Collection Photos: 2005 - 2007
This is how I found the back wall and window of the attached garage upon moving in. What
does it mean?!
The Garage Dog Enigma:
Computer table
Computer table
A bunch of spooky lamps are hidden here.
Hideshi Hino's Dokumushi and Zowroku, and some bendy
Have a
Have a
Have a
Have a
Have a
Have a
Have a
Last of the
Ride the brood!
Mantenna, Mutagen Man and a great big snail.
Two of my largest figures
Wym is on top of the world.
A solid wall of nonsense.
A less-solid wall of nonsense.
The gaurdians of the television.
A stack of terrariums, a
An utterly masculine stuffed
The highest shelf in the room. That's a
Jabba with all of his ho's and homeboys.
Full view
The Heartless are honorary members because I say so.
Sludge Bucket enjoys a perpetual snack of Ghostbusters
Ultra Kaiju, Martian hold-up, Worrt, Slog and the H2 Ghost.
A load of...stuff.
The Kingdom of the Bee People (also Guilala)
IT from the PIT....and wind-ups.
This creature was designed by me at age 5, and painted on canvas by my Grandmother.
The second painting was created entirely by my Grandmother a few years before she passed away. She based it on a famous
Pokemon, Digimon, Ghostbusters and other crap!
All kinds of tiny figures
I spent these three years of my life renting a crude but comforting
apartment built inside a 200 year old horse stable. It was creaky, cold,
dark, moldy, mouse-infested and eventually began to decompose on me.
Except for that last part, it was perfect. Here's some shots of how my
geeky stuff was arranged before I had to move: