Walking Wake

I hoped that by the time we got to this review, there'd be animated gifs of the 3-d model readily available on the internet, but at the time of this writing, today's Pokemon (and newer) have been around for months, but all we have to work with are static PNG's. Not that it really matters, I suppose; the idle animations of most Pokemon are honestly pretty damn boring. They're mostly just sort of standing around.

Walking Wake was introduced in Scarlet and Violet's first downloadable update, which was free, and therefore perfectly acceptable. Remember when the last generation made people PAY for additional content?! Like, GROSS! BOGUS! I'm glad they decided against making that their new business model or anything! Haha!

Anyway, this fella is the prehistorical paradox verson of the classic legendary beast Suicune, and a lot of people seem to really dislike it, because Suicune was some kind of a mammal thingy, right, like a cat? A dog? Catdog? CATDOG!!! Haha! Like the cartoon! Anyway, whatever Suicune is, it's certainly not some kind of dinosaur, but ancient paradox Pokemon are almost all dinosaur-flavor, so paradox Suicune, or Walking Wake, is in the form of a bipedal nonavian reptiloid.

It doesn't make sense, and it isn't a particularly creative choice, so I understand the criticisms, I do, but personally I think this thing is really really cool looking. I'm sorry to say I actually like it, on its own merits, significantly more than mammal-Suicune. It's a sleek and fearsome looking theropod with a cool jagged beak sort of mouth, two tails, a big flowing purple mane with snazzy fiery orange frosted tips, and the angular crystal thingy on its head is a lot "craggier" and rougher than classic Suicune's in a way that really appeals to me.

It's now a Water/Dragon type, and by this point in these Pokemon "games" I keep hearing whispers about, there's now an implication going on that the Paradox Pokemon are not actually from the past or future, but from the past and future of "alternate timelines." What difference does this make, precisely? We don't know I guess! We never will! There's a "timeline" out there in which all the Pokemon are part dinosaur, or perhaps just used to be, and another timeline out there where the Pokemon are all robots, or perhaps will be some day. It is an entirely meaningless distinction that has added ultimately nothing to the setting.

All I can say is that this is a really pretty dinosaurus.