This diminutive mammaloid was intended as a Bioconstruct that could be marketed to H. sapiens, designed around characteristics the species is known to find instinctively endearing in other creatures. Intended to enhance its appeal is a subtle psychowave broadcast that amplifies emotional reaction to its appearance.

uman responses to the Blitten have been surprisingly variable, ranging from the predicted affection to apparent distress at the creature's "haunting" or "unnatural" appearance. More strikingly, its appearance and effects have proven significantly distressing to most other monsters, who find visual contact with the creature outright disturbing or in extreme cases almost violating, as though it is staring into their innermost psyche. Monsters may be compelled to fearfully appease the small creature's whims or at least what they presume to be its whims, and may be stricken with an uncontrollable terror if they believe they have displeased the Blitten..


The Blitten is thoroughly oblivious to its effect on other creatures, and oblivious to most surrounding situations in general. With an infantile mind and almost no capacity for negative emotion, it responds to virtually all stimuli with only a contented curiosity and mild amusement.


A potent but indiscriminating bioweapon, the Blitten is always handled with caution, often kept in some form of hibernation or other secure containment system up until deployment.


SOUL STARE: most monsters that meet a Blitten's gaze are stricken with a confusing mix of fear, awe, adoration and revulsion, submitting to the creature's imagined, terrible degree of power and terrified of its hypothetical wrath.



Contents copyright Jonathan Wojcik

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