The tiny bookworm sways to some inaudible rhythm, nodding his little head as though affirming equally inaudible dialog.

Mhm...mhm...boooy howdy-doo! You could sure use some organizationating! Ever consider lexicomorphosis? Ya never do think as clearly as ya can on paper! Give it a thought, why dontcha?
In the meantime, I do believe I heard one request more than any other in the end, so, Madame Chartreuse, as they call you, I believe this is yours!
Mhm...mhm...boooy howdy-doo! You could sure use some organizationating! Ever consider lexicomorphosis? Ya never do think as clearly as ya can on paper! Give it a thought, why dontcha?
In the meantime, I do believe I heard one request more than any other in the end, so, Madame Chartreuse, as they call you, I believe this is yours!
From his own black, physically impossible hole, the professor pulls forth a few wrinkled, water-stained papers, messily printed and barely stapled together.


Nooooo problem! Hope your reading experience is enlightening! And to the rest of you out there, keep your eyes peeled and I'm sure we'll meet again! I could pop up just about anyzone! Course, next time, I'll expect you to bring me a library card for my trouble! BYYYE-DIDDLY-DEE!!!
Nooooo problem! Hope your reading experience is enlightening! And to the rest of you out there, keep your eyes peeled and I'm sure we'll meet again! I could pop up just about anyzone! Course, next time, I'll expect you to bring me a library card for my trouble! BYYYE-DIDDLY-DEE!!!
The Professor disappears into his book, which in turn collapses and vanishes with an audible "POP."

Okay, I still have no idea what just happened.
Okay, I still have no idea what just happened.

The Professor works in mysterious ways, but we can surmise that someone or something out there wanted to relay information to you. I suggest you take a look at it, it could be very important!
The Professor works in mysterious ways, but we can surmise that someone or something out there wanted to relay information to you. I suggest you take a look at it, it could be very important!

...This reads like part of some bad autobiography...
...This reads like part of some bad autobiography...

Is it helpful?
Is it helpful?

I...I don't know...if it's for real, then we aren't the first human beings to wake up in the Hospital like that...
I...I don't know...if it's for real, then we aren't the first human beings to wake up in the Hospital like that...

That seems comforting to know.
That seems comforting to know.

Yeah, but...it doesn't end well...it almost feels like a threat.
Something wants me to know that this person never went home...
Yeah, but...it doesn't end well...it almost feels like a threat.
Something wants me to know that this person never went home...

It needn't be a threat...perhaps they simply want to warn you? Or, perhaps, that story simply isn't complete.
It needn't be a threat...perhaps they simply want to warn you? Or, perhaps, that story simply isn't complete.

We better keep going...
We better keep going...