By Jonathan Wojcik and Rev Storm

Today's entities have a great deal of associated lore to piece together, and we won't attempt to analyze in complete detail, but Albinaurics are an interesting category of artificially people created for unclear reasons. Their proportions can vary wildly from real humans, some growing to gigantic proportions and other into ghouls with long, thin arms. Their tell-tale "flaw" is that their legs don't function properly and even begin to "fade away" as they age, by which we mean some Albinaurics have legs you can
see through, like a ghost.

As artificially creatures, Albinaurics are born without grace, the sacred force that fuels most of the realm's magic and also, for better or for worse (mostly worse) interferes with the natural processes of death. As is the case with so many other unnatural or artificial beings, unfortunately, Albinaurics face a lot of prejudice and hatred from humanity, and many are encountered in pretty horrifying states of torture, madness and deterioration.
Some, for instance, have been reduced to crawling, screeching, ravenous monsters nearly always seen wearing hats called "black dumplings." Despite the adorable nickname, these hats were designed as a torture method, magically increasing the pain and fear of the wearer until they lose their grip on sanity.

Things get much weirder with the "second generation" Albinaurics; hardly recognizable as related beings at all. Their legs work
great, great enough that their favorite attack is an adorable somersault, but now they're completely unable to speak and oh yeah, they look like frog people for some reason.

We took our own screenshots of these cuties, when we had no idea what they were supposed to be other than perhaps some sort of half-fish people. They're hunchbacked, pot-bellied and spindly limbed figures, with silvery, slimy looking skin, large heads with wide faces, no ears, no hair and very big, solid black eyeballs; not just fishy or froggy but kind of embryonic, and with a dash of "grey alien."
While several of the first-gen albinaurics are human enough to hold a conversation, the amphibioid gen two seem universally aggressive, at least towards humans like yourself. Is that another "design flaw," or have they simply had enough? The fact that these newer models are more monstrous is fascinating, since it can be taken equally as some sort of degeneration or quite the opposite - that they're evolving away from the constraints of being pseudo-humans, coming into their own as a distinct form of life. Perhaps this is closer to what such beings are "supposed" to be, when they aren't being forced into a more human shape.