Slither Wing

Flutter Mane is probably my pick for the coolest Paradox mon, but it's a VERY close contest with this "prehistoric" Volcarona, a bug/fighting type ominously named Slither Wing. It's a Volcarona with a fatt, shaggier body, larger legs, an insect abdomen that tapers into more of a "reptilian tail" and an extremely different stance, actually crawling on its limbs while its moth wings are kept folded up, almost giving it a silhouette like some weird Dimetrodon with a back crest. Was that the idea? I don't know, but I love the idea of turning a moth Pokemon into a more flightless, crawling creature, which actually drops the fire typing in favor of bug/fighting, though I agree with those who feel it would have been a fine opportunity for our first bug/dragon Pokemon. In battle, it even stands up on its hind legs in a more "dinosaur kaiju" stance! At long last, we know what Mothra and Godzilla's baby would look like! Yay!!
All else we know about Slither Wing is that it was rumored to have been revived from ancient fossils, but that no fossils related to Volcarona have ever been found.
All else we know about Slither Wing is that it was rumored to have been revived from ancient fossils, but that no fossils related to Volcarona have ever been found.