![]() CLASS: BOTANICAL Within the fungus-lined recesses of this monster's porous, woody shell, thousands of symbiotic mosquitoes multiply in pockets of viscous, filthy slime. A single bite from a sanguivorous female transmits hundreds of the Snagnant's specialized parasite-cells, causing immediate fever, chills, severe fatigue and unpredictable lapses in consciousness. Weakened hosts are easy picking for the slow-moving Botanical, caging helpless prey beneath its powerful leg-roots and rasping through flesh with the trilobal "beak" at their apex.  
A Snagnant's shell is home to myriad fungi, lichens, mosses, slime molds, nematodes, flatworms, mites, crickets and gastropods. Tiny frogs, lizards and even the occasional bat may also take up residence within its hollows, feeding on its endless supply of mosquitoes.
Contents copyright Jonathan Wojcik