>Tell Them About The Dead Staff
The identification card throbs a third time - you need to get out of here as soon as possible, but you've got some unfinished business...and those weird, living surgical tools are staring into your soul.

Ssssooo...I uh, need to talk to you two abou-
Ssssooo...I uh, need to talk to you two abou-

-How we passed!!?
-How we passed!!?

Is the card buzzing softly, or is it your nerves?

Sure! Seems like they've done pretty good at doctorating...right "mom?"
Sure! Seems like they've done pretty good at doctorating...right "mom?"

OH! Oh yeah, of course! Um...bang up job!
OH! Oh yeah, of course! Um...bang up job!

..."Bang up job?" Er...sorry, that's a new one. You feeling alright there, boss?
..."Bang up job?" Er...sorry, that's a new one. You feeling alright there, boss?

Err...s..."Slashing Success?"
Err...s..."Slashing Success?"

THERE we go! Thanks enormously for your approval, miss doctor, I'm sure our subsequent operations won't disappoint!
THERE we go! Thanks enormously for your approval, miss doctor, I'm sure our subsequent operations won't disappoint!
You feel a creeping, crawling sensation beginning to build...you need to hurry, but you still need to hurry convincingly.

Right, right! About those, though... [here goes nothing...]
*Ahem*..Before his operation, the "Jay From The Gray Zone" patient was caught attacking other patients and staff, then "burying" them just outside Hospital borders. We're not certain exactly how many have been victimized this way, or even if Jay was the only one responsible, but if we can begin retrieving lost staff and restoring them to...(life? No...that's not how they talk around here, is it?)..."perceptual functionality," we...(...woozy....) should...do..........
Right, right! About those, though... [here goes nothing...]
*Ahem*..Before his operation, the "Jay From The Gray Zone" patient was caught attacking other patients and staff, then "burying" them just outside Hospital borders. We're not certain exactly how many have been victimized this way, or even if Jay was the only one responsible, but if we can begin retrieving lost staff and restoring them to...(life? No...that's not how they talk around here, is it?)..."perceptual functionality," we...(...woozy....) should...do..........

Should do and WILL do! No wonder we've been short-appendaged! Not unprecedented, of course, every so often some fool gray leaks in and seems to think they're in the direzone or gorehouse or something, who knows! Excellent idea, putting Flair in charge of that one.
We should have no trouble rebuilding missing staff from any samples you can recover!
Should do and WILL do! No wonder we've been short-appendaged! Not unprecedented, of course, every so often some fool gray leaks in and seems to think they're in the direzone or gorehouse or something, who knows! Excellent idea, putting Flair in charge of that one.
We should have no trouble rebuilding missing staff from any samples you can recover!

Y...yyeah...I...can I just step out of here a minute?
Y...yyeah...I...can I just step out of here a minute?

Oh, of course, "Tori"...you really oughta be more careful with that stolen I.D!
Oh, of course, "Tori"...you really oughta be more careful with that stolen I.D!


Heehee, yeah "boss," you wouldn't want to undergo total conceptosorbtion in just another layer, would you?!
Heehee, yeah "boss," you wouldn't want to undergo total conceptosorbtion in just another layer, would you?!


......You knew.
......You knew.
Returning the card to your inventory, you could swear you physically feel the crawling nausea tear itself away from you. It's like...velcro.

Knew?! Knew what?? That an unknown impostor commandeered our supervisor's identity parameters to assign us work we were obligated by standard protocols to accept, fooling us into incidentally demonstrating our full capabilities before the Hospital through no fault of our own?
...It's just too bad that my Significant Other and Significanter Self were only able to so valiantly retrieve the stolen card before the never identified interloper made its mysterious escape to an unknown subzone...if ya catch my drift.
Knew?! Knew what?? That an unknown impostor commandeered our supervisor's identity parameters to assign us work we were obligated by standard protocols to accept, fooling us into incidentally demonstrating our full capabilities before the Hospital through no fault of our own?
...It's just too bad that my Significant Other and Significanter Self were only able to so valiantly retrieve the stolen card before the never identified interloper made its mysterious escape to an unknown subzone...if ya catch my drift.

...Hoo boy, you two are really lucky I dislike you as little as I do.
...Hoo boy, you two are really lucky I dislike you as little as I do.

You too, Lucy!
You too, Lucy!