>Continue to Sleepy Room

You enter the chamber the flies seemed to find sleep-inducing.


...That's it? A book? This isn't gonna be about cake again, is it?

Before you can even touch it, the strange book begins to vibrate, and forcefully flips open...


HOOOW-DOODLY-DO! How are all you fiiine readers tonight?!


Er...uh...so far so bad I guess?


Not you, silly-dill! I'm addressin' all them juicy readers out there! HOOOW-DOODLY-DO!


Great. It's bonkers. What else is new.


Shhhh! That's the esteemed Professor Lexicovermus! He must be dropping in from The Library! Let him do whatever he's here to be doing and you'll probably be fine.




You tasty-lookin folks haven't been librarin' near enough to close the circuits! Tell ya what: if you'll PROMISE to enjoy some fiiine literature from your zone's most convenient local depository, I'll letcha have a freebie, just this once! Just to be real neighborly-like! WHADDAYA SAY!?