31 Shinbi's Apartment Ghosts!
Written by Jonathan Wojcik
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SEASON 02.2, EPISODE 6: this time, ghostly activity is marked by manifestations of a stinking black vapor that can nauseate and even knock people out. Making its way to the local school, it targets a new, somewhat rude student from an upper class family, possessing her to make her stink horribly and lash out at other children until she's utterly despised.

This spirit was originally a homeless, hungry orphaned girl. People avoided looking at her or even walking too close to her, and one day, a wealthy child stopped to laugh at her for smelling and looking filthy.
She tries to give the toy back nicely, but the owner thinks she "ruined" it by touching it and doesn't want it anymore. She's thrown out with it, and that's actually where the flashback ends; we don't actually know how she died, it's even possible she lived quite a while, but this memory was what stayed with her beyond death and festered into a spirit angry enough to torment upper-class children hundreds of years later.

This is one with very simple ghostly activity, but another heartbreaking origin and climax. Her anger is reasonable, and even if the modern girl it possessed had nothing to do with what happened to her, the victim still learns an important lesson that likely improves how she treats people in her future.
The design is also pretty menacing; the face looks very much like a deep sea fish, and I like the effect of that floating in and out of the black "abyss" of its own miasma! Some artwork also gives it a pair of floating, clawed hands, or it's possible there's a complete body giving off so much smog, we have no idea what it looks like.