
And now, the extremely long-awaited evolution to DUNSPARCE! Good lord, I'm not sure any Pokemon has ever had as many speculative fan evolutions as the little tsuchinoko, and it only took them a little over 20 years to get around to it canonically. And what do they go with? Literally nothing but a much larger Dunsparce with one to two extra body segments.
No offense to fanartists, but the vast majority of Dunsparce evolutions they've conceived of over the years are just serpents, dragons or serpentine dragons with a coat of Dunsparce paint. They're still usually well designed and very nice, nothing I would have reviewed poorly, but they lose the spirit of Dunsparce and its fictional pudgy snake inspiration. I might have still preferred an entirely new design that simply retained a sluglike or wormlike shape and Dunsparce's same cute, sleepy expression, but a merely larger Dunsparce is still leagues better than just turning it into another Milotic.
Whether you get a two-segment or three-segment sparce is entirely random, and the odds of three segments are only one in a hundred!
No offense to fanartists, but the vast majority of Dunsparce evolutions they've conceived of over the years are just serpents, dragons or serpentine dragons with a coat of Dunsparce paint. They're still usually well designed and very nice, nothing I would have reviewed poorly, but they lose the spirit of Dunsparce and its fictional pudgy snake inspiration. I might have still preferred an entirely new design that simply retained a sluglike or wormlike shape and Dunsparce's same cute, sleepy expression, but a merely larger Dunsparce is still leagues better than just turning it into another Milotic.
Whether you get a two-segment or three-segment sparce is entirely random, and the odds of three segments are only one in a hundred!