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Hey, if you and Maggie are connected to all the universe's maggoty things or whatever it is...do you remember anything about these guys?
Hey, if you and Maggie are connected to all the universe's maggoty things or whatever it is...do you remember anything about these guys?

Ain't got nothin' to do with me or mama. Not no more than they got to do with you just 'cause they have hands n' feet.
Ain't nobody can say where they come from, what kinda concept they represent...ya probably hear this a lot, but there's a lotta weeeirdo stuff out there. Lotta things ain't nobody know nothin' about, but what folks do know is these fellers are a sign'a trouble.
Ain't got nothin' to do with me or mama. Not no more than they got to do with you just 'cause they have hands n' feet.
Ain't nobody can say where they come from, what kinda concept they represent...ya probably hear this a lot, but there's a lotta weeeirdo stuff out there. Lotta things ain't nobody know nothin' about, but what folks do know is these fellers are a sign'a trouble.

...And what about dolphins?
...And what about dolphins?

Sign'a big trouble. I got some memories'a the one you faced with Maggie'n her pals.
Sign'a big trouble. I got some memories'a the one you faced with Maggie'n her pals.

Are they with the parliament?
Are they with the parliament?

Doubt it. If anyone or anything were capable of tellin' dolphins what to do we'd already'a been goners. Luckily the hospital's got filters in place ta prevent any delphinoids from shiftin' in.
Doubt it. If anyone or anything were capable of tellin' dolphins what to do we'd already'a been goners. Luckily the hospital's got filters in place ta prevent any delphinoids from shiftin' in.

Oh...um...we killed one in the maternity ward...
Oh...um...we killed one in the maternity ward...

Oh. Well. Fancy that.
You uh, see how it get in by any chance?
Oh. Well. Fancy that.
You uh, see how it get in by any chance?

It burst out of a worm.
It burst out of a worm.

Whaaat!?! Git outta town!
Whaaat!?! Git outta town!

I seened it too! So did Isaac!!
I seened it too! So did Isaac!!

I'LL BE! That's mighty clever of 'em! Horrorfyin' and all, sure, but fascernatin' from onna them acydemic perspectives n' whatnot!
I'LL BE! That's mighty clever of 'em! Horrorfyin' and all, sure, but fascernatin' from onna them acydemic perspectives n' whatnot!

What's it mean?
What's it mean?

The hospital's dolphin filters are a pretty high priority system - they'll be onna the very last things ta break down completely. Worms on the other hand are an awful lesser nuisance; a zone's defenses against worm intrusion are one of the first things ta go if the zone's degenerating in any way, which is of course a nat'ral process for zones that are meant ta expire, like yer biovessels...not so much a zone like this one.
If worms are leakin' inta the hospital proper, it basically means the outer edges'a the hospital's concept are startin' ta rot. If ya saw a dolphin pop outta one, our flippery fiends've figgered out a way ta wrap their cores in a worm host and smuggle on in undetectated.
It's pretty gosh-darn alarmin', really, but I gotta say I'm mighty impressed as a sciencey-tiffic pre-fessional type!
The hospital's dolphin filters are a pretty high priority system - they'll be onna the very last things ta break down completely. Worms on the other hand are an awful lesser nuisance; a zone's defenses against worm intrusion are one of the first things ta go if the zone's degenerating in any way, which is of course a nat'ral process for zones that are meant ta expire, like yer biovessels...not so much a zone like this one.
If worms are leakin' inta the hospital proper, it basically means the outer edges'a the hospital's concept are startin' ta rot. If ya saw a dolphin pop outta one, our flippery fiends've figgered out a way ta wrap their cores in a worm host and smuggle on in undetectated.
It's pretty gosh-darn alarmin', really, but I gotta say I'm mighty impressed as a sciencey-tiffic pre-fessional type!