
Who doesn't love chameleons? With their curly tails, projectile tongues, turreted eyeballs, color-changing skin and pincer-like hands, it's as if every part of them made an extra effort to be as weird and whimsical as a tetrapod vertebrate ever possibly could, and Kecleon captures that strangeness quite well.
Unfortunately, Kecleon suffers from serious Qwilfish syndrome, begging to evolve or just be noticed already. With the vestigial wings on its back, I'd have expected this to turn into some kind of chameleon-dragon in the next generation.
Unfortunately, Kecleon suffers from serious Qwilfish syndrome, begging to evolve or just be noticed already. With the vestigial wings on its back, I'd have expected this to turn into some kind of chameleon-dragon in the next generation.

A perfect pokemeleon, but critically unloved.