Welcome to Our Dimension Party!
An interview with Samantha Hensley
Fortunately, their human friend was kind enough to clear up some pressing mysteries right here, just for you!
So who are you??
SH: I am steward and friend, sometimes mother, employer, to an array of beings, from another place.
Who are these friends of yours?
SH: Friends of mine! They keep me company and I keep the skin on their skeletons.
Where do they come from?
SH: Other planes. Tell us a little about Vulture Pony.
SH: He is a very busy man! And a divisive political figure. And when I say political figure, I mean infant- sized fabric entity who eats cobwebs and neighs like a little pony. Some people have mentioned they would like to set him on fire or shoot him with a machine gun, which I believe is testament to his influence.
What does he intend to do in his retirement?
SH: He has always wanted to try Mountain Dew Code Red and he is not allowed to have it in the house. Does this frustrate him? Yes. But it's healthy to have long term goals.
You've said that he doesn't sting. I can't even imagine what that's like. How does he protect himself?
SH: Well he can slap pretty hard with his little palps or whatever. But primarily he defends himself by being entirely unkillable.
Gut Baby is unusual among your friends in her visible possession of teeth. What does she do with those all day?
SH: Kisses!! Her kisses kisses kisses !!
Does she have family she misses back home?
SH: She is one of the creatures who has never spoken aloud; but by her tense little movements and the way she stations herself cornerwise and stares out warily, seems sure she had few friends in her last realm. Hard to near the incising unknown when your skin is thin to transparently and the position of each component sustaining your body is visible to all.
Here she has become especially friendly with Vulture Pony, and gets along just fine with the other creatures who live in my apartment too. They like her jokes. (You don't need to speak to tell jokes.)
What is her most terrible secret that you are aware of?
SH: Kisses!! her Kisses!!! What does it mean to be a blanket oracle? Is it a difficult existence?
SH: Eternal misunderstoodment. Many goofs to balance it. Eating crumbs from the hardwood cracks because you like it. I asked him if it's difficult and he wiggled toward me in a way that seemed to shrug, “It's a living!”
Is he the blanket, or within the blanket? What is he hiding?
SH: Popular question! On god I don't know please don't tell me either. You definitely can't remove the blanket.
Is he safe in the presence of fungi?
SH: Please! This is private! Precisely how decadent is princess decadence?
SH: Comically, Princess Decadence is actually wiltingly shy. If anyone is decadent it is that damned Wrinkle Princess.
What are those on the sides of her head? Do those do anything decadent?
SH: While her head tendrils are placed a lot like an axoltl's external gill, they must have to do with her orientation and balance. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is pretty decadent. Who gave any of us the prideful right to stand without falling? She gets turnaround dizzy if they brush against something. It's adorable. I hope that isn't mean of me to think so-
What is her most decadent advice to her many fans?
SH: Oh, she's blushing. I can barely hear her and I'll have to lean in. She's saying to dance more. The only time she isn't shy is when she's dancing. I can't believe how talented Angel is! Did she learn to do that by herself?!
SH: Yes! I admire her. She also self discovered an array of psychokinetic abilities that delight her fellow creatures and awaken/terrify me from peaceful sleep with glowing lights and humming melodies. She's kinda sassy like that! But so sweet.
You've discussed Angel's love of marine mollusks [how she even took her present form based on clionidae] but how does she feel about ectoprocts?
SH: I have opened a tab of ectoproct images for her to view remotely from the studio and I can hear her wiggling just furiously with excitement through the rift. Who is Sherman?
SH: An intrepid scientist and former Perfect Celestial Being, whose form was warped by millennia of studying insects here on earth, after he became bored of his crystalline heaven-realm of origin. (His flesh acts as a mirror to that which he is moved by)
Why is he like that?
SH: Right?
Does he have a favorite insect?
SH: White Pine Weevil.
What is his greatest fear?
SH: He says it's that his manuscript won't be published but I see how he'll stare at himself. He's afraid of feeling ugly, which breaks my heart because he is just the handsomest translucent beautything without knowing at all. Wrinkle princess seems like she would be a handful sometimes. Is it hard to keep her entertained?
SH: Oh goodness.
What does she enjoy for entertainment?
SH: Her demands... her vigorous requests for cream and for steak and for Reba McEntire records... insatiable...
How does she feel about not being the only princess in the house?
SH: She moved out for this reason. She lives on a pink satin bed across town now. The tart. She still writes me though.
Actually, how well does everybody get along with one another? Do you ever have to intervene?
SH: Yes, whatever senses lead them here to my little pink apartment have also made them all amicable on the gentle and silent level of elderly dogs.
Our world isn't too frightening for them, is it?
SH: You and I and whatever reader know already what it is to live here with our innards so exposed. But they have eachother and me and I have them and each other and others have us and we them and we get by.