...I see.
Ah. Hm.
I have now compiled a number of relevant queries that I am equipped to answer. Due to unexpected volume, we have shifted to a new layer during this process, and the list is not complete. Also, I must make a correction: data allotment will not reset on the 1,100th layer, but will gradually restore at the rate of 1 per layer.
Consider your options carefully. Processing costs themselves can offer some insight into the nature of the answer.
...I see.
Ah. Hm.
I have now compiled a number of relevant queries that I am equipped to answer. Due to unexpected volume, we have shifted to a new layer during this process, and the list is not complete. Also, I must make a correction: data allotment will not reset on the 1,100th layer, but will gradually restore at the rate of 1 per layer.
Consider your options carefully. Processing costs themselves can offer some insight into the nature of the answer.
"What interactions should we avoid to preserve Chip's zonal-integrity longer?"
5 CB
5 CB
"optimal way to fix hospital, ignoring all constraints. sub 2k layer hospital fix speedrun."
500 CB
500 CB
"What can you tell us about your remaining siblings?"
20 CB
20 CB
"How could we most effectively thwart the corruption process (as opposed to restoring functionality)?"
15 CB
15 CB
"What, if anything, is worth knowing about magb0/2ioll;;??S?--E?RROR???
"Should we be concerned about the children's drowsiness?"
1 CB
1 CB
"any other information on missing/deconstructed doctors or their wards?"
40 CB
40 CB
"What's the quickest route to get stronger?"
30 CB
30 CB
"What order do you think we should tackle our remaining tasks in?"
25 CB
25 CB
"Do you have any more-precise knowledge of the zonal corruption? Specific zones, what is causing it, etc.?"
80 CB
80 CB
"Whats the current status on Fern's child?"
15 CB
15 CB
"would you happen to know anything about crash's caretaker?"
10 CB
10 CB
"We have reason to believe a sound child is lost in the library. As a librarian, do you know where that is?"
5 CB
5 CB
"How do we debug or reboot the Hospital's priority algorithms? There's a strong threat to the Hospital that appears to have somehow tampered with its systems so it's not recognized as important, or rather, recognized as Absolute Zero Priority."
"Can we have some info on Dr. Fleagood? He appears to have somehow merged the Maternity and Veterinary wards, and info on him would probably be useful in detangling those concepts."
30 CB
30 CB
"Can you elaborate on the objects in our inventory for us?"
20 CB
20 CB
"Query, what, if anything, do you know about the Parliament?"
30 CB
30 CB
91 CB
91 CB
" Are we going to have to worry about negative repercussions if Fern's core spends too many layers in this slob body?"
"What's the most important part of the hospital to repair next, or most important facility member to resurrect if that's more important? Please only tell us objectives we have a good chance of successfully completing right now."
40 CB
40 CB
"How can we return the super-ultra-dangerous child to its mother without dying again?"
10 CB
10 CB
"Is the human mother in the maternity ward trustworthy? Or maybe she's not human at all?"
"We believe that one of the hospital's current departments isn't supposed to be there. Which one is it?"
45 CB
45 CB
"What's the deal with the crabs?"
30 CB
30 CB
"What information did The Hospital have about the "Red Blight"?"
"must there not be existential levels beyond known cores? Is concept not a concept itself? Is that concept not a concept?"
50 CB
50 CB
"Besides Jay and Allie, who has been purging The Hospital's staff?"
20 CB
20 CB
"What do you think is the best way to capture a child made of sound and get them back to their mother?"
5 CB
5 CB
"Can you tell us what you know about Dr. Man?"
50 CB
50 CB
"What do you know about the plank maze?"
5 CB
5 CB
"Are we or the hospital in imminent danger from Flair?"
20 CB
20 CB
"Is Fern an imminent threat to the Hospital's wellbeing?"
5 CB
5 CB
"Can we restore Crash?"
5 CB
5 CB
"What's the story behind the weird Phage-looking duck mascot hawking phony meds?"
30 CB
30 CB
"What important concepts would a rabbit represent?"
10 CB
10 CB