That, or I always just wanted to review some favorite designs from this classic, shameless imitation of the then-recent Pocket Monsters. I can't keep the joke running for more than an opening paragraph and I'm not going to try. I'm a middle aged man, and I have better things to do.
Just not that better.
Splat & Johnny
Splat should actually be one of my top favorite Robopon in concept; it's a fly! It's got fly eyes on top and even little pipe-like proboscis! With an extra pair of little dot-eyes in between, it's stylized to look more like some sort of little cartoon bird, which is cute, just not my ideal fly-guy situation. And besides, this is a weak, unevolv-er, sorry,-unENHANCED a Robopon you mean?
....As a Robopon right?
Orbit & Smacks
Orbit is a little pink jellyfish with kirby eyes. Cute! The description however says that it comes from space and reads minds. "From space" like, built by aliens?
Urchy & Subrio
Aw, look at URCHY! It's a little ball with a big jaggedy-toothed smile, demented eyes, and drill-like tentacles or spines all around it. It's an "EVIL Attribute" Robopon said to use its paralyzing arms to steal spare parts from other robots. How morbid!
Virus & Hexbot
This "computer virus" Robopon could be better; it's just a grumpy spiky ball with legs and fangs, kind of the bare minimum effort to illustrate the concept, but it's a little baby anyway, and it grows up into a pretty gnarly one!Zappa, Viper & Detno

Zappa looks like an oveturned flowerpot or plastic cup with tiny dot eyes and three little tentacle legs. Simple and adorable, but don't be fooled! This is evidently a "parasitic" Robopon that "destroys its victims from within!" That's my kind of Robopon!I guess this Robopon is just a force of pure malevolence against its fellow mechanoids, from deadly parasitoid to life-sucking energy vampire until it builds enough power to become a walking bomb. If this were a more biological setting, I'd hypothesize that the explosion is how it scatters its spores or eggs to create more Zappa, but we're stuck working with robots here, so there's almost nary a drop of speculative evolution or ecology to drink!
This cute little fella is based on a dogu, the clay artifacts found underground in Japan and so commonly likened to "robots" or "spacemen." Topaz is described as a primitive clay Robopon powered by magic, which is some pretty bonkers world-building to drop in a one-off mon. Magic exists in the Robopon world, but animate magical constructs are just considered more primitive "robot" technology? I guess I technically can't argue with that, but it's funny that Robopon is one of the few things I've seen to put it that way in-universe.
Zariga & V-Zarg
Zariga is an aquatic Robopon not unlike a Triops in shape; a large shield-like head with a tadpole sort of tail. It also has little robot arms, tiny white dots for eyes, and a cute little rectangular panel mouth.
I know what you think this is supposed to resemble, given its "poop emoji" shape and even brownish color scheme, but don't worry! This Robopon really is supposed to be just a "gel," and its official art is quite a bit nicer:
Besides the purple color scheme, we can now see that Gello's inner robot body is an adorable, rounded UFO kinda shaped like a church bell, with large yellow eyes sharing the same dark socket. It has a charmingly worried little expression, and if you look back up at its stat spread, you can probably guess without even reading Japanese that this is Robopon's "shuckle;" subpar offenses with impressive defense. That's an outer layer of BALLISTIC gel! Clever!
"Nobone" is an odd name for something officially described as a "skeleton" Robopon, though "skeleton Robopon" is an odd way to describe what looks like a puffy, transparent, four-pointed star with a visible robotic core. Yeah, a lot like Gello, but completely unrelated! The core is a baseball-like sphere, with eyeballs on short little stalks so they can extend out of the star thingy, and four chunky robot limbs. What's weird is that this thing is one of the only two "legendary" Robopon in the first game, found only in the difficult dungeon of "Illusion Village," which itself appears at only certain times of the day.
Another jelly guy! I am slowly beginning to respect Robopon beyond just Pokemon's "Homsar." This one's Japanese name is just derived from jellyfish, so I have no idea what they translated it to "Scar," but this time we have a clear blue jellyfish bell with three robotic feet and two arms sprouting from beneath, giving it a proper "walking jellyfish" shape, and two stalk-eyes long enough to pop out the top. This one is a "skeleton" Robopon that "only exists in dreams," so yeah, this is the other "legendary." While every other monster franchise reserves some epic dragons and demigods for its rarest catches, Robopon 1 decided it should be a couple of googly-eyed blobs. Yeah, unmistakable respect forming.
Palmer, Spike & Woody
Palmer is an adorable little burger-shaped metal capsule with beady eyes, waddling feet and a little baby palm tree growing out the top! So this cute as hell little dude is like, a horticultural Robopon, right? A high-tech planter that nurtures a sapling? No, haha, no this is described as a "strange" and "deadly" plant that takes over the bodies of discarded robots. Palmer isn't the robot. Palmer is a palm tree zombifying a robot like it thinks it's some kind of entomopathogenic fungus. Did that EVOLVE in the Robopon world? Is it anti-robot biotech? A mutation? What the heck is this setting, actually?
Leachy, Boobot & Jackey
Oh my god, LEACHY?! Is there really a leech Robopon?! Or perhaps maybe? The Japanese name is "Betabeta" which means "sticky," the same as Grimer's Japanese name. Maybe that references being able to cling to things like a leech, but the profile only talks about it living on the ocean floor and kicking up sand when it's upset. Its design is wonderful, a flattened and segmented ovoid with a fringe
of little paddle-like fins and a couple of stalk-eyes on top, visually
acceptable as a stylized "leech" but equally interpretable as a sea slug, a flatworm, an isopod, a trilobite, maybe even something similar to Anomalocaris if it only had the facial appendages. The most likely intent, in my opinion, was more like a sea cucumber, and that's fine. I like leeches, but I also like every other thing this could possibly be, and I also like it even if it's not supposed to match any animal at all. It's perfect. It's like the mascot of whatever Robopon world has instead of And in more ways than one, for better or for worse, because....So the sticky sea-bug evolves into a blobby frog ghost. It's thematically a stretch, but, every element of both stages is definitely something I'm into.
I'm sad to say, then, that there's one more evolution, and that it's the least interesting to me, yet I feel as if I have no business criticizing it:
By now, I've looked at all the Robopon I really, sincerely love, at least at one stage in their evolution. But there are many, many more Robopon, of many questionable degrees of quality. There are Robopon that had to be completely changed for the English release, there are unfortunately Robopon that are also mean-spirited caricatures, and then there are Robopon that are sincerely cool and interesting in ways beyond my own personal tastes.
And I not only COULD write about them all, but I already did. In fact, I spent most of my entire April 1st writing about Robopons instead of enjoying a beautiful nice day without any outstanding responsibilities to attend to, and I even went into more enthusiastic detail about the Robopon you've now seen. I did this whole thing where the list of Robopon got progressively more terrible until we ended discussing the nightmare hell that was the Robopon Manga, and the Robopon Manga Artist whose ass-ugly style would tragically leak right back into the video game.

....And then, just as I was concluding that maybe Robopon was actually probably best left buried, all things considered, I hit something or other on my keyboard that caused the entire file to clear, and I found no Dropbox backups or really any evidence I'd written anything at all, forcing me to start over and bring you this severely truncated but ultimately more positive post.
I guess I must have angered the restless ghost of the Robopon franchise, and in the end, it made me the April Fool. I swear what I wrote was real. And maybe it was funny, too, I don't remember or frankly really care to remember.
...Don't look for that manga.