CONFESSION: I have, like everyone else, resorted to Kirby whenever I only cared about "winning" in Smash Brothers, and I've watched pretty much all of the anime series, but I've actually only ever kind of "messed around in" any of the actual games. I've picked them up, I've played minutes at a time, I've enjoyed those minutes, and then just never gotten around to owning, renting or otherwise playing an entire entry. Fortunately, that's what "let's plays" are for, like most of the games whose bestiaries I review...and how hard could this be? It's not like Kirby is LoRe hEaVy is it!? IS IT!?! HA HA! IS IT!!!! IS IT!!!!!

This review is going to consist primarily of the most frightening final bosses or "main villains" of Kirby games, in order of appearance. We're skipping to the third Kirby game, confusingly the one called Kirby's Dream Land 2, because the boss of the first game is only King Dedede and the boss of the second game is a mean wizard guy I don't have a lot to say about. It's the third one that matters.
It's the third one that DARK matters!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Anyway actually the boss is Dedede again, at first, but it turns out he was actually nothing but the helpless puppet of something else. Of DARK MATTER!...Which is what, exactly?
Decades later, we still can't be sure. It appeared here as a black orb with a single eyeball similar to Mizuki Shigeru's Backbeard, likely an intentional reference as several generations of Japanese people have grown up knowing Backbeard as one of the ultimate pop-culture villains.
Dark Matter didn't speak, didn't exhibit any particular personality, and had no known motivations besides ostensibly "turning Dream Land into a dark world" before Kirby destroyed it, or seemed to have destroyed it. The appearance of this ominous, ambiguous force of evil in such a whimsical series set a new precedent for the entire rest of the franchise, and countless other villains and monsters we've seen here are either explicitly or implicitly connected to this entity in one way or another.

This one will be important to a couple of others to come! Resembling a huge, clockwork collection of junk with a serene, goofy face, the Nova is actually a "comet" capable of granting any wish, but when this wish is misused, Kirby has to battle against the comet, make his way inside, and attack its "heart." Just the Valentine's Day kind of heart, not the organ kind of heart, though it's pretty weird that this thing has any kind of heart at all. And about that "misuse:"

This little pink blob in a Jester's hat was introduced in Kirby Super Star as a harmless prankster and one of Kirby's friends on planet Popstar. When the sun and moon of dreamland begin to fight one another, he informs Kirby that a wish from Nova could end the battle. At the end of his quest, Kirby is just about to make that wish, only for it to be stolen at the last minute by Marx!

The final boss of Dream Land 3 initially seems to be King Dedede again, but he looks a little off...

Dark Matter invades the world of fairies in Kirby 64, and if Kirby collects all 74 stars, he'll face the true final boss. It's a creature that very momentarily resembles a teardop shaped "angel" with a goofy face...

If Kirby fails to unlock the 02 battle, the final boss of Kirby 64 is the even more surreal "Miracle Matter," a white isohedron covered in eye-like red markings. There are positively ZERO details ever given by any original, official source on what this is supposed to be, making it all the creepier and oddly enough one of my personal favorite Kirby bosses, moreso than the more lore-friendly 02. I guess there's just something I find extra spooky about fighting a geometric shape.

A villain from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Dark Mind sought to conquer the mirror realm (because there's always a mirror realm in stuff!) and corrupt it with evil, which is about as complex as this character gets, though his design is interesting, because at first he just seems like a menacing, cloaked figure with a creepy, bony demon helmet and floating, clawed arms, but under his cloak is a flaming orb with a single eye...

This sorceress was the villain of Kirby: Canvas Curse, who awoke one day from a strange painting and can in turn bring paintings to life. Her design seems to resemble a floating, heavily dressed witch or wizardress, but you're probably sensing some patterns to these bosses by now. Notice the orange marking in her "chest."

Kirby: Squeak Squad is an especially lovable series entry in which revolves around thieving mice and a mysterious treasure chest that even Meta Knight doesn't seem to want anybody else to have, though we all know by now that Meta Knight usually knows what's best. Naturally, the chest was more of a Pandora's Box sort of deal, the prison of a mysterious force called Dark Nebula that can possess other beings and corrupt them into "dark" versions of themselves. The being has a simple but beautiful look to it, too, its star shape almost more like a five-pointed hole in space through which something peers with a single, purple eye.

This guy was the final boss of the "non-canon" Kirby's Epic Yarn, a game in which everything looked as if it were made out of yarn and fabric. Yin-Yarn himself also appears, at first, to be a bunch of yarn in the shape of a smiling, one-eyed wizard, wielding two large knitting needles to do whatever he wants to the surrounding yarniverse...but in reality, those needles are his true selves, and are apparently twin brothers. It's a very unique, very clever concept, though we never do learn a whole lot more about them, their motivations or their origins, and surprisingly, there's never any hidden eyeball monster behind the veil.

Your new adversaries in Kirby Mass Attack are a horde of floating, ghostly skulls known as the Skull Gang, who hate light and want to plunge the world into darkness. The usual floating skull guy stuff! Their leader is Necrodeus, an undead being with giant, skeletal hands who's kind of treated by the Skull Gang as some sort of god. The design is alright, I suppose, a big devilish skull with a purple clown nose, a skull necklace and floating skeleton hands...BUT WAIT!

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land, this little guy enlists your aid to defeat a multi-headed dragon that's supposedly gone berserk. That dragon, however, was really the sacred guardian of an all-powerful crown, in a double cross similar to what Marx pulled so long ago, and when Magolor puts on the crown, he transforms into a pretty fantastic boss mode:
It's also worth noting that Magolor mentions his people building "clockwork stars," something we've just seen a few entries ago.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe introduces an all insect-themed bad guy team. Now we're really talking! And the wasplike Queen Sectonia is a gorgeous character design, perfectly "insectoid" in an only slightly simplified, kirby kind of way, what with having only a pair of floating hands for appendages. She wasn't always a Hymenopteran, however!

Kirby games have gotten pretty experimental these past few years. There was that one where everything was yarn, and then there's this one where everything looks like clay! The main antagonist of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse initially appears to be Claycia here, a sculptress whose painter counterpart Elline once worked together to bring an entire realm from their imaginations...but one day, Claycia inexplicably turns hostile, abandons Elline and begins to steal the colors from other worlds instead of relying on Elline's paints.

The final boss of Planet Robobot is some interesting commentary for a Kirby game; a satellite originally engineered by a powerful tech company to grant wishes and intended to help bring in an age of "eternal prosperity" to all the universe. Can you guess that it became uncontrollable? Can you also guess that it determined the secret to "prosperity" was to eradicate all life? And if you remember our other wish-granting boss, another phase of the final battle reveals how "Star Dream" was actually engineered:
We only have one game's bosses left to go, and they're kind of a big deal, but before we get to that I'd like to run down my personal five favorite creepy minor enemies:

The first enemy I want to look at is PACTO! One of my favorites! Standing on two nubby little limbs, Pacto is an egg-shaped monster that can split open vertically into a mouth full of sharp, red teeth. The single visible eyeball might seem to indicate that it's just a big lizard-like head, with an eye on each side, but Pacto's 3-d models confirm that it's a cyclops! We're seeing the "front" of this weird thing!
Between its name and its yellow coloration, Pacto also seems like a shoutout to Kirby's fellow all-consuming abomination, Pac-man.
A classic to the series, Scarfy is a critter that appears at first like a cute, friendly little kitty-cat head, but if angered, it "mutated" into a form with one huge eye and a gaping mouth with vicious fangs! Kirby can't even inhale these creatures, though once they've been in their more monstrous form for a while, they tend to explode.

An enemy from Kirby Mass Attack, Gobchomplin is a somewhat standard carnivorous plant design, but I really love its heavily blue color scheme, its huge lipless ring of teeth, and the cute little flower sticking out of its mouth like some sort of camouflage. There sure are a lot of Kirby enemies themed around biting and eating, but fair's fair. The universe just wants to give Kirby a taste of his own medicine, sometimes.

See, here's another attempt to even the odds of the cosmos; Schwarz is another "ball with a mouth" kind of design, and another with pretty nasty teeth as well as toad-like eyeballs. This creature, however, literally generates miniature black holes as a feeding mechanisms, which would logically give it the ability to absorb entire galaxies at a time if it wanted to...but still, this poor animal is no match for a Kirby's endless hunger. Event horizons? What are those? Appetizers? Spaghettification? I'm sure Kirby loves spaghetti just fine.

My favorite of all on sheer freakiness, this is yet another entity capable of eating Kirby, and an entity Kirby cannot inhale. It manifests solely as a pair of eyeballs, a smiling mouth and a long tongue hovering in nothing. No body, no hidden physical form, just facial features emerging from the surrounding space. It's not terribly unbelievable in-canon, really; the inside of Kirby's mouth obviously leads to something other than conventional space. Peloo just seems to be the inverse, a thing whose mouth manifests normally while most of the rest of it is just...somewhere else I guess.
There's no particular reason I chose these five enemies to share, except that they're all things that have tried to eat the Ultimate Eating Machine himself.

Haha! Look at his real face!! But seriously, we now come at last to 2018's Kirby Star Allies, the antagonist of which turns out to be the high priest of an ancient religion, and this is going to be a pretty intense ride for a Kirby villain. Nobody knows if his words could be trusted in the state he was in, but Hyness's mad ravings in-game imply that his religion worshipped some kind of "matter" of "dark" power, and once averted a galactic cataclysm with the help of a more scientific sect they were dearly allied with.
But, at some point, the scientists saw reason to turn on the spiritualists, saw what it was they were really worshipping, perhaps, and erased all record of their existence from history as they banished them to the edge of the galaxy. The science clan, too, is long gone by the events of this game, but Hyness has spent ages alone with nothing but his anger and fanaticism, bent on awakening the being he prays to and proving his beliefs to the universe.
Yeah, if you never paid much attention to Kirby, you weren't expecting some serious shit on that level now, were you? After years of ambiguously evil shadow-demon bosses, Hyness is a tragic, complex character with believable motivations and a fairly twisted history; one that we're unfortunately not only hearing from only his perspective, but only his perspective in his "dark," corrupted state. We will never know if anything he describes really happened, but we can hazard a guess as to why someone might have thought that this religion needs to be booted from their civilization...

Evangelion shoutouts, in MY Kirby?! It's more likely than you think! This is the initial physical manifestation of "VOID," the actual force that Hyness worships. VOID is said to exist everywhere, in all realities, and can manifest into many different possible forms. Remember those words as we continue.
This particular vessel resembles a headless humanoid with a floating, heart-shaped white mask and can also transform into a more threatening bird-like configuration, but this is, again, only a physical shell carrying a piece of the true entity...
Haha! RIGHT BACK AT YA!!!!!! Am I right!?
But hey, what's actually in there, anyway? Just what comes out of the gelatinous womb Kirby mercilessly tears open?
Void is everywhere, and it can take many forms. The meaning of what we see here is left to our imaginations, but the face of this shifting, glowing sphere is unsettlingly similar to that of Kirby, and it even regards its surroundings with the same wide-eyed innocence. As you battle this nearly-finished but seemingly malevolent, corrupted piece of VOID, Kirby's own classic theme music - Green Greens - even attempts to join in the battle theme, but distorts and fades away almost as quickly. While treated as a "theory" by what I've seen of the fandom, I don't think the connections here are at all ambiguous.
Kirby himself is incredibly powerful, incredibly deadly when you get down to it, capable of consuming matter that shouldn't even be possible...and maybe now we finally know why.
But that's not all, because the orb takes on one more form as the battle progresses...
I mean......of course. Of course you did. You've never watched this little, smiling gumdrop inhale Donkey Kong and Samus Aran out of existence only to think "this is okay. This thing is a normal thing. Nobody should be afraid of it."
I hope you go to bed tonight still thinking about the time Kirby faced his own embryonic baby sibling in its own womb, and had to kill it before it killed everyone and everything he cared about.