Written by Jonathan Wojcik
We haven't talked a lot about Ultras themselves yet, but they're technically just as much "monsters" as anything else we've seen here. In fact, there was a time when their kind were more human-like and more biological, until they needed to replace their dying sun with an artificial power source, the Plasma Spark. They didn't foresee that its unnatural energy would physically transform them, and USUALLY that kind of sentence ends with something like "...into shrieking abominations of twisted flesh" or "into decomposing horrors neither living nor dead" or at least "into dead people."These guys really lucked out when their unpredictable, aberrant mutation turned out to be "into dazzling silver giants with superpowers." Ever since the Plasma Spark enhanced them, the Ultras have primarily used that power to protect the universe from evil...but we did already mention at least one villainous example, and there's another, more recent character who quickly became Tsubaray's definitive "bad boy" Ultra.
Seeking to grow stronger by any means necessary, Belial turned to the Plasma Spark that created his very species and keeps his very world alive. His attempt to take the spark, however, only burned him horribly as he was quickly apprehended and exiled from his home.
Attempting together to destroy the Ultras for good, Rayblood was eventually destroyed just thoroughly enough that his corruptive DNA spread across the galaxy (which does, in fact, result in a bunch of messed-up monsters, whoops!) while Belial was sealed in a specially made prison so massive that it became the Ultra People's moon, because nothing makes a night stroll more romantic than looking up and knowing there's a genocidal maniac forever trapped in a rock and thinking about how much he hates you.
Somewhere, by the way, is a canonical list of where every single monster is located on Belyudra even if isn't visible on Belyudra's surface, which is why over a thousand Ultramonsters have this exact same "trivia" entry on the fan wiki:
But seriously, Belyudra is as delightfully ominous and over-the-top as Belial himself, and it's even more delightful that in 2020's Ultraman Z, Belial has somehow or other become an egotistical, melodramatic talking sword wielded by the series hero. And yes, there's banter. If you watch nothing else of Ultraman, give the 17th episode of this series a try; at the time of this upload, the official licensed youtube uploads every episode for free, with English subtitles!