The Fauna of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Guest Written by Rev Storm!
Released in 2003, Morrowind (named for the island continent the game is set on) was the game of my teens. It provided a kind of world that I had never experienced before--and never have since, honestly.
An alien world that was simultaneously beautiful and terrifying. A place that felt both hostile and welcoming. A place I could return to at any time--and have, many times.
So, let's get into some of that beautiful, welcoming terror, with a review of some of the monsters most signature to this weird, wonderful setting.
Silt Strider
And told that it's the primary form of transport within Morrowind.
And that you will be expected to take one immediately.
And that you'll be sitting in the hole excavated out of its back, where the driver will operate the animal by directly manipulating its exposed organs.
Welcome to Morrowind.

Webrunner CC BY-SA 3.0
The "silt strider" obviously takes inspiration from real life water striders in both design and name--carnivorous insects that skate across the water's surface on their stiltlike legs, waiting to pounce on any hapless insects that fall in. It even shares the water strider's mantis-like raptorial forelimbs! It seems too large to skate across the water's surface, but other animals the same size are seen floating weightlessly in Morrowind, so that means nothing.
It's hard to image it doing anything but gliding across the water, its long legs trailing ghostlike behind it.
All that said, its shell and shape put me more in the mind of an immature cicada.

fir0002 flagstaffotos [at] gmail.com GFDL 1.2
Cliff Racer
Luckily, Morrowind is a game with a lot of freedom, and you're free to fuck right off and just hoof it to wherever you want to go next! Unfortunately, you're surrounded by miles of fetid swamp. Even if you take the main roads and avoid the many contagious diseases they have to offer, that still means contending with some creatures a lot less chill than the eviscerated silt strider.These warped, pterosaur-like creatures are most commonly encountered in the mountains, but will assail you out of nowhere from a clear blue sky. They became reviled among players to the point of becoming a meme, and eventually the Elder Scrolls series canonly declared the hated cliffracer extinct.
Though not a particularly interesting design by Morrowind standards, I'm still a fan of this nasty, snaggle-toothed fish. The younger version even has the larger fins and skinny, wormlike body of many actual fish larvae!
Interestingly, the scales are edible.
As you may know, "crab" is a general term for a wide variety of unrelated crustaceans, the shape continually evolving in a trend known as "carcinization." However, even by this generous definition, the Elder Scrolls III version of the mudcrab does not seem to be any kind of crab at all. Those are not claws, but appear to be a pair of very enlarged mandibles.
With its large, domed shell, however, there is a definite evocation of a hermit crab. Though, unlike the hermit crab, the mudcrab's shell appears to be its own.
Amusingly, later in the game you come across the "Mudcrab Merchant," who is sure enough a merchant that is also a mudcrab (and one of the few merchants that can pay the exorbitant prices your lategame loot demands). It's ambiguous whether the merchant is actually a talking mudcrab, or a beleaguered, rich hermit hiding in a mudcrab shell.
I know which version I prefer.
Emperor Crab
Kept as livestock by the native Dunmer of Morrowind, the kwama are eusocial animals with great variety in their castes, so this one will be split up! First off, there's theScrib
Fortunately, not every animal in Morrowind is hellbent on killing you. Behold the humble scrib! The scrib has no interest in shedding your blood, just skittering around the swamps and ashlands looking for scraps. (Though if provoked, it does have a nasty habit of spewing acid.)
An innately loveable design, with its big head and clumsy movements. Featurewise, it evokes a cross between a lizard and a house centipede. A nicely bizarre touch: What appear first to be deepset eyes are actually several small spikes set in sockets!
Coming across one of these guys was always a delight, and a sign my character could finally take a nap.
Kwama Forager
Strangely, with its maggot-like form, the forager is actually more larval than its scrib instar. What seems to be a single large eye is actually the mouth! The three actual eyes rim it like eyelashes.
It's strange that the youngest stages of the kwama take the foraging role. This is exactly the inverse of actual eusocial insect roles, where the young and inexperienced are kept closer to the nursery the younger they are, and the oldest do the most foraging. After all, the oldest individuals have had the most time to accumulate diseases, and so are best kept farthest from the others!
Kwama Worker
A very interesting design, and the most abstract yet. Strangely, though the scrib has six legs, and the forager has none, the worker has four. Stranger yet...on a squat, sturdy body otherwise evoking a boar, the face abruptly ends at the antennae and what may be two beady eyes.
There is an abrupt scoop taken out of the head, with a yawning hole for a mouth, similar to the forager's.
I really appreciate the oddness of this design on close inspection. In game, in the dark depths of the nest, I always got more of a Triceratops impression from these shambling creatures.
Kwama Warrior
Which...raises a LOT of questions.
Not a lot to say about this one otherwise. Like the worker, it is found only in the nest. Unlike the worker, it is aggressive toward any outsiders (though not the Dunmer miners that tend it).
Kwama Queen
The fear of one of these things stalking me on the side of the road at night really helped make the early game for me.
This delightful giant, floating cnidarian exhibits some extreme sexual dimorphism.Volkan Yuksel CC BY-SA 3.0
Their design looks fascinatingly like a real life Portuguese man o' war--a relative of the jellyfish that is actually a colony composed of several individuals! No word on whether bull netches are also colonies.Like the kwama, these are also kept as livestock by the Dunmer, who are apparently completely unflappable.
Getting out of animals now, let's talk about the centurions (or, according to the wiki, animunculi). Apparently mechanical constructs made by the now-extinct dwarves, or Dwemer, the centurions guard the many Dwemer ruins you'll find scattered across the continent.Centurion Spider
Funny thing: Even though the spider seems to be made of metal, the top expands and contracts a lot like flesh.
Centurion Sphere
Somehow, they kind of make me think of Crow from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Yagrum Bagarn
Infected by a disease known as Corprus, Yagrum was not able to cure the disease, but found a treatment that rendered him immortal. At the same time, he was not entirely immune to the effects, his lower half having apparently rotted away and been replaced with a centurion-like prosthesis.
Poor guy.
Corprus Walker
You'll find victims of the illness staggering around the fenced-in area surrounding the Red Mountain, a volcano at the center of the continent--because, horrifyingly enough, the disease is spread through the perennially quasi-active volcano's ashes.
Funnily enough, though by far most people in Morrowind are Dunmer, the victims of the Corprus that we see all seem to be...Bosmer?? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Ash Creatures
Now, let's look at some of the members of the ash creature family. Despite the names, none of the ash creatures are truly undead, either. As you would expect, they are innately tied up in the horrors of Red Mountain, and play a heavy role in the plot that I'll try not to spoil too heavily here (save for one major spoiler at the end).Ash Zombie
More disturbing yet, if you can calm one down, you'll get dialogue like "WHERE ARE YOU, LORD? We cannot hear you.... SPEAK to us! PLEASE!" and "What are you? Where is this place? I'm so tired, LET ME SLEEP!"
Very fun at parties.
Ash Ghoul
Ascended Sleeper
When killed, only a skull remains, apparently all that's left of their bone structure.
Well, apparently killed. As the Sleeper itself will tell you: "You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just dream and waking over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?"
Dagoth Ur
Sotha Sil
You never see Sotha Sil alive in any Elder Scrolls III content, so for the longest time I assumed this was also what he looked like alive. Kind of disappointed to find out otherwise, to be honest.
When you find it, Akulakhan is basically just a huge, unfinished statue. Hooked into its spine, resting atop its pelvis, is the beating heart of the dead god Lorkhan. Dagoth Ur is apparently planning to construct his own god this way.
This article was guest written by Rev Storm, and if you generally like sci-fi fantasy settings with giant insects in them, you can also try their original animated series Humans-B-Gone!