>Ask About Magdolene's Progress
You decide to wait politely while Magdolene molds herself back into her preferred shape, and you almost wonder if your friends back home would have liked your other friend who's just tens of thousands of maggots, or maybe your friend who's a fungus currently eating the inside of your brain, or your friend who was some dried-up blood smeared on a wall.
Then you remember you were too busy to actually have any friends back home. Haha.
Then you remember you were too busy to actually have any friends back home. Haha.

That's more like it!
So yer probably wonderin' what I've been gettin' up to, though ya never do know how reality-lines might divergify. 'Specially with me here in this weirdo maze and all. Whatcha remember us talkin 'bout last?
That's more like it!
So yer probably wonderin' what I've been gettin' up to, though ya never do know how reality-lines might divergify. 'Specially with me here in this weirdo maze and all. Whatcha remember us talkin 'bout last?

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
That a part of the Hospital's weakness is that several doctors are missing and pretty much scrubbed from all memory, but pieces of them might still exist in new forms. You wanted me to wait for more information before recycling random junk, just in case it brings back something not so friendly to us. Is that right?
That a part of the Hospital's weakness is that several doctors are missing and pretty much scrubbed from all memory, but pieces of them might still exist in new forms. You wanted me to wait for more information before recycling random junk, just in case it brings back something not so friendly to us. Is that right?

Perfecto! The planks are actually workin' out strongly in our favor here, since they collect so much stray concept and exist outside regular zonal logic. Critters 'round these parts who've ever needed Hospital treatment can still recall some patchy details the rest of us woulda lost completely, so if them details ain't ringin' any bells for my own recollection, it's likely they were seen by somebody we've lost.
Perfecto! The planks are actually workin' out strongly in our favor here, since they collect so much stray concept and exist outside regular zonal logic. Critters 'round these parts who've ever needed Hospital treatment can still recall some patchy details the rest of us woulda lost completely, so if them details ain't ringin' any bells for my own recollection, it's likely they were seen by somebody we've lost.

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
That makes sense to me. They're always kind of fuzzy, but I think the buzzers are confident we've picked up some pieces of staff that they want you to look over.
That makes sense to me. They're always kind of fuzzy, but I think the buzzers are confident we've picked up some pieces of staff that they want you to look over.

...Which I'd be plenty happy to do, if it were really that simple!
...Which I'd be plenty happy to do, if it were really that simple!

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
Oh no.
Oh no.

Don't worrrrrry! It's just that, accordian my theory at least, uppermost staff are broader concepts than a specialist like myself or ol' Dinea or Cathy, and that also brings us right back to yer present dilemma.
That monitor of yours is an unambiguous fragment of computer-concept as you n' I understand it, but that's not enough to get a system that critical running again. You'll need to piece somethin' together that properly approximates the idea of a computer, since there's decent odds whatever you scrounge up is going to qualify as such to someone's reality. Think of it like makin' a sammich, right? We all like somethin' different in a sammich, but you and I still got a close enough idea of what a sammich is or ya wouldn't even be processin' the term right now, not like a FV{}S{}{P:???ZZZZTTT or somethin' only some folks can conceptualize.
Don't worrrrrry! It's just that, accordian my theory at least, uppermost staff are broader concepts than a specialist like myself or ol' Dinea or Cathy, and that also brings us right back to yer present dilemma.
That monitor of yours is an unambiguous fragment of computer-concept as you n' I understand it, but that's not enough to get a system that critical running again. You'll need to piece somethin' together that properly approximates the idea of a computer, since there's decent odds whatever you scrounge up is going to qualify as such to someone's reality. Think of it like makin' a sammich, right? We all like somethin' different in a sammich, but you and I still got a close enough idea of what a sammich is or ya wouldn't even be processin' the term right now, not like a FV{}S{}{P:???ZZZZTTT or somethin' only some folks can conceptualize.

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
So we've got one real chunk of computer, and we just build the rest out of...basically "whatever" and a lot of imagination?
So we've got one real chunk of computer, and we just build the rest out of...basically "whatever" and a lot of imagination?


SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)
...And the same thing goes for...people? For Hospital doctors?
...And the same thing goes for...people? For Hospital doctors?

You got it! Let's keep focus on the computey-box fer now and consider it a warm-up. I've got more work to do myself, but meet me back here when ya got at least four quasithematic components. More will help, but ya don't wanna stretch the definition too far. That could be dang near CATASTROPHICAL!
You got it! Let's keep focus on the computey-box fer now and consider it a warm-up. I've got more work to do myself, but meet me back here when ya got at least four quasithematic components. More will help, but ya don't wanna stretch the definition too far. That could be dang near CATASTROPHICAL!

SLOBFERN (Translated from Slobese)

Dooooooon't woooorrrrryyyyy! Ya got us to help, right?! It'll be easy as #IUH"F____---- 7$&;;""GGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH#@2 nmMPOWO(*)==??!!!
Dooooooon't woooorrrrryyyyy! Ya got us to help, right?! It'll be easy as #IUH"F____---- 7$&;;""GGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH#@2 nmMPOWO(*)==??!!!