Mutants are the dominant civilized people (or people-like entities) of the MORTASHEEN world, many of whom devote their lives to the research, propogation and modification of its many grisly battle-monsters. Though recognizably descended from Homo sapiens, they vary wildly in deformity from the subtly uncanny to "what the hell am I looking at, how is that even alive" territory, and now, you can use an old-fashioned roll-it-yourself random generation table to create a mutant character all your own! If you take the time to illustrate your mad creation - and many already have - send it to me and I'll add it as soon as I can to the official art gallery below! First, let's go over the table itself:
Start off in your head with something that could basically pass for a normal, everyday person. It can even be yourself! That's boring though, so we need to mutate it with the following procedure!
STEP ONE: roll a ten sided die! If you don't have one, try the online roller here or here. This first number you've rolled is your total number of mutations, between one and ten. Now, we have to decide what those mutations actually are!
STEP TWO: for each mutation, roll the d10 two times. The first number is the category (1 is eyes, 3 is mouths, etc.) while the second number is the specific mutation you got from that category! If you roll a 3 and a 2, that’s “mouth” and “on the end of a fleshy trunk or proboscis.” Yay for you!
If you roll the same part more than once, you may choose between them, stack them, combine them, even add them as entire extra parts! If you roll "head" twice, you can have two heads! Use your imagination!
1: Eyes
Apply to at least one of your mutant's eyes:
1-Gigantic, bulging veiny eyeballs
2-Long, prehensile, snail-like stalks
3-No trace of eyes or even sockets
4-Eyes are anywhere but on head
5-Beady and ratlike
6-Strange coloration and pupils, amphibian-like
7-Protruding or dangling slightly on their nerve cords
8-Fishlike saucer-eyes, lidless
9-Each eye a large raspberry-like clump of smaller eyeballs
10-re-roll, this is the actual number of eyes on head and/or body
2: Other eyes
You can never have too many freaky eyeball options!
1-Transparent goggle-like bubbles over eyes.
2-Protrusive lightbulb-shaped eyeballs
3-Big, globular, shiny black or very dark eyes
4-No pupils or corneas
5-All eyes grouped into same socket, other socket(s) empty or absent
6-Large humanlike eyes open and close vertically
7-Completely empty sockets
8-Fleshy lumps, or eyeballs covered over in skin
9-Two to three normal eyeballs crammed into each socket.
10-re-roll, this is actual number of eyes on head and/or body
3: Mouths
1-Lipless, exposed teeth and gums
2-On the end of a fleshy trunk or proboscis
3-Vertically aligned lips and teeth
4-Long, thin, jutting teeth like an anglerfish
5-Circular ring of teeth or lamprey-like sucker
6-Humongous overbite or underbite
7-Very wide toothy maw opening ear to ear
8-Wide, toothless frog-like mouth.
9-Lower jaw splits into two separate mandibles
10-Mouth is anywhere but on head
4: Head
1-Globular, lumpy asymmetrical shape
2-Bony, ridged or plated forehead
3-Head switched with an arm or leg. May have to “crab walk”
4-Absent or featureless, facial features may be anywhere else
5-Huge, bulbous cranium or protruding brow
6-Long, stretched face or flattened discoid head
7-Neckless, toad-like
8-Back of cranium elongated, swept back like an “alien”
9-Upside-down, sideways or on backwards
10-Giant, external brain
5: Body
1-3-hunchback (hey, it’s a common one)
4-Asymmetrical, globular and lumpy
5-Elongated, bony torso
6-Sluglike or wormlike flexible trunk, optionally legless and/or armless
7-Crablike or turtle-like carapace of external bone
8-Completely boneless (including limbs), like an octopus
9-Cape or robe-like secondary outgrowth of extra skin
10-Unusual size; muscular hulk, bloated fatso, little tiny body, etc.
6: Skin Texture
1-Gnarled and knotted like an old tree
2-Irregularly lumpy
3-Scabrous and scarred, like Freddy Kreuger
4-Mushy, meaty and ragged
5-“Melted” appearance with dangling “drips” of skin
6-Thick, hard and cracked, like a crocodile or "Harlequin baby"
7-Loose, drooping folds like one of those weirdo baggy dogs
8-Extremely taught against skeleton and/or organs
9-Finely wrinkled, like a naked mole rat
10-Internal anatomy visible through transparent flesh
7: Skin Coat
1-Thick, ape-like hair over most of body or large patches
2-Course, sparse insect-like bristles, may be pencil-thick
3-Toad-like warts, great in number
4-Finger-like or pointed spike-like warts
5-Twitching worm-like or root-like warts
6-Extra, external bones, face may even be skull-like
7-Transparent boils or blisters
8-Dripping mucus over whole body or oozing from large pores
9-Bulging, colorful, throbbing veins
10-Octopus-like suckers or short tubes growing from skin
8: Limbs
Apply to arms/legs in any combination, must apply to at least one!
1-Abnormally thick and huge, whether muscular or very, very fat
2-Thin and spindly, may be highly elongated
3-Absent, or “trapped” under skin
4-Boneless, kind of tentacle-like
5-Knobbly, many-jointed
6-Floppy, flipper-like
7-Branch-like, ending in many hands/feet or twiggy tendrils
8-Joined in a membranous webbing, like a flying squirrel!
9-Tiny and vestigial, like an infant limb or creepy naked chicken wing
10-re-roll, this number is your total number of appendages (arms/legs in any mix.
9: Extremities
Apply to hands/feet in any combination, must apply to at least one
1-Long, thin digits like spider legs
2-Large, gnarled, generally misshapen
3-Excessive number of digits
4-Large, blunt mole-like claws
5-Thin and knobbly like bird talons
6-Digits fused into mitten-like “lobster claws”
7-Webbed, froglike or fused into one suction pad
8-Single large bony claw, spike or hook instead of hand
9-Located somewhere other than end of limb
10-Boneless tendril-like digits
10: Oddities
1-Extra internal organs harmlessly dangling outside body
2-Entire right or left side appears like normal, perfect human, straight down middle.
3-Spine extends into long tail, with or without flesh.
4-Fleshy “hose” or hoses extend from one part of body to another.
5-Fetus-like parasite twin, may have own personality or be mutant’s true self
6-Beachball-sized monstrous eyeball anywhere on head or body
7-Large holes in body, or whole chunks of form appear missing/caved in
8-Extremely long, dangling tongue(s), doesn’t fit back in mouth
9-Functional tentacle of extra flesh
10-Roll a d10 for “extreme oddities”
Special: Extreme Oddities
Ignore any rolls that seem to conflict.
1-Resembles a fleshy, walking “tree” of humanoid features.
2-Entire form a large, amorphous blob of meat and scattered human features
3-Entire form is a small, pulpy red teratoma*
4-Immobile mummy-like body in a fleshy cocoon*
5-Immobile fetal form with ossified stony flesh*
6-Squirming, gelatinous embryonic form*
7-Giant head and nothing else*
8-Nothing but a large eyeball with a few tendrils of flesh
9-Entire form just a hand, must feed intravenously
10-Head is a butt. This is considered the epitome of beauty.
*Assume a borg body, mechanoid walker, hoverchair, zombie nurse or other special transportation.