Written by Jonathan Wojcik
A FINAL Three Preview Stories!

This is our last round of three preview stories for the year. Though we always say that our "official" deadline is Midnight on December 31st, it always takes us a few more days to sort out the new archive, judge winners, and snag some late entries, so I'm going to say you actually still have until January 3rd, and we'll still put up any additional late entries as they come!
For now, here's three wildly different but generally dreadful, high quality entries for you to check out days early!

Vacuum Hour
"Vacuum Hour" is a regular event in which everybody's home gets, well, vacuumed.
...But why, during Vacuum Hour, does nobody dare look at who's cleaning their house?

A Lesson in Arrogance
This is one of four entries this year by the same author, who submitted two stories last year - Losing Time and I Ruined Everything With the Push of a Button. All six of this author's stories share a central theme, and you can probably figure it out by the time you've read two or more, but each one does something inventively different with this common thread.
I enjoy all of them, but I feel the very best of the four will be among those coming next week, with the rest of the archive!

Rust Belt
Two medical practitioners with an unconventional field answer a house call to treat a very, very sick little boy.
One of the year's darkest entries with a kind of dread I feel like I can only describe as "gut-gnawing."