come back to this for a while, and I'm choosing Dinomon for our return. In the back of my mind, I would have thought there was always a Digimon named "Dinomon," but no, the first "Dinomon" is a 2024 addition, and I'd say it's certainly worthy of that prestige. It's intentionally the most Godzilla-shaped Digimon ever seen, and serves as a new, fully biological Ultimate for the Tyrannomons!

That's a pretty big deal for Dinosaur Digimon, since Tyrannomon was the original alternate evolution of the classic Agumon, but fell completely to the wayside in favor of Greymon and its countless variations. Previously, the only Ultimate "Tyrannomon" was the mechanical Rusttyrannomon, so if you happened to be a really big Tyrannomon fan and all you wanted was a much bigger thunder lizard, you were all out of luck until now!

The idea of Dinomon is that any dinosaur Digimon might take this form after a long and arduous enough battle, which follows most directly from "Master Tyrannomon;" the Tyrannomon covered in battle scars. The result not only looks like a red-scaled, flaming Godzilla, but does everything you expect from Godzilla in Digimon Format, emerging from the ocean when its powers are needed, burning everything to ash with its superheated breath, then returning to the water to rest and to literally cool down, supposedly giving off steam that can be seen for miles.

The first few Digimon were predominantly homages to Toho Kaiju, including, at the time, Flymon as a stand-in for Mothra and Raremon as Hedorah. All we still need is a huge flying insect Ultimate and a sludge heap Ultimate to finish what they started.