By Jonathan Wojcik and Rev Storm
2022's Elden Ring is actually the first time I've ever "been there" for the release of anything in the broadly defined "Souls Series," that is, the first time I've actually witnessed a souls game in person while it was still brand new, thanks to my spouse buying and playing it through over the course of its first few months. All the while, I was left in charge of hitting the screencap button throughout, collecting our own original shots of many creatures and characters before some of them even reached the fandom wiki.
While the game isn't quite as stunning a monsterfest as Bloodborne or any of the "Dark Souls" titles, it has its share of creative, sometimes deeply disturbing monsters that, as usual, sometimes come with pretty fascinating backstory to unravel. Others, of course, are just really neat-o crazy critters, and we've narrowed down our favorites to fill this website's usual 31-day October review feature. One or more Elden Ring beasts, every single day of the month!
I know that for some of you, these reviews may even be your only interaction with the game at all, so it was important to pick something truly worthy of your day-one introduction to its fantastic world...

Photo by Xiang Li
The common name "sea squirt" refers to a group of animals more technically known as Ascidians, though these actually belong to a number of loosely related groups within the Tunicata, a subphylum of the Chordata. Maybe you know that all of us vertebrates are part of another Chordate subphylum, in our case Craniata. Tunicates are basically our siblings, beginning life with the same central nerve cable, the notochord, that gives Chordata its name!
In humans, lizards, eels, frogs, pigeons, stingrays and all the other Craniates, that chord develops into a spine by the end of embryonic development. In tunicates, the chord remains the same for life or gets absorbed completely as the animal matures into little more than a filter-feeding bag of flesh that either drifts through the water or anchors itself to a solid surface. Instead of a mouth, it simply has an intake siphon on the top, and instead of an anus, it has an exit tube on the front. Why, that's the same hole the Land Squirt uses to smother you in warm, moist toxic fumes!
Come back every day of October 2022 for another Elden Ring creature review!