A genetic hybrid of Homo sapiens and a Pthirapteran or "louse," an obligate ectoparasite of warm-blooded organisms.


Following from their base organism, Pestilouse specimens can be categorized by onw of two feeding mechanisms. In a "sucking" Pestilouse, the teeth form a tightly conical arrangement used to pierce flesh and slurp blood or other body fluids. In a "chewing" Pestilouse, the teeth are arranged in a cluster capable of rasping away hair, feathers and skin. In either case, the meat and organs of prey are ignored, leaving behind a completely exsanguinated or neatly flayed cadaver.

Anticoagulating compounds in pestilouse saliva trigger a debilitating histamine response in most other organisms, characterized by intense itching, difficulty breathing, blurred vision and an especially hazardous elevation in heart rate, further increasing the flow of a profusely bleeding wound. Constantly grooming itself with its teeth and tongue, the monster's claws, nails and prickly setae are armed with the same biohazardous secretions.

Pestilouse typically have a single enlarged, highly muscular "clamping" arm, either the right or the left.


The Pestilouse is a skittish, skulking creature, preferring to ambush prey or attack from behind and avoid physical injury at all costs. It often hurls itself onto its victim's back and swings its clamp around into their neck, eyes or softer underbelly before feeding.

Depending on its base species, a Pestilouse may fixate on a particular anatomical area to begin feeding, such as the scalp, armpits or more sensitive reaches. When hungry, it froths at the mouth.


In addition to its agitating saliva and lethal clamp, a Pestilouse has keen senses and can track prey from an impressive distance. It is also known for its naturally intimate understanding of hair and skin health, with many specimens exceeding in a number of cosmetic and medical careers.


CLAMP CLAW: the Pestilouse's right or left limb is a large, powerful and wickedly hooked clamp.

PARASITE SPITTLE: the monster's saliva causes a severe allergic response and excessive bleeding.

TRACKING: the Pestilouse's sense of smell, hearing and taste allow it to skillfully track prey from afar.



Contents copyright Jonathan Wojcik

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