This website began as a Geocities homepage in 2001 - in fact, that's why the page I just linked is as busted as it is! That was made in the geocities built-in browser-based webdesign software, over two decades ago. The site actually only became bogleech.com in 2002, I began putting up individual monster articles in 2003 and I put up those first Halloween posts in 2004. So depending on who you ask, the website, or maybe the articles, or maybe specifically the Halloween articles are something like 20-ish years old here in 2003, maybe, kind of. Let's just say they're 20 years old. Happy 20th everybody!!!

2023 is also the last Halloween of my 30's, and that also feels like it has a finality to it. I thought I might do this little feature on my favorite Halloween finds of the past years, maybe every day of October, or maybe just whenever I feel like it? Who knows! Happy 20th everybody!

I'm accompanying each of these with a speed doodle; the fastest digital doodle I can possibly dood that still comes out at all recognizable. For our first entry, I chose a familiar face to some of you, and I also made a short video review a couple of weeks prior, where I really get into how great this thingy is:

I won't be doing a video for all of these entries, but maybe I'll get a couple more out there? We'll see! At one point in this video I mention that I've seen only one instance of this guy ever since, or rather, just his head on another kind of dog toy, and I did manage to scrounge up the only known picture of that:

See? Worm version, just like I said! SEE!? And they said I was a liar! I mean, they didn't say it but I bet someone was thinking it. Ignore the fact that "worm version" might not be the first thing that really comes to most people's minds when they look at this. I kind of forgot how unfortunate it really looked.