![]() Via Jonathan Wojcik - and Rev Storm -
It's an overall very weird, rocky write-off we had this time, and the future of the contest is a little hazier than it's been before. We've made a few changes to how winners work this time around, and if we do it all one more time for Winter 2020, there may be some overhauls to how the whole process works. We'll just have to see! In the meantime, please thank Rev for once again doing the ENTIRETY of technical work, sorting and reading everyone's entries despite running into repeated setbacks of their own, and thank you everybody for sending in your writing. IMPORTANT STUFF:
THIS YEAR'S WINNERSI've also foregone the usual short descriptions I give to each winning entry; I feel like those aren't so fair to the other entries, and sometimes my subjective summary of a story might be what turns someone off, sets them up to expect something different, or even sometimes spoils the whole thing! HORROR![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Severed Tongue - by The Erika Warne-Coles - They cut out my tongue. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() CATHARTIC OR HUMOROUS![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() FANTASTIC![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SURREAL![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SPECIAL![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() RETURNING AUTHOR HIGHLIGHTS![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ALL ENTRIES:![]() The 1,047 Doors - by Farquarl - When I was 2 years old, the first door closed. 15 Disney Tips for the Aspiring Fanatic - by Eldritchhat - Get yourself a set of ears! It’s extremely hard to hear without them, so find some that help you look (and hear!) like Mickey. A Blue and Empty Sky - by C. Lonnquist - The dome of the world stretched above Hattie, cloudless and vast andblue. A Body Secret - by Dandelion Steph - A strange man stood at the corner of the park. A Glass of your Finest Fear - by D-Pad - The bar was dimly lit and slightly damp, as if it had been built inside a cavern. A is for Alligator - by Centipedal - Parents are always telling you bullshit. A Living, Breathing Beauty Mark - by Daniel Hale - Alright. A Mother's Undying Love - by Shakara - ATTENTION/ACHTUNG/请注意/الحذر/주의/προσοχή/注目/ATTENZIONE/OPGELET: The following contains religious horror. A Murder Of Crows - by ElSquibbonator - For most of my life, I never thought much about crows. A second life - by Age - They took what was left of her body and reconstructed her digitally. A Small Lake in Rural Texas - by James B. Davis - The sun was setting on the horizon and reflecting red and orange light off of the dank lake. A Spell of Great Revenge - by Centipedal - That bastard has hurt me for the last time. Al Fresco - by Shakara - Allie always liked the outdoors. All the King's Men - by Crab (Formerly Nelke) - She was standing on top of a cliff, hair windswept, knobby hands open in the wind, clothes flying behind her. AMNION SURROGATE - by Anonymous - You are abducted by unknown agents in the middle of the night and awaken to find yourself suspended in a vessel filled with pink transparent liquid, your body bound in a network of metal restraints. Amusement Park Employee 9488575 Part 2 – Exploration of the Sewers and Sloppy Joe’s Diner - by aceotaku - The young man and the young girl stared in disbelief at the white, hairless, teddy-bear like creature before them as it smoked a cigarette and held a still smoking gun in one of its white stubby limbs, still processing what just happened. An Unwitting Encounter - by Shakara - Don’t pay me any mind. ant farm - by Queen Medb - Life on the ant farm is a simple affair, really. Arid - by Shakara - Ioyal strode through the dunes like a dark monolith of jet, the convoy lagging behind him. Asbestos Prom, Or: The Crown of the White Death - by Centipedal - Senior year was my year. The Ascendant - by Ellen Edwards - The third time I woke up with blood trickling from my ears, I knew something was wrong. At the Dinner Table of The Reviled: An Inverse Short Tale - by aceotaku - Within a realm made up of a desolate wasteland above which stood a massive blockchurning sun of black flesh covered in numerous eyes and boils that would occasionallyburst drop newly reborn and born individuals down to the ground below. AT THE ROOT - by --- - You came to consciousness in a dark room. August - by Samsinater - It is the 43th of August. Auld Lang Syne - by Thomas Johnson/Titleknown - This must have been the place. Awakening - by Queen Medb - Hell is alive. ![]() B is for Baby - by Centipedal - Recording begins in kitchen, subject looks at screenHey guys, I’m pregnant! Which is weird, cause I don’t remember the last time I’ve had sex. Baby: A Pokémon Story - by Maggs “marineVerdancy” D - Baby was the first Pokémon I ever had. Baptism - by Shakara - We would never forget the event at baby Stephen’s baptism. The Baron of Castle Frankenstein - by aceotaku - He awoke suddenly, slowly rising from his bed as he looked around. BASIC GEOMITRY- 1 OF 1. LEARN SHAPES POINTS PLANES NOW. - by Anonymous Anomaly - “I am going to the ball today. Bean Bag - by Wick - A strange man is on the loose! The radio interrupts! It makes me awfully angry, I was listening to some country. Bear - by Luna Wolf - Growing up, my mother worked part time, so, when I wasn’t at school, I wouldn’t be alone at home. Bear Country - by Emergence - I’m a mammalogist. Bed Worries - by Squeeg - When I feel something in my bed, something I didn't know was there, I shut my eyes and go still. Behind / They Fold - by Benevolentwanderer - It was sometime in January, the year after I returned home to my childhood house with a Bachelor's degree and no direction. The Blind - by Derpghost - The following text was recovered from a series of cave scratchings and paintings in the cave system [REDACTED], located in [REDACTED], believed to be the writings of the currently-unlocated C-5. The Boxes: Bone Meal - by Sam Miller - Rubbing my eyes with my tired and slow fingers to dislodge the crusty goo from them, I open my sleep-addled eyes and look upwards. Branches - by Jac R. B. - I've been so sick, i cant tell how long I've been in bed. Broadcasting to anybody - by Queen Medb - "If there's anyone left to listen, I'd appreciate your calls. bug collection - by Anonymous - I don't get it, I have counted and recounted that collection hundreds of times over and it always contained 34567 specimens but today it only had 34566 only one off yes but the jars are in a vault underground only I know the code to so where could it possibly have gone to I just don't get it most troubling is that it contained a newly discovered and highly dangerous breed of wasp that might compromise the whole of my collection if not found so you must understand how important it is to me that I find that wasp and yes I already have checked with the servants and none of them have seen any signs of it yet it isn't in the jar so someone must have otherwise it got out which is unlikely as the swamps around the house is full of predators unless somehow the jar was switched for an empty one perfectly identical to it by one of the servants or even worse one of the experiments. Bug Report - by Mai Wisdom - 10/31/19, 11:00 PM CST: Wikipedia page "Monkeybone" disappears. ![]() C is for Ceiling - by Centipedal - I poured my cereal in the bowl. Captain Starmaster 3010 - by Justin Best - Captain Starmaster3010 The following is taken from a now deleted blog called “GamesAddiction” run by a user calling themselves “OldHerbz” or Herbz for short thatmostly specialized in the review of obscure video games from the 8 bit, and 16bit eras occasionally going to into other types of games. Caramel Flan - by Hisham Hasan - A battered brown package lay in front of his door. CHARON - by Anonymous Anomaly - The bus seemed to drive past my house every day. Chirurgie - by Shakara - Suture. The Chosen One - by BC - The hero of Youwazzen, stood exhausted and irritated, outside the lair of the Beast of Quagmire as his long arduous quest was finally coming to an end. Cicadas - by C. M. Kosemen - For nearly fifty years he had worked at the Embassy, first as a guard, and then, as an older man, as a fixer and custodian… The climate had kept him at first, then his wife, then… Classical Beasts - by DisconcertedWombat - -Cast in Rot-A lich had stolen my daughter’s soul. Climb - by Shakara - The Citadel, Heaven’s Fort, Gaia’s Shrine, Chapel of Power… The place had many, many names given to it over the centuries. Commute - by Shakara - “Pardon me! Oh, sorry. Corrupted - by Hisham Hasan - The Axolotl Videos are an unusual series of clips that were uploaded to YouTube, then deleted shortly afterwards. Craving - by Carol May - I despised work today. The Culinary Dadpocalypse - by Monita R. - October 20th, 2019 - My dad does not realize the horror he unleashes on us all because we are all too polite to directly criticize his cooking. ![]() Dark Days - by Shakara - Dark Days Zira’s home was made of a hollowed-out tree. Data Log of the MarineHelp Console, May 17th 2056 - by Jvirus - Dear Captain Cohen,It is unfortunate to bring bad news, but I need to inform you of a dire situation that is unfolding. Deadly Memes - by Anonymous Anomaly - “He’s here. Desert Bones - by CoolDude225 (account) / Neil S. (real) - { The following text is a transcript of audio salvaged from two standard-grade radios found on the outskirts of the Arani Desert on 7. Devotee - by Shakara - People love me. Dirty Dishes - by Age - Dirty Dishes My parents didn’t know that I got kicked out. Do Not Honk - by OpenAI - Do not honk. Do You Remember Water? - by Dia - The divers, the boats and their hooks had left a long time ago, but Grigori remained. The Doctor - by Derpghost - [The following is a transcript of Recon Team 56-3 in investigation of reports of missing researchers and an anomalous specimen believed to be related to the so-called 'Creations' project. Don't feel - by Tomáš Cyprián - Empty street. Dr Hinotama's Compedium of Weres - by aceotaku - You open a plain brown door and enter a small room, within you see an immaculately decorated room with a red silk rug, several large shelves lined with several thick books, and a small around which were arranged a pair of comfy leather lined armchairs. Dread Inspector - by Anonymous Anomaly - It started with a train, which is nothing new. Dreadshapen I - The Flesh Princess - by Luna Wolf - Zinci was close to passing out. Dreadshapen II - Line Man - by Luna Wolf - “Are you sure it’s safe to sleep?” Nim asked for the third time. Dreadshapen III - The Blood Princess - by Luna Wolf - Nim ran forward, even as Leaner’s tongue slipped from her arm. Dreadshapen IV - Pale Imp - by Luna Wolf - Leaner ran with Zinci clasped to her front this time, limbs coiling around her torso like someone trying to hang onto a tree. Dry Hands - by Squeeg - Your hands are always dry and chapped. Dumpley's Clayground - by PartlySmith - During free play, I saw one of my students reading by himself in the corner. Dust to Dust - by Xionahri - It had been a nice and peaceful sleep. ![]() Enigma Mundi - by You - You lie alone in your room, reading. Episode 25 - by Thomas Azerty - The Living-room is mostly white, with a modern streamlined esthetic. The two gray couches are slightly worn-out due to FATHER frequently using them. A few abstract paintings are on the wall. A flat-screen television is turned on. FATHER is watching the program. Excerpts From A Book That Will Never Be Written 4 - by Sarah Cleary - Section 59: In Which Our Heroes Meet A Man You RecognizeAt the highest peak of Catastrophe, the man you all know as Daniel Frondless was waiting. ![]() Fireside Stories - by Shakara - Come and sit by the fire, young one. The Flow of Music - by Mohammad Adil Khan - All my life, I could hear strange songs in my head. Forgive Me, Worm - by Actual Identity - They want to take my friend away. Forgotten Venues - by Jac R. B. - Somewhere, somehow, theres a little place just like this. Four Crimes in the Abattoir - by Joseph Hartman - Death is cheap, and life is cheaper. Fragments of Fear: Volume One - by Shakara - A collection of short horror snippets. Friends with Cloth Hearts - by Eldritchhat - When I bought my daughter a teddy bear, I was operating under the assumption that they were just the same as when I was a child and would wet the bed. From Above - by Shakara - Here we wait. Fruit-bearing - by Shakara - Fruit-bearing “Grandmother?” Little Bernice asked, sitting in the grass, picking daisies. ![]() The Gallows - by Shakara - Basia watched through the crowd. Generic Apocalypse Story #63841 - by Centipedal - I honestly have no clue what was the beginning of the end of the world. The Gentleman Zombie in The Horrendous Slaughterhouse Within the Contemptible Factory of Foul Intents - by aceotaku - An innocent woman screamed in terror as she ran through the cold, steel walls of her prison. Go Away Mr. Tick - by Wick - go away mr tickhe’s around my neckand gives it a lickhe runs his dry finger down my cheekand gives the skin a pickgo away mr tickI don’t like it when he talks to mehis rusty teeth go *click click click*he won’t let go of my armhis horrible presence makes me sick go away mr tick. The God of Maggots. - by Sheperd Young. - THE GOD OF MAGGOTS. The Grinder - by Gozuforce - Once upon a time, when humans and animals still walked on the ground, there were two brothers. Guy fixing a robot (on another planet) - by Mefista - Across the lake, the needle-like towers pierced the alien sky, lights reflecting in eachother's metal surfaces. ![]() The Hall Dogs - by Verity Aron - I saw it out of the corner of my eye. The Halloran Sisters: Dark Bibliophile - by Shakara - Caoimhe made her way through the house. The Halloran Sisters: Unearthing - by Shakara - Laoise trod out into the sunny garden, holding a small trowel, and wearing a home-made pirate hat. Hands Hands Hands - by Dandelion Steph - He couldn't stop drawing hands. Headshot Gregory - by Cameron Rhode Kil Fetter - Once upon a time, Father lived in a quaint one-room cabin with his three sons. Her Weapons, Her Burdens - by Sarah Cleary - INTRO“Did you see that?” Scrawls nudged Tratch, who almost fell off the shoulder of the ancient artificial they were perched upon. Here comes the light - by Mefista - For a thousand years, humanity had existed in darkness. The Holy Well - by Irving Parker - My friend Adam Kemp loved nature. Hooks - by Kirby Mongerr - I still kind of don’t believe it. Hot summer night - by manga-ranga - Even at night it’s too hot in Perth… or Western Australia in general… unless you’re lucky enough to get a breeze off the ocean. ![]() How "I know an old lady" ends - by Gozuforce - I know an old lady who swallowed a horse. I AM THE MOUTHPIECE OF GOD - by Kirby Mongerr - You know how people will be able to say what they were doing when a famous person died, or some big event happened? Well the current version of that is knowing what you were doing when the head appeared. I can't leave my house - by Sadler Prine - I’m trapped and hungry. I Know This Is Not Correct, but I Do Not Know Why - by Samsinater - I check the time. I Wish I Hadn't Turned That Damn Dial - by Samsinater - Have you ever wondered what it might be like to pause time? Many have explored the concept: stories of vengefully teasing their high school and workplace bullies, or releasing their deepest inhibitions on an unaware public, suddenly free from enforced laws and morals. I Would Have Died Happier Having Not Pulled That Lever - by Samsinater - Alright buddy, in the most literal of ways we haven't got much time, so let's make this quick. Icemen, Abridged - by 0. Blaufuss - In the second before it hits the stage, Charlie watches the invisible wall of whatever-the-hell-that-is hurtle towards him and thinks I’ll never forget this moment as long as I live. Illegal Amorphous Crossbreeds - by Hisham Hasan - Breed Name:Stalking DeathSpecies:EelektrossMale Parent:GengarDescription:-Dark, slick skin seems almost semi-liquid, trails longs streamers behind it as it moves. In My Image - by Jac R B - They say god made people in its image. Inanition - by Shakara - How long has it been? Wandering… Cold and tired through the grey spaces, battling the rain and buffeting, sharp winds. Invaderz (Only For Game Boy Advance) - by Ben Aron - I come to one of my favorite used electronics stores where I found a Game Boy Advance cartridge for a game I had never heard of. Invasive Rembrandts - by Hisham Hasan - Hawaii. Investments - by The Distant Suburbs - “See, I should have known something was amiss. It came at night - by Sadler Prine - My summer has been the usual mix of party and drinking that usually occupied my free time. It's Perfectly Normal - by Dandelion Steph - At this age, you may have noticed strange new things about your body, and feelings you don't understand. ![]() Let Them Eat - by D. Sierra - Ocean Elite was not a well-known cruise line. Little Girl Lost - by D. Matthew Beyer - Ed had no idea what he was doing, only the distinct impression he was doing it wrong. Luckless am I - by Pooky Dooky - Luckless am I“Oh Luckless am I, Once the King of All the World”“I beat a girl, then things went to shit”“Her friends took who I was, and changed all of it”“Now I’m here a mangled mess, with nothing left” I stared at myself in the mirror. ![]() The Magic of The Colours (A Children's Fairy Tale) - by Shakara - Long, long ago, there was no colour to the animals. McDonkle's - by Ben Aron - Hello and welcome to McDonkle’s, home of the Heartstopper! Check out our menu for the hip cool kids of today. Menagerie 2 - by D-Pad - TroyThe first ride was a success; Jason’s new black stallion had proven to be a magnificent beast. Millennium - by Jac R. B. - They said that the world was poisoned. The Monster in the Library - by Gareth Barsby - Most people thought The Magic Library was a figurative name, something promoting the idea that “reading is magic”. My Dog (F[7]) is Sick. Any advice? - by TreeFrogSoup - So my dog might be sick, but i'm not sure if it's lungworm or something worse. My Dream Diary - by Cliff Jerrison - My Dream DiaryOctober 10thAnother stress dream about school. My dreamself is a monster - by nehemaonsupport - 2. my friend baal - by Rabbit - i made a new friend. My Girl - by Anonymous - I’m one of the luckiest guys out there. ![]() New Management - by John Sanders - In a neon and rain drenched city, a man stood holding up his sacrifice to alien, incomprehensible intelligence. Nice guys - by Iamthekaijuking - We've all heard the stories. Nightly Prayers - by Shakara - You usually said your nightly prayers by your bed, but your brother Devan would recite them in the attic. Niveous Sanguinary - by Shakara - They say my mother died upon the day of my birth. No Such Thing (Part 1) - by The Bee Keeper - No Such Thing (part 1)There be somethin’ nagging awa’ at me. No Such Thing (Part 2) - by The Bee Keeper - No Such Thing (Part 2)A delicate blue butterfly alighted upon the well’s rim. No Such Thing (Part 3) - by The Bee Keeper - No Such Thing (Part 3)We deedn’t have anythin’ to say really. No Such Thing (Part 4) - by The Bee Keeper - No Such Thing (Part 4)Oi was loosen me balance as the creatures made for a tall jagged peak. Not Finished Yet - by Wick - A long time ago in a big and dark city, a young boy sits in his room. Not For Sale - by Charred Newt - Helena was starting to think she had gotten lost when she finally saw the small shop’s front. Nothing is there. - by The best, around - Everyone has a fear of the unknown, they don’t like to admit it, as a thing they can’t own. Now That I Have Rested - by Anonymous - Based on a true story. ![]() ODDITY: #3/ALL SMILES aka Charon - by Pooky Dooky - This document was made by Charon, one of those cultists(and now oddity). Oh Deer - by Gareth Barsby - I had a dream about a deer. The old dog - by Coral - My grandfather died a week ago. Old Men and Ancient Doors - by Murat Can Ozyonum - In Old, dark days lay an old, dark door. Old School Romance - by The Distant Suburbs - Everyone quietly stared at the intruder with wide eyes. One Day Cold - by Erika Warne-Coles - Val felt and heard the popping in her ears as she blew her nose again. On a distant shore - by Crab (Formerly Nelke) - A door opened and shut. One Pink Gizzard - by DandelionSteph - The four delicate, pink fingers of the princess's left hand detached themselves, gluing themselves into a crude human shape. It scurried, spider-like, to the small plate of vegetables, and tottered back with its burden. The Other Side - by Carolinne Sagaz - Marco’s old bedroom looked exactly the same, although he hadn’t stepped foot in there for almost twenty years. ![]() Paper & Doors - by Monkeysky - There is a presence. Perfect Perfection - by Samsinater - From the moment They were born, They were told They were perfect. PERSONAL REVELATIONS OF OIL HELL - by Claude Turner - I will refuse to comment on how it began; I just barely remember when the first changes began, except that the first snow of the season had just settled in and the weather was getting appropriately miserable enough to make ventures outside unpleasant. Petrichor - by Kai - This forest is a pretty nice place, I mused to myself, despite having wandered through it for what seemed like ages. The Piper - by Ellen Edwards - RE: Disappearances of Children FROM: ingrid. Play Area - by Shakara - Ethel watched on as Lindy sat on the swing. Point of View - by Kacper Pruszyński - I woke up in a dark tunnel. Pumpkin Flavoring Spice Is Haunted Lyrics Local Turking Park! - by J. S. - The small hauntings easily S some for the morph is the internal organs work of the grimy inside interior desk flavor of the howling ways and staircase. ![]() Rabbit Reverse - by Mefista - She blinked, enjoying the warmth of the yellow sun, and stretched idly, looking at the people scurrying around. Rats - by Modnar - As the sun goes down the city's lights come up. Red Killer Hood Chapter the Second: Snow White - by aceotaku - A man stepped into the tavern, looking around. The Return of Darkedge - by Gareth Barsby - Gabriel Gobble, the richest turkey in the world, had just been on a fantastic adventure. Return to The Sea - by Justin Best - My name is Carl Richardson, I work as a reporter for amagazine called Paranormal Pacific one of those weird stuff magazines you seesometimes at local stores around north California, and southern Oregon. REVEAL YOURSELF - by Donovan Caldwell - REVEAL YOURSELF is a reverse-horror tabletop game where all the players are monsters that can physically impersonate humans. ![]() The scapegoat - by The Distant Suburbs - „We are one of the most vibrant and diverse nations in the known multiverse. The Scarecrow - by Derpghost - [Witness Interview No.3 on the reports of what is believed to be C-3, with NYC Officer Tim Brandon. Interviewer is Dr. James Spirit.] The Scariest Horror Story Known To Man - by Shakara - (Terrifying.) The scariest story to read out loud ever!!!! - by Wick - The scariest story to read out loud ever!!!! Dear reader, do not read out loud until I say so! Scrivener - A Poem - by Shakara . Sea King of the Empty World - by Drew Finn - Server 51 Mod BlogSeptember 5th, 2018As with any big multiplayer game, a few trolls have reported some horror that stalks them when the server hits 0:00. Seven Days - by Antonio Strumolo - DAY 1Nick switched off the third low-quality recording of Teletubbies he’d seen that afternoon and rubbed tiredly at the bridge of his nose. Severed Tongue - by The Erika Warne-Coles - They cut out my tongue. The Seven Days of Uzia - by Sam P. - The First arrived on a clear, sunny Monday. Shadow Beast's - by bc - It started just three months ago in Tokyo Japan, when the shadow monsters first manifested and began there attackon all of humanity. Skelethon - by D. Sierra - On August ██, 2███, this disk was brought to our attention. Sketchy - by Shakara - She didn’t know how she got there. Skinwalker - by SIAD - (This entry is animated...give it a look!!!) Slender Man’s Super Secret Lost YouTube Video - by Ben Aron - I’ve always been interested in the unknown. The Snipe - by Derpghost - [The following is a record of journal entries found at the recovery scene of C-2, a cabin in the forest near the town of Salem. Something big - by EbrithilBowser - Something big has been coming through here. Somewhere in America - by Queen Medb - Transcribed from the stories of one Zachariah Cornwall (1847-1947): "Got asked what I am today. Spook House - by Shakara - “AAGGHHH!”Yona’s screams bounced off the walls as the skeletal pirate dummy lurched forward on pistons, its electric cackle rattling through its plastic bones. Standard Alien Abduction Story - by D-Pad - “I think that’s enough for today Barry, don’t you agree?”“Yeah, you’re right. The Stars are Watching - by Harold Neil Riggs - I knew a woman, once, who lived in an apartment building in the loudest, noisiest neighborhood, in the heart of the city. The Stench Was Unbearable - by PartlySmith - I never knew my apartment neighbor very well to be honest, but he always seemed like a nice enough guy. Sum un mare - by Jac R. B. - I dont know how i could be a victim of such circumstance. swim needs to know what this is - by Claude Turner - Originally posted on a Subreddit for unconventional supernatural encounters that was closed to the public during October 2016So, this isn’t the sort of thing that I’m usually comfortable with talking about, but a friend of mine once saw something in Canada that he can’t explain, so I kind of want his story out there in case anyone has ever seen anything like it. syrup runs red - by M.A.W - DISCLAIMER: THIS IS BASED VERY LOOSELY ON SOMEONE I KNOW BUT IS A WORK OF COMPLETE AND UTTER FICTION AND ANYTHING THESE CHARACTERS DO IS COMPLETELY FICTITIOUS AND IN NO WAY REPRESENTS ANY ACTIONS IN THE REAL WORLD. ![]() The Tail Of Coffee Island - by Tyler Nakai - The Tail Of Coffee IslandTo most of Society, Coffee is viewed as an essential part of life. The tale of the Heroic Beast-Slayer - by Gozuforce - « Hey ! ya, over here ! Yeah, the fancy ruff-wearer at the counter. Temple Thief - by Shakara - The explorer pauses. the TRUTH about ants - by Sam Miller - geocities. They Found the Moon and They Say It'll Never Come Back - by Luna Wolf - “You don’t look good. The Thing from the Far Side of the Moon - by Matt theYipper Clark - O joyous day, it has begun!The earth divorces moon and sun. The Things Between the Aspens - by Centipedal - When I was a kid, my dad constantly took me hunting. Time and Wounds or, Descriptions Of Covers From The 90s YA Horror Series BloodyMountain Summer - by Sarah Cleary - ***BloodyMountain Summer #3: Ghost Stories Description of cover: A group of campers gathered around a campfire, their faces lit by the flame. The Tower of Flesh - by Murat Can Ozyonum - Splish and splash, fluids fall down from the heavens. The Twin Lanterns - by L.C. - James never liked the rain, or the cold for that matter. The Tyranny of the Body - by DandelionSteph - "Oh God." Before him lay the head and torso of a nude, unmoving woman. ![]() Waiting For The Bus - by DrDolphinrider - SIERRA, a lanky, young woman in a dark gray hoodie, sits waiting for the bus. She has on headphones and occasionally taps her foot to a song we, the audience, are unable to hear. Waking nightmare - by defenestraion - Today was not a good day. Walking - by Jacob McDonnell - It was tall. Warm Coat - by Shakara - Tammy was cold. We All Dread Turning Into Our Parents - by Eromancery - Elizabeth Seraphina Stanburton awoke to find herself elbow-deep in a hobo’s ribcage. Weather Forecast - by Shakara - Today: Partly cloudy. What Happened in the SeventhOS? - by Eldritchhat - At my first encounter with the Seventh Temple of Athena, the main thing occupying my mind was the sweltering conditions of my abode. What Really Lerks in the dark - by tacoking18 - I am a researcher for an organisation I can not disclose the name of however we have recently discovered something or things that are very disturbing by public standards. What's Bugging Me? - Sunday 7th August 2016 - What's Bugging Me?A blog of daily annoyances. Where do clowns come from? - by Wick - (This entry is a comic.) Who put Bella in the witch elm? - by Wick - "Who put Bella in the Witch Elm?" Scratched on the front of an old tomb in the graveyard the message had read. Winter Break - by Negative_Space - This is the place. ![]() You are what you perceive - by Lionel Collins - I was tired, a long day of classes ov3er. You Can’t Think - by Anonymous - You’ll come back here eventually. The Zoetrope - by Shakara - Marina’s Antiques. Zombies aren't slow and stupid. - by enderlord99 - Zombies aren't slow and stupid. comments powered by Disqus - |