The phonecall, or whatever it is, feels like it drags out forever. You remember, for a moment, what it was like to wait while your mother gabbed to friends on the phone for hours at a time, your kid mind driven anxious and annoyed by the half-heard conversations about things you didn't quite yet grasp, except this is the terrifying version. You try not to dwell on phrases like "mostly jellied" or "finally inside," and a particularly upsetting frequency of the word "stragglers," when finally....

ALRIGHT! You too! Hugs n' kisses!
ALRIGHT! You too! Hugs n' kisses!

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)

Sounds like it all came together in the end, you haven't lost anything you can comprehend enough to mind and they even threw you a free sponge flush, hot n' fizzy! I'm a little jealous!
Once they had it all in one place, it was easier for them to get a bead on your signature and find out where you'd gone off to. Your vessel's pretty much ready for you, there's just, well, some things.
Sounds like it all came together in the end, you haven't lost anything you can comprehend enough to mind and they even threw you a free sponge flush, hot n' fizzy! I'm a little jealous!
Once they had it all in one place, it was easier for them to get a bead on your signature and find out where you'd gone off to. Your vessel's pretty much ready for you, there's just, well, some things.

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)

Yeah, first thing is, the only clean and easy way to get you back in your bag is if this body has to respawn. We can recuperate fine, but it might not be entirely fun for you.
Yeah, first thing is, the only clean and easy way to get you back in your bag is if this body has to respawn. We can recuperate fine, but it might not be entirely fun for you.

Well hey, just puttin' this on the table, but, I could certainly go for an early lunch.
Well hey, just puttin' this on the table, but, I could certainly go for an early lunch.

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
...Next "thing" please....
...Next "thing" please....

Next thing is, there are some obvious advantages to your presence in this form. We have a constant communication line with you, and you can perceive things that we can't.
But, on the other flagellum, Harold showed us how dangerous that can be. We got some excellent data from him, but getting you back wasn't easy, and we don't know how much further your perception could drift.
Whenever you return to your body, you should be quite a bit safer, Celia is bugging me to mention "pretty juicy XP migration" and you can regroup with your friends in the Hospital while we remain here, providing support to Magdolene and Query.
The longer you remain in this form, the more and more vulnerable you'll likely be to Parliament influence, but the more vulnerable they'll also be to our interference, and you're still a bit more durable this way. It's all up to you. We'll let you think about it, your buzzers too, if you feel that they should have a say.
Next thing is, there are some obvious advantages to your presence in this form. We have a constant communication line with you, and you can perceive things that we can't.
But, on the other flagellum, Harold showed us how dangerous that can be. We got some excellent data from him, but getting you back wasn't easy, and we don't know how much further your perception could drift.
Whenever you return to your body, you should be quite a bit safer, Celia is bugging me to mention "pretty juicy XP migration" and you can regroup with your friends in the Hospital while we remain here, providing support to Magdolene and Query.
The longer you remain in this form, the more and more vulnerable you'll likely be to Parliament influence, but the more vulnerable they'll also be to our interference, and you're still a bit more durable this way. It's all up to you. We'll let you think about it, your buzzers too, if you feel that they should have a say.