Halloween 2023: JUMPING BOO Comes Home
Written by Jonathan Wojcik
Video Here
In 2008, sixteen years before this post, I laid eyes upon The Jumping Boo on one of bogleech.com's early inspirations, I-mockery.com. The site hasn't really updated in a few years for reasons that are hard to hear, and I hope Rog is doing better wherever he may be.
I never forgot the Jumping Boo, or Rog's highly relatable delight at both the Boo itself and even its cheap packaging art. There used to be so many websites for that sort of thing. There were so many of us. Now it really seems like I'm one of the last; me and old reliable Dinodrac.
Now that you have seen the world's first and only Jumping Boo Unboxing, enjoy the following Jumping Boo observations:
-I honestly never had a good idea of the Boo's size. It is definitely around 50% larger than I expected it to be.
-It turns out the Boo's lower jaw is fully articulated, something I never noticed in Rog's video.
-In both this Boo and Rog's Boo, the hair is stuck curled around into the creature's face.
-The little skeleton arms are quite jiggly! I always assumed they would be tough plastic.
-It is very good at picking up dirt and dust. A thousand of them at once could do the job of an entire Roomba in no time!