Written by Jonathan Wojcik with the aid of With the Will, Digimon Wiki and Wikimon

Oh. Hm. What is this again? This is kind of a peanut-shaped spacesuit robot with thrusters for legs, and its head is a translucent blue bubble with two little bump ears and a hamster-like cartoon face on the front. I think the idea is kind of like a space alien or an experimental space rodent, especially since it attacks with little cybernetic mouse-shaped bombs, but for some reason I really can't get past how much its mouth ruins the design. It's got a tiny little mouth with tiny rodent buck teeth, surrounded by a dark patch that's probably supposed to look like a rodenty muzzle but just looks like a five O' clock shadow. The whole design would look relatively adorable if the head had just the eyes, and the yellow visor-ike portion of its spacesuit collar already looks like a "robot" smile anyway!
Espimon appears in Ghost Game as a new comic relief sidekick buddy, but I just don't find him all that charming for whatever reason, just okay really.RATING:
Espimon appears in Ghost Game as a new comic relief sidekick buddy, but I just don't find him all that charming for whatever reason, just okay really.

So an "Adult" Espimon is more of a blue humanoid robot with a flying saucer for legs, and it hs a more obvious "organic" blue mousey face in its armored helmet that does manage to be more appealing than its predecessor, but looks kind of awkward in the surrounding UFO mecha contraption.