PARABIOLOGY: This silent, graceful Ectosaur seems almost peaceful, keeping its distance from its prey and often lurking out of sight until an opportunity to jab with its more tangible, fused jaw. Each slender fang is repeatedly slathered with the monster's poisonous salivary secretions, turning the single jaw into a venomous stinging appendage. The toxins of the Shivergeist are characterized by extremely rapid necrosis, uncontrollably shaking and the false sensation of debilitating cold, making victims appear stricken with sudden, progressive frostbite in even the warmest surroundings. The Shivergeist's preferred source of food are the fingers, ears or other small, swallowable morsels that drop off its withering victims. SLIME SECRETION: Shivergeist slime is pale blue and surprisingly, though not dangerously, hot to the touch. It congeals quickly into sparkling globules, smells of chlorine and tastes extremely sour. HAUNTING ACTIVITIES: Though it spends most of its time quiet and concealed, the Shivergeist enjoys toying with noisome objects, especially chains, pipework, cookware and other clanging, clattering materials. For unknown reasons, it is driven to bask in any green-tinted light it can find. A Shivergeist is quite intelligent, but doesn't tend to behave so. When it is seen, it is often seen rattling its jaw mindlessly against whatever objects make the most satisfying racket, intermittently performing an odd, swooping "dance" with its long neck and outstretched arms. SILENCE: until it chooses to, the Shivergeist produces utterly no sound. FROST BITE: the monster's teeth are coated in a toxin causing rapid tissue decay and a sensation of freezing cold. ![]() ![]() Contents copyright Jonathan Wojcik