's 2014 Horror Write-off:

" Red Gold "

Submitted by thecuttlefishking

A red horizon broke too soon

When the Walker strode across it.

Glass and brass the tint of gold, upon

Nine spindly legs it dances

The King had bought a grand machine

And it came to deliver.

A Scholar came to court that day

We found she was no wizard.

Knew not of gods, of fates, of spires

Knew frogs, and stars, and numbers.

The King had bought a grand machine

And she'd come to deliver.

The Scholar wore rich golden cloth

'Twas spun from "Spider's Silk."

Her convoy wore the same attire-

'S sheen, the same left ilk.

The King had bought a grand machine

Flecks scurried to deliver.

A mess of stone and blackened iron

Was not a mess much longer.

Like wasps the Scholar's Gearmen worked

And soon it was entire.

The King had bought a grand machine

And here it stood, delivered.

The Scholar gave us sheets of charts

And spoke Gods hadn't mercy.

The Walker spun away again

The Gearmen left at dusk.

Ev'ry King had bought the thing

Ev'ry Child heard bullets ring.

The Goldspun

