Shinbi's Apartment Ghost Reviews
The Satyr Ghost!
Written by Jonathan Wojcik
Happy Halloween II After All! I lost a lot of energy and enthusiasm this year, and came dangerously close to cancelling any more content altogether for the rest of 2021, but after a break of just a few weeks and a very happy visit with family, I've picked the site back up for at least a few spooky features into the New Year, and because I had so much fun reviewing Shinbi Ghosts, I've decided to make this a "permanent" feature!I don't currently have any plans to go back and expand on every prior ghost we might have skipped, but from now on, I will be attempting to review EVERY new ghost that debuts in Korea, as soon as any video clips or other materials are available online. This not only means a year-round review feature, but reviews that go beyond my personal favorites alone, though I have to say, our first new addition would have easily made it into our first 30 days...
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SEASON 04, EPISODE 07: a number of unusual car accidents have begun to occur on the same stretch of remote, country road. Cars driving at night begin to go haywire, their electrical systems malfunctioning and shorting out as the vehicles careen out of control...

This particular ghostly grudge begins on the night a tired driver accidentally strikes and kills a Korean musk deer - Moschus moschiferus parvipes - which certainly explains some of our ghost's anatomy, but if this were just the story of an animal hit by a car, shouldn't the entire road system be drowning in phantasmal armadillos and opossums by now?
The deer's killer is mortified by his mistake, and actually rushes to the animal's side. Finding it too late to save, he picks up its body hoping to give it a dignified burial somewhere...
Ever since, the angry spirit has lashed out indiscriminately at those driving the same fateful hours, but eventually identifies its true killer once more, and very nearly gets its vengeance until he's finally arrested by the authorities (namely, Hari's mom!), as it turns out he left his wallet at the scene of the crime all along.