You return to what Magdolene calls her "office," though it's hard to tell what it's really supposed to be like when it's not in "plank maze" form.

Hey...if we got any of the other doctors into the plank maze, do you think they'd remember anything too?
Hey...if we got any of the other doctors into the plank maze, do you think they'd remember anything too?

Fraid it ain't likely. The corruptin' influence would hafta be at the core level and would stick with 'em. Reckon if I'm exposed to it at this point, there ain't no goin' back until somebody else fixes it.
Fraid it ain't likely. The corruptin' influence would hafta be at the core level and would stick with 'em. Reckon if I'm exposed to it at this point, there ain't no goin' back until somebody else fixes it.

You know what, I might have been a little mixed up back there... I said Dr. Man seemed alright, but it's really just that he's not trying to kill me or anything. He still doesn't seem able to address the Parliament, and I know he's come and gone from the maze at least once.
You know what, I might have been a little mixed up back there... I said Dr. Man seemed alright, but it's really just that he's not trying to kill me or anything. He still doesn't seem able to address the Parliament, and I know he's come and gone from the maze at least once.

Hmmm. If he's even partially susceptible, then he's at least partially Hospital staff, but like I said...he might not be integrated proper. Reckon he might presently be a critter of both the Hospital and yer own world. Also reckon I oughta touch bases with him shortly.
Hmmm. If he's even partially susceptible, then he's at least partially Hospital staff, but like I said...he might not be integrated proper. Reckon he might presently be a critter of both the Hospital and yer own world. Also reckon I oughta touch bases with him shortly.

Yeah, maybe...would you also happen to know anything about, uh, "buzzers?" "Head bees?" Little voices in your brain?
Yeah, maybe...would you also happen to know anything about, uh, "buzzers?" "Head bees?" Little voices in your brain?

'Fraid that's more'a that there weirdo stuff. Some folks hear little voices, some folks see stuff what ain't really present, some folks're followed round by decrusterators or shufflewailers or even "1[" there's a NASTY bugger. Point is, all kindsa wires get crossed as the perception range shuffles up. You n' I could even be some wacko dream or story over on their end, who knows.
'Fraid that's more'a that there weirdo stuff. Some folks hear little voices, some folks see stuff what ain't really present, some folks're followed round by decrusterators or shufflewailers or even "1[" there's a NASTY bugger. Point is, all kindsa wires get crossed as the perception range shuffles up. You n' I could even be some wacko dream or story over on their end, who knows.

FERN: least they've been more or less on my side, so far. least they've been more or less on my side, so far.

Good. Reckon you can use all the help you can get...which is why I think I've made up my own mind fer now.
Maybe I'd be good fer the Hospital, but I reckon right now, it might matter more if I'm good fer you, even if I can only help ya from here.
Good. Reckon you can use all the help you can get...which is why I think I've made up my own mind fer now.
Maybe I'd be good fer the Hospital, but I reckon right now, it might matter more if I'm good fer you, even if I can only help ya from here.

Are you sure?
Are you sure?

...NOPE! But as far as we know, I'm the only upper level staffer who ain't all discombobulatened as it were, and I reckon we oughta hang onta that advantage as many layers as we can.
...I might just have somethin' fer ya, matter a'fact. I just need ta fiddle around with it a layer or two...wouldja mind fetchin' me somethin' ta wear outta the dresser there while I reconfigurate this here gizmo?
...NOPE! But as far as we know, I'm the only upper level staffer who ain't all discombobulatened as it were, and I reckon we oughta hang onta that advantage as many layers as we can.
...I might just have somethin' fer ya, matter a'fact. I just need ta fiddle around with it a layer or two...wouldja mind fetchin' me somethin' ta wear outta the dresser there while I reconfigurate this here gizmo?